
Chapter 1367 The birth of man and heaven, sudden change!

Chapter 1367 The birth of man and heaven, sudden change!
Obviously, everything this strange-faced child knew was told by the old grandma he said. Instead of asking this strange-faced child, it is better to ask the mysterious old grandma directly.

But they don't know whether Qiangliang can catch up with the old lady and bring her back smoothly.

Tong Yan stared at the two children again, sighed softly and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. After all, you are innocent in the end. By the way, you mentioned the heaven and the underworld earlier. The spirits of the gods came here together, do you remember their appearance?"

The weird-faced child shook his head and said, "We didn't see them at all, but the old grandma told us quietly and told us to hide well and never go out."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then smiled slightly: "Maybe that old lady is doing it for your own good. After all, everyone in this village has disappeared, and you two are left safe and sound. That's okay, let's do this first. You still Are you hungry? I'll make you something to eat."

After speaking, he stood up and planned to cook a meal for these two little "heavenly beings".

But as soon as he stood up, he heard Qiangliang's shout outside the window.

"Boss, I caught that thing back. It is a human head that has become a spirit. What are you going to do with it? Do you destroy it, or show it to you?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled and said, "Don't be in a hurry, show me first."

Qiang Liang agreed, and in a flash, he flew in through the broken window and landed in front of Tong Yan.

"Look, boss, it's just such a thing!"

Tong Yan looked at Qiang Liang's raised arm, and what he was holding was indeed an extremely ugly human head.This head may have been frozen in the refrigerator for too long, and it is not in the refrigerator at the moment. The frost on it has already turned into water. In addition, the hair on this head is sparse, and a lot of hair is stuck to the scalp, which is very sloppy.Looking at the appearance of the head again, it was indeed an old lady, with a pale face, full of wrinkles, sunken eye sockets, blue lips, and the incision on the neck looked like a sarcoma, which showed that the head was still alive.

At this time, the head's eyes were tightly closed, and it seemed that he was unwilling to look at others.

After Tong Yan looked it over, he smiled and said, "There is only one head left to survive, old lady, you are really not simple. Hearing these two children say that you came from the sky, it shows that you have a high status. Come on, Qiangliang, hurry up and put this great god on the table, it's really rude of us to carry it like this."

When Qiang Liang heard it, he immediately said with disdain: "Master? God of bullshit! It's just a broken head, and I can squeeze it out in no time. Boss, I think it's better to kill it directly. We don't want to waste time with this kind of thing."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "Don't talk nonsense, we are good people, how could we kill innocent people indiscriminately? Listen to me, put her on the table!"

Seeing that Tong Yan insisted on this, Qiang Liang let out a light oh, and then put the old lady's head on the table.

The two children hugged each other, but their eyes all fell on the old lady's head.

Qiang Liang turned his head and glanced at the two children, only showing a sneer, and said no more.

Seeing that the head of the old lady was still silent, Tong Yan said helplessly: "It is said that those who know the current affairs are outstanding, but most people are still obsessed with it. I didn't expect that people in heaven are like this. It's really helpless. .Old lady, in fact, it doesn’t make any sense for you to keep silent now. These two children have already told me truthfully what I want to know. Although I wonder why the heavens placed you in the human world, I guess that this pair of human beings I’m afraid it’s definitely not lucky, right? Not only that, I also know that there are more than the three of you from the heavenly world. If you don’t want to tell me, I can also find other heavenly beings. With my means, I can find you in the human world It shouldn't be difficult to have a few celestial beings. But one thing, how do you think I will deal with the uncooperative celestial beings? Although I haven't thought about it now, my brother may share my worries for me. What will the consequences be? , think about it for yourself, whether you are a human or a celestial being, living is the most important thing, are you right?"

After Tong Yan said so much, he just wanted the old lady to cooperate.But who would have expected that the old lady would clenched her teeth tightly and would not let go.

Tong Yan was a little speechless, he really didn't want to be tough, but judging from the current situation, if the old lady in the celestial realm were not to suffer, I'm afraid she would really be unable to pry her mouth open.

"Old lady, I have already said what I should say. Since you really don't want to talk to me, I'd better be sensible. After all, in the eyes of you celestial beings, mortals like us are Skywalkers. And I will never look directly at you. Who told you to come from the sky? From the very beginning, you have been high above and out of reach! Qiang Liang, I leave this place to you, and I am going out!"

After speaking, he raised his leg and was about to leave.

But at this moment, the old lady Tianren who had been silent and closed her eyes suddenly opened her eyes and asked, "Skywalker? You... are you Skywalker?"

Hearing the old lady speak, Tong Yan hurriedly stopped, and then replied truthfully: "Yes, I am Skywalker, what? Are you willing to talk to me?"

The old lady sighed softly: "You are Skywalker, I shouldn't be so indifferent to you. Little brother, if you want to know anything, just ask!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing bitterly. He really didn't expect that his status as a Skywalker would have such a big face. It seems that what Skywalker brought to him was not all bad luck, at least he had more respect.

Since the old lady is willing to communicate with him, he can naturally ask his doubts clearly.Sitting down on the chair again, he began to ask questions.

"Old lady, these two children told me something before, and I have a little understanding of your situation. But what I want to know most is, why did the heavens send you to the human world? And let these heavenly children Growing up in the world, what is the purpose of doing this?"

After hearing this, the old lady was silent for a while, and then replied: "In fact, they not only grew up in the world, but were born in the world."

"Born in the world? They can't be born by heaven and man in the world, can they?"

The old lady denied: "No, that's not the case! Their birth was not a natural childbirth, but a womb!"

Borrowed?Tong Yan has only heard of resurrecting the soul from a dead body, but he has never heard of rebirth from a womb.But just from the literal understanding, maybe you can guess something.

"You mean, they were born of mortals? But they themselves are heavenly beings? Wouldn't this be a bit contradictory?"

The old lady chuckled and said, "It's very contradictory, but it's absolutely true. This is how I was born."

Hearing this, Tong Yan was very curious and wanted to continue asking questions, but what he didn't expect was that the old lady's head suddenly... suddenly exploded without warning!
what happened?What is going on here?
(End of this chapter)

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