
Chapter 1366 It is really extraordinary, this is a heavenly man!

Chapter 1366 It is really extraordinary, this is a heavenly man!
As soon as the chill hit, Tong Yan quickly backed away.The door of the refrigerator in the freezer can be opened suddenly, which must be caused by the things inside.But what exactly is it?Could it be the frozen head?
Tong Yan only took three steps back, then stopped, and then looked intently into the refrigerator.He wants to see what dares to make trouble in front of him.

The door of the freezer compartment of the refrigerator opened slowly, not only Tong Yan, but even the two children stared at the refrigerator door intently.

Suddenly, I heard a loud "bang", and I don't know what smashed the storage box in the refrigerator, and rushed out from the opened refrigerator door.

The speed was astounding, almost passing Tong Yan in the blink of an eye.

It was also because the speed of this thing was too fast and too sudden, Tong Yan couldn't react for a while.When he came back to his senses, the thing had already found the window and smashed it out.

It may be that it has been frozen in the refrigerator for too long, the thing passed by Tong Yan, Tong Yan only felt a chill all over his body, and couldn't help shivering.

Tong Yan didn't actually see what it was, he just saw that it was spherical and covered with frost.To be able to escape in his hands is definitely not an easy thing, and it may be related to the mysterious disappearance of the people in this village.

Thinking of this, he will go to catch up.But when he ran to the window, he immediately saw Qiang Liang who was chasing after him first.Since Qiangliang is chasing after him, he doesn't need to bother too much.Now, it's time to find out who these two children really are.

Why do you say that?Because he made a new discovery, and it was about these two children.

After moving his body, the cold air that made him very uncomfortable just now disappeared.After sorting out his emotions, he looked at the two children again.

Seeing that the two children were also looking at him, he immediately showed a faint smile, and then said: "As the saying goes, people can't be judged by their appearance, and the sea can't be measured. It turns out that I really underestimated you. Now I think we should have a good time." Let's talk, you should know a lot of things I want to know. Come, sit down!"

Having said that, he stretched out his hand and pulled a chair from the dining table beside him to sit down, and motioned for the two children to sit down on the chair in front of him.

The two children hesitated for a while, and finally walked up to him obediently, and obediently sat down on the chair opposite him.

"Come on, are you guys taking the initiative to speak, or should I ask questions?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the child with the strange face asked in confusion: "You...what do you want to ask us? We really don't know much. Don't look at me as weird and ugly, but I It's really a human, not a monster. Please trust me, okay?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded and said, "Of course I believe you, but the premise is that you have to tell me the truth. For example, the house is pitch black, and I can see at night because I am cultivated enough for night vision. What about you? You can see everything clearly in this dark room. Isn’t it too strange? Also, you know that there are human heads in the freezer layer of the refrigerator, but you dare to take them from the refrigerator? Food. Aren’t you afraid that the head in the refrigerator will kill you? Well, I don’t want to ask too many questions at once, let’s answer one by one. Everyone is smart, if your strength exceeds me, I think I will I wouldn’t want to meddle in such nonsense.”

After speaking, he immediately spread out the power of the demon in his body, and swam around the bodies of the two children in front of him.

He originally thought that these two children would make some resistance, and even fight him desperately, but he didn't expect that these two children would actually confess everything honestly.

"We...we are indeed human, but...but we are not ordinary people, but..."

"But what? Don't be hesitant, tell me clearly earlier, so I can leave earlier."

Hearing this, the strange-faced child swallowed dryly and said, "We are... Heavens!"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan couldn't help being startled, and immediately confirmed: "Heavenly people? Heavenly people?"

The strange-faced child nodded slightly, but then shook his head again, nodding and shaking his head now, it was really confusing.

"We are indeed celestial beings, but...but we are not considered celestial beings, because we have never been to the heavenly world since we were born, and we have always lived as mortals. If it wasn't for my sudden change in appearance, I am afraid that we will never know our origins as heavenly beings. But everything is doomed, and we can’t hide even if we want to. Sigh..."

Seeing the child sighing with this strange face, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "So you mean that you didn't look like this before, and why did you suddenly change your face? Then who is your real identity? Tell you? Is it your parents?"

The weird-faced child shook his head and said, "No... no! Our parents are just our adoptive parents, they are real mortals. As for our real identities, the old grandma actually told us."

"Grandma? Which grandma? Could it be the thing that escaped just now?"

Hearing this, the strange-faced child nodded and confirmed: "Yes, it is her. She is also a celestial being just like us. It's just that she has been in the world for too long, and her lifespan is approaching. In the end, only one head was left behind."

Tong Yan was thinking quickly in his mind, his mind was in a mess right now, he didn't have a clue at all.

"So it was the head of the old lady who told you your true identities. What about your adoptive parents? And the people in this village? Where are they? Could it be that they have been murdered?"

The strange-faced child said with some uncertainty: "I... I don't know too well, but... But a few days ago, a god from the heavens and a god from the underworld came to the village. And they came After that, my adoptive parents and adoptive parents just... disappeared."

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately fell into deep thought.

"The gods of the heaven? The gods of the underworld? When did the people of the heaven and the underworld get together? Could it be that the mysterious disappearance of the people in this village is really related to these two gods? Maybe, maybe not, but I'm afraid it's not true. So simple."

After thinking for a moment, Tong Yan asked again: "Since you know that you are heavenly beings, do you know why you are in the human world? Shouldn't heavenly beings be in the heavenly realm?"

The weird-faced child hesitated for a while, and finally said truthfully: "Actually, we can't tell. The old lady just told us that this is the arrangement of a big man in the heaven. And not only the two of us, there are many others in the world." Heavenly beings like us. We must stay in the human world honestly, when we receive a call from the heavenly realm, when can we return to the heavenly realm.”

Hearing what the strange-faced child said, Tong Yan's brows furrowed even tighter.

Why does the heavenly world arrange so many children of heavenly beings in the human world?What is the purpose of doing this?

(End of this chapter)

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