
Chapter 1379 Become an adult, the land of immortals!

Chapter 1379 Become an adult, the land of immortals!
A member of the Kuafu clan led the way, and Tong Yan immediately followed him to swim to the river bank.But before they could swim out of the water, the icy river had turned blood red.It was the Kun's blood that dyed the underground river red, but I didn't expect that the river water would start to coagulate somehow after merging with the Kun's blood. After only a while, ice balls appeared in the water, and after a while, Large ice crystals appear.If this continues, the entire underground river will freeze completely. By then, it will become more and more difficult for Tong Yan and the Kuafu tribe to break out of the underground river.

Both Tong Yan and the Kuafu clan sensed something was wrong. The only thing they could do now was to go upstream as fast as possible. Only by swimming out of this underground river earlier could they escape the danger of being frozen in the river.

It's just that the river condensed so fast that they had just swam a few meters before they were completely frozen in the underground river by the rapidly condensed water, making it difficult to move.

Such a situation was beyond their expectation, but fortunately, this predicament did not make them completely despair.Even if they are sealed in thick ice, they are confident that they can escape from the sky and turn the crisis into safety.

It's really not good to be unable to move the whole body, but what's more uncomfortable than this is the piercing chill.Being in the ice, it was really too cold, it was so cold that it made your limbs stiff, and it was so cold that you were physically and mentally exhausted.

Tong Yan tried his best to mobilize the power of the demon in his whole body, let the power of the demon accelerate the blood flow, hoping to make himself more comfortable.But in this way, the consumption of the power of the demon was much greater than usual.

In desperation, he stopped using the power of the celestial demon, and switched to the power of the stars, trying to retain the power of the celestial demon as much as possible, so that he could fight with all his strength when he went to rescue the spirit of Jupiter.

But this can only save his life, it is definitely not a long-term solution. To get out of such a predicament, he must find a way to cut through the ice, but is it easy to cut through the ice?

He is very clear in his heart that it is impossible to do it with his own ability alone, and only with the help of his own magic weapon can there be a glimmer of possibility.

What instrument do you use?The first thing he thought of was the Phoenix Heavenly Sword!The sword spirits in the Phoenix Heavenly Sword are one phoenix and one phoenix. Not only are they extremely sharp, but the most important thing is that they can spew out flames.What to use to deal with the ice?Flame is of course the best choice.

Without further hesitation, he immediately shouted with his mind: "Phoenix Heavenly Sword, please help me break out of the ice and get out of this trap!"

The Phoenix Heavenly Sword was summoned, and immediately broke free from his carrying bag. Immediately afterwards, he saw the flames on the Phoenix Heavenly Sword sword body, and almost in the blink of an eye, the ice on the side of his body was melted into blood. .

The flame continued to expand, and his whole body finally regained its freedom.

But this is only the first step, the second step is to break through the ice and reach the ice in one fell swoop.

He no longer relied solely on the Phoenix Heavenly Sword to melt the ice upwards, he himself also pulled out the Blue Soul Sword and slashed upwards vigorously.

After some hard work, an upward passage has been dug out.But he didn't continue to go up, because the Kuafu tribe was also frozen in the ice, and he really couldn't ignore it.

Fortunately, the Kuafu tribe was not far away from him. In just three or two minutes, he dragged out the frozen Kuafu tribe.

But the situation of the Kuafu family members is very bad, at this time he has lost consciousness.

Tong Yan didn't stay too long, leaving here is the most important thing. After all, the temperature here is too low, staying for a long time will definitely do harm to the body and will not do any good.

With the Kuafu clansman on his back, Tong Yan manipulated the Phoenix Heavenly Sword with his thoughts, and then he dug upwards with the sword in one hand, until he was a little exhausted, and finally he dug through the frozen underground river and came to the ice surface.

Although they escaped safely, the Kuafu tribe passed out completely due to the freezing. In desperation, Tong Yan could only take him away from the underground river, and stopped at a place where the temperature was slightly higher.

Putting the Kuafu clansman on the ground, Tong Yan immediately mobilized the power of the stars, intending to help his blood circulation and wake him up earlier.

It's just unexpected that the physical body where the Kuafu clansmen lived has completely lost its vital signs, even if Tong Yan tried his best to save them, it would be of no avail.

There is no way, this body was made by the old thief Bai Yong after all, and it is still very different from the body of a normal person. It can be used for so long, which is already good.I just don't know if the destruction of the physical body will affect the Kuafu tribe's body. If they lose their bodies, how will the Kuafu tribe live? They can't find another one.

Tong Yan looked down for a while, then sighed softly: "Brother Kuafu, I am really sorry, there is only so much I can do. I hope you wake up early, after all, this is not a place to stay for long. We We have to get out of here, we have to save Jupiter girl, we really can't stay here for too long. But if you can't wake up earlier, maybe I can only send you out of here first."

This is just his soliloquy, after all, he is really powerless now.

Glancing around, he sat down slowly, he had to recover his strength, and at the same time think about what he should do next.

After about an hour like this, with the sound of a severe cough, Tong Yan hurriedly looked at the Kuafu tribe again.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the physical body where the Kuafu clansman was boarding would shrivel up quickly, and a large lump bulged on his chest.The appearance of this big bag is really surprising, but Tong Yan is full of expectations for it.

After a while, the body of the Kuafu tribe was completely turned into yellow sand, and the big bag also changed.The big bag squirmed little by little, and began to change its shape little by little.

It was no longer a sphere, but became an ellipse, and then a pie, and then changed again, and turned into a human.

This is not over yet, after it turned into a human form, it began to undergo subtle changes, changing hands, feet, and head, until it completely became a complete human being.

Tong Yan watched intently, he knew that it was transformed by the Kuafu tribe, could it be that the Kuafu tribe could already sculpt their own physical body?

That's right, this is indeed the real body of the Kuafu clansman, he is no longer just that poor hand, but has completely turned into a human being.Of course, he looks like a seven or eight-year-old child now, but his face is full of happy smiles.

With a chubby face, big eyes, short black hair, and a slightly fat body, this is simply a chubby boy.

It wasn't until he didn't change anymore that Tong Yan smiled and said, "Brother Kuafu, congratulations, you've finally reshaped yourself into a human being."

The little fat man smiled at Tong Yan, and then said in a childish voice: "Yes, I finally have my own body. Although I am a little smaller, I don't have to live in the host anymore. Omen Star, Thank you, I know that you rescued me from the river. In order to repay you, I decided to help you go one step further and let you reach the realm of the gods in one fell swoop!"

Immortal Realm?Can the Kuafu people really help Tong Yan improve his cultivation?
(End of this chapter)

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