
Chapter 1377 The thing in the sea, the pearl is named Sea God!

Chapter 1377 The thing in the sea, the pearl is named Sea God!
The way Kuafu clansman sucked Kun's blood essence was very special. He just pressed one hand on the sarcoma under his body, and then saw his hand slowly glowing red. The blood was sucked into his body.

But if you follow this method, if you want to absorb the essence and blood of such a huge monster, can you really do it in three days?

Tong Yan didn't talk too much about asking this, because the Kuafu tribe had already sworn that it would only take three days, so he really didn't have to confirm anything, let's just think so.

He intends to practice here for three days in peace and stability, but the problem is that he has the power of the heavenly demon in his body. In such a place with plenty of aura, it is difficult for him to improve his cultivation a little bit. Forcibly merging two opposite gases is just asking for trouble.He has to solve this problem sooner or later, otherwise, he can only rely on the power of the stars to improve his strength.

But it's nothing if he can't improve his cultivation now. He can heal the injuries he suffered before, and three days is enough for him to adjust to the best condition to deal with the final battle with that evildoer.

The Kuafu tribe was busy absorbing the Kun's blood essence, while he was busy treating his injuries, so neither of them noticed the faint blue light not far away in the first place.

After half a day like this, Tong Yan's injuries have fully recovered, which is much faster than he expected before.

His body had already recovered, so he naturally didn't need to continue to heal his injuries, so he opened his eyes and planned to get up and move his muscles and bones.And when he stood up like this, he accidentally saw the faint blue light glowing in the passages separated by the dozen or so fleshy walls.

"What's going on? Why is this Kun's belly still glowing? Could it be that some baby was swallowed by it unintentionally?"

Thinking of this, he raised his legs and slowly approached the dozen or so passages that looked like stacked pipes.The Kuafu tribe once reminded him not to go inside, it would be dangerous.But this blue light is too eye-catching, since he found it, how could he turn a blind eye?

There is a saying that people with high skills are daring, and the higher the ability, the more daring a person will be.This sentence is perfect to describe Tong Yan, who told him that he never knew to be afraid?

The Kuafu tribe absorbed Kun's essence and blood wholeheartedly, so naturally they didn't notice his actions, otherwise, they should have stopped them.But even so, curiosity has been born, and he will check it out anyway.

After only a few seconds, he had come to the dozen or so so-called passages. He looked inside intently, but it was still not enough to see what was emitting the blue light.

But after arriving here, mucus and unpleasant smells appeared around him and under his feet, and if he continued to move forward, it would definitely increase the danger.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally raised his legs and moved forward.He really wanted to see what was emitting such a dazzling blue light.

There are more than a dozen pipeline-like channels, and blue light can be seen in any channel, so this means that these dozens of channels are connected to each other, and the things that emit blue light are located in these dozens of channels. junction of pipelines.

In this way, he doesn't need to choose anything, just pick one at random, and he can see the glowing thing when he walks inside.

Fortunately, this passage is enough for him to walk upright, otherwise, it would be too uncomfortable to climb in, just because the surrounding of this circular passage is full of yellow slime, walking on it is like stepping on thick glue, Not only is the smell unacceptable, but the sticky feeling is even more overwhelming.

It was really unbearable, so he could only hold his breath and forcefully move forward.

After walking more than 300 steps like this, he was already unable to open his eyes due to the dazzling blue light. Fortunately, he could open his spiritual eyes, and with the help of his spiritual eyes, he could barely see things in front of him clearly.

Continue to move forward until he has walked more than 1000 steps before finally reaching the end of the so-called passage.Looking up, his eyes suddenly widened.

He finally saw the blue light, but what was it?

He saw a blue light ball floating like that. Although it was small, only the size of an egg, the blue light it released was really astonishing, like a star.But he can be sure that this thing is definitely not a star, nor should it come from the sky.

Where did this thing come from?He thought of the sea!

I am afraid that many people will think of the blue sky and the blue sea when they see blue.And the reason why he is more inclined to the sea is because he perceives a kind of silence and depth belonging to the sea in this small blue ball.

"Isn't this a treasure? Should I accept it?"

If you see a treasure and don’t take it, that’s something a fool would do. In addition, this treasure is absolutely unowned, and if you don’t take it, you don’t want to take it. Anyway, this kun can’t live for three days. Instead of letting it follow this kun Let the dead body rot together, it is better to let it see the light of day again.

But just when he was about to do it, unexpectedly, Xuan Mo's voice sounded from the pendant on his neck.

This pendant is what Xuan Mo's Xuanming Blade transformed, and Xuan Mo's beast soul has been staying in this pendant.It's just that Xuan Mo hasn't spoken for a long time, and Tong Yan always thought that he was retreating in this pendant, so he didn't bother.Now that Xuan Mo spoke suddenly, Tong Yan was overjoyed.

But Xuan Mo's words did not expect to be related to the blue ball, and he directly said the name of the ball.

"Brother Tong, you'd better not get close to it. It's not something you can touch. This is the Sea God Orb! According to legend, it was the first god in the sea to die. It is not a sea creature. Any other creature that touches it will be destroyed." It will be turned into clear water in an instant, and the body and soul will be destroyed!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked: "Brother Xuanmo, are you sure you read it correctly? What kind of Sea God Orb is this really? If so, why did such a treasure appear in the body of this Kunyu?"

Xuan Mo chuckled and said, "Maybe it's fate! This kun should have come from the sea and accidentally swallowed the Sea God Orb, but for some reason, it came here again. In short, this may all be predestined ! Why should we get to the bottom of it?"

Tong Yan said lightly, and then said: "Since this Sea God Orb is a treasure, wouldn't it be a pity not to take it away? I can't touch it, you should be able to, right? Why don't you take it away?"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo responded, "Okay, I have exactly the same intention! You also know that my body has been destroyed, and I have been suffering from the inability to reshape my body. If I can get this Sea God Orb, maybe I can use sea water to replace it." The body has been reshaped!"

Reshape the flesh with sea water?Tong Yan had never heard of it.But since Xuan Mo wants this Sea God Orb, maybe it will really benefit him a lot, which is really exciting!
(End of this chapter)

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