
Chapter 1376 Stuck in the belly of the fish, faint blue light!

Chapter 1376 Stuck in the belly of the fish, faint blue light!
Tong Yan calmed down a bit, and then asked the Kuafu clansman, "You said you would leave here when the time is right? What are you waiting for?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu clan laughed and said, "Didn't you find something special in this big guy's belly?"

Tong Yan was puzzled, and then asked, "What's special? What's special?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said: "This big guy has supernatural power, and he has gathered a lot of heaven and earth energy in his belly. It is very lucky to be able to practice in such a place!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sensed his surroundings a little, and said with a chuckle, "The aura here doesn't seem to be too outstanding. How is practicing here different from practicing on those Taoist fairy mountains? I think you are a drunkard You mean you are not in the bar? Tell me, why do you refuse to leave?"

The Kuafu tribe was a little embarrassed, so they had to say truthfully: "Actually, I'm doing it for the blood of this big guy. You also know that my current body is not my real body at all. I need a strong body, I need to recover The strength of the past, but it is a bit slow to rely on absorbing the energy of heaven and earth. So, I decided to drain the blood of this big guy, so that I can recover faster and increase my strength faster."

When Tong Yan heard this, his heart trembled, and he asked, "Draining this big guy's blood can restore your strength? Then what is the difference between you and monsters?"

The Kuafu tribe shook his head and smiled: "No, no, although I also suck blood, I don't suck those innocent and mediocre people. I'm different from demons, I never harm people. Besides, this big guy Eating and swallowing indiscriminately here will make a big mistake sooner or later. Instead of waiting for it to gain consciousness and harm people everywhere, I might as well suck up its blood, and it can be regarded as doing justice for the sky."

Tong Yan frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with your approach. But you haven't told me yet, what is this big guy?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe was stunned, and then he laughed and said, "Brother, you haven't guessed what it is, have you? With such a big body and supernatural power, it is naturally among the beasts. Well, Let me tell you, this is Kun!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was shocked again.What is Kun? "There is a fish in the dark north, and its name is Kun. The size of the Kun is unknown, and it is thousands of miles away!" This is talking about the Kun.

The reason why Tong Yan was shocked was because this Kun reminded him of his old enemy, Kunpeng.

The first two sentences are actually incomplete, and there are a few more sentences in the back, which also reveal the relationship between Kun and Kunpeng.

"There is a fish in the Northern Darkness. Its name is Kun. Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles away it is. It turns into a bird. Its name is Peng. The back of Peng doesn't know how many thousands of miles it is. When it flies in anger, its wings are like The cloud hanging from the sky is the bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming; the Nanming is the Tianchi. Thousands of miles, those who go up to [-] miles, and those who go to rest in June."

What do these few words say?First, he introduced the big fish like Kun, and then said that Kun can be transformed into a big bird after training, that is Kunpeng.

So this also means that the kun that swallowed them now will also become a kunpeng in the near future.One Kunpeng has already brought a lot of disasters to the world, and another one, will there be peace in this world?

Tong Yan sighed softly, and then said to the Kuafu tribe: "Brother Kuafu, if you want to suck its blood, then you can suck it. But how long will you need? Miss Juxing is in prison, and her life and death are uncertain. I really can't wait." You took too long. How about I rush out first, and you slowly absorb the essence and blood yourself?"

When the Kuafu tribe heard this, they hurriedly stopped them and said, "Don't, don't, don't rush out. If you forcibly cut open the belly of this big guy and rushed out, do you know how much blood you will waste? Besides, you If this big guy is angered, it can't jump out and turn the world upside down. Be safe, don't be impatient, be safe and don't be rash. Give me three days, and in just three days, I can suck the blood of this big guy What do you think, let’s save Jupiter girl together when the time comes?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan said uncompromisingly: "If I stay with you for three days, if something happens to Miss Juxing, wouldn't I be ashamed of her? Besides, you just said that the reason why the evildoer kidnapped Juxing The purpose of the girl is to let her revive an ancient monster. If the ancient monster is really alive, it may be more harmful than this Kun? No, I can't follow you, I have to get out now!"

The Kuafu tribe felt helpless, but they had to continue to persuade: "Omen, think about it, if Miss Jupiter really resurrected the ancient giant monster, can she still live? She is not stupid, as long as she doesn't resurrect for a day, she will be alive." The ancient monster, she is safe. So there is no need for you to worry about her, she is very safe now. Not only that, even if you rush out now, can you find her? What if you encounter something again, maybe You haven't found her before me. Are you right? So, let's stay here safely, and in just three days, I can suck up the blood of this big guy, and then we will save people together. Sure, sure. How about it?"

What the Kuafu tribe said is not unreasonable, as long as the spirit of Jupiter does not revive the ancient monster, she will be safe for a day.If Tong Yan wanted to rescue her, he had to get the help of this Kuafu clansman, so it would be okay to wait for three more days.

After thinking it over and over again, Tong Yan finally nodded and said, "Okay, then we'll stay here for three days. But if you suck blood here, won't this kun make trouble?"

The Kuafu clansmen laughed and said, "What's the trouble with it? It just waits for death quietly, a sane cripple, exhausted all over, can't make trouble even if it wants to!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and then found a dry place to sit cross-legged.

It's a little strange that Tong Yan didn't smell any special smell in this Kun's stomach, nor did he see any liquid that aids in digestion, so how does this Kun digest food?
He raised his eyes and looked inside, only to find that there are dozens of passage-like flesh walls inside, presumably the Kun's real digestive system is not here, but somewhere further inside.

Anyway, if you have nothing to do, it's better to have a look.With this thought, he immediately stood up and wanted to look deep into the Kun's belly.

But at this moment, the Kuafu tribe stopped him in time. "Omen Star, you'd better stay here. The further you go in, the more dangerous it is, and there's no need to take risks for it. We'll leave in three days. Are you right?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "Yes, I was too curious. That's fine, I'd better practice with peace of mind, and slowly absorb your blood essence!"

With that said, he sat down again.

However, what he didn't expect was that within half an hour after he sat down here, faint blue light appeared in the more than a dozen passages separated by fleshy walls that he saw just now. What happened? What's the matter?

(End of this chapter)

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