
Chapter 1378 This is fate, it's too late to regret!

Chapter 1378 This is fate, it's too late to regret!
"Xuan Mo, this Sea God Orb can really reshape your body? Then what are you waiting for, take it away!"

Xuan Mo heard this, and said a little owed: "But...but if I take him in, will you...would you blame me? After all, this Sea God Orb is a treasure. If you enter, you will also have the ability to control the sea water and command the spirits in the sea. Are you really willing?"

Tong Yan said without even thinking about it: "Of course I am willing. We are brothers, brothers who live and die together. If you can really reshape the body, I will be too happy. How can I blame you? How can I not be willing? Okay, don't give up. Delayed, you take it now!"

Indeed, Xuan Mo really needed this Sea God Orb, but the Sea God Orb was the most precious treasure of the sea, and no one wanted to get it. Tong Yan was so forthright, but he didn't know what to do.

Tong Yan may have guessed Xuan Mo's worries, so he comforted him again: "Stop thinking about it, if you still recognize me as a brother, then take it away. Brothers should have the same blessings and difficulties, if you I'm sorry, aren't you alienating me? Alright, let's do it quickly!"

After hearing Tong Yan's words, Xuan Mo finally agreed. "Okay, then I won't be polite. Brother Tong, you are my brother, and you will always be!"

As soon as his words fell, the pendant transformed by Xuanming Blade immediately glowed black, and then saw the pendant detached from Tong Yan's neck, and flew directly to the floating Sea God Orb.

Tong Yan watched quietly, feeling nothing but joy in his heart.

The closer the Xuanming Blade gets to the Sea God Orb, the larger its volume becomes.Finally, a sound of "ding" was heard, the Xuanming Blade and the Sea God Orb finally came into contact, and after that, a groove appeared on the Xuanming Blade, just in time to suck the Sea God Orb into it until it was completely wrapped.

The Sea God Orb was wrapped by the Xuanming Blade, and the original dazzling blue light disappeared without a trace, and at the same time, the big kun shook violently as if it had been stimulated.

It wasn't a big deal for the big Kun to shake, but the passage where Tong Yan was located was also closed, and his feelings were going to completely digest him.

Tong Yan doesn't know how strong the big Kun's digestion ability is, but it's definitely not wise to stay here.

He glanced at the floating Xuanming Blade, and immediately shouted loudly: "Xuan Mo, this is Kun's stomach, let's get out of here quickly, otherwise, we may encounter some danger."

As soon as Xuan Mo heard this, he immediately turned into a pendant again and flew in front of Tong Yan.

Tong Yan didn't delay, grabbing the pendant, and instantly shifted his shape, and fled out quickly before the passage was completely closed.

The disturbance caused by Tong Yan, the people of Kuafu clan were naturally not immune to it. He was still sucking the blood essence of the big Kun in a safe and sound way, but after being disturbed by Tong Yan, the speed of absorbing blood essence was obviously slowed down a lot, and Trembling and shaking so violently that he couldn't even sit still.

He looked around and saw that there was no trace of Tong Yan, and already guessed that it was Tong Yan who made the mess. In desperation, he could only wait patiently in the same place, waiting for the big Kun to calm down, and for Tong Yan to return safely.

After a while, Tong Yan finally returned safely.

When the Kuafu tribe saw that he had just returned from the depths of the big Kun's belly, their expressions changed slightly, and then returned to their original appearance.

"Where did you go? How did you anger this big Kun?"

Tong Yan is in a good mood now. Hearing the question from the Kuafu clansman, he immediately replied truthfully: "I went inside to have a look, and I got a treasure by accident. Brother Kuafu, this is called a tiger cub if you don't enter the tiger's lair." .”

When the Kuafu tribe heard this, they immediately showed complicated expressions on their faces, and then asked again: "What treasure did you get? How did you get it?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Sea God Orb! But this Sea God Orb is useless to me, but it happens to be useful to my brother, so I gave it to him."

When the Kuafu family members heard this, their faces showed disappointment, and they said helplessly: "It was really a thousand calculations, but in the end it was wrong. Tianmoxing, do you know that I want that baby too? Why don't you ……well……"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and said with great interest, "Why? You already knew about that Sea God Orb? But since you wanted it, why didn't you go get it? Oh, I know. That's why you are here to absorb the blood essence of the big kun. As long as you have the blood essence of the big kun in your body, you are equivalent to the creatures in the sea, and you can go to get the sea god bead. Is that so? ?”

The Kuafu tribe sighed softly and said: "That's right, this was my plan. It's a's a pity that you still got there first. But you said you gave the Sea God Orb to your friend, what friend?"

Tong Yan said with a smile: "Young Master of the Xuanwu Clan, my good brother! Look, it's right here!" He said, and showed the Kuafu Clan members the Xuanming Blade Pendant in his hand.

Seeing this, the Kuafu clansman fell to the ground, probably at this moment he even wanted to die.

In fact, sucking the blood essence of the big kun did not help him recover his strength much, it can only be said that it helped little, his real purpose was to get the Sea God Orb in the big kun's belly.But he was not a sea creature, so he couldn't touch the Sea God Orb, so he came up with a way to suck the blood essence of the great Kun.But unfortunately, before he could succeed, Tong Yan got ahead of him.It can only be said that everything is fate, and obviously, his fate is not as good as Xuan Mo's.

Tong Yan naturally understood everything. Seeing that the Kuafu family members were so disappointed, he could only comfort him: "Brother Kuafu, I'm really sorry. I didn't know about this. If you had told me in advance, I wouldn't have gone to check it out. Yes. But you just don’t tell the truth, no, it’s unpleasant. I can only say sorry, please be more considerate!”

The Kuafu clansman said a little lonely: "What's the use of blaming you now, this is fate. Forget it, don't mention this. Let's go, let's get out of here and rescue Juxing girl!"

With that said, he stood up directly.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "You don't drink the blood of this big kun anymore? Don't you still have to rely on it to recover your strength?"

The Kuafu tribe said in embarrassment: "Forget it, the most important thing is to save people. Let's go, let's go quickly!"

Tong Yan suppressed the smile in his heart, then nodded.

This big Kun is so restless, and now it can be peaceful, because its end has come.

Tong Yan hung the pendant transformed from the Xuanming Blade around his neck again, and then pulled out the Blue Soul Sword.

How to leave the big Kun's belly here?Naturally, it broke out!Such a big Kun must not be kept, and how many people may be killed by this thing in the future.

Without further hesitation, Tong Yan and the Kuafu clansmen shot at the same time.

After howling, the big kun died here.

But what Tong Yan and the others didn't expect was that when the big Kun died, the blood in his body instantly dyed the entire underground river red.After that, even bigger troubles followed!
(End of this chapter)

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