
Chapter 1381 Don't be afraid, bravely overcome the catastrophe!

Chapter 1381 Don't be afraid, bravely overcome the catastrophe!
Thinking back to the three thunderstorms back then, Tong Yan still vividly remembers them to this day.At that time, he just broke through and reached the realm of the earth fairy, and coincided with a decisive battle with Kunpeng. Three thunderbolts fell in succession, making him unable to resist, and the third thunderbolt almost killed him.Fortunately, his life should not be terminated. With the protection of the demon of Asura Dao, he escaped the catastrophe.

Many years have passed in the blink of an eye, and now he has improved his cultivation and reached the realm of immortality, which also means that he has to bear the test from the gods again, but this time, what he faces is by no means as simple as the three thunders. If he guessed wrong, six thunderbolts would rain down this time, and it would be best to survive it, but if he couldn't survive it, he would never have the slightest chance of surviving.

It would be a lie to say that you are not nervous. The power of the sky thunder is so strong that it can be called a nightmare.But there is no way, this is the test that must be experienced to improve the cultivation base, and there is no way to avoid it.

Of course, after raising a level, his strength will naturally be multiplied. It shouldn't be a problem to survive the first four thunders, but the difficulty lies in the fifth and last thunder. He must think about how to deal with it It is absolutely impossible to cross the calamity blindly, but if you can reasonably arrange the power in your body and use your magic weapon reasonably, there may be a chance of survival.

Regardless of talking to the Kuafu tribe, he immediately began to understand his current strength, and began to consolidate the golden core that had not been formed for a long time.

Although the Kuafu family members were sweating for Tong Yan, he also understood that at this time, Tong Yan could only rely on himself, and no one could help him.

However, after Tong Yan re-examined, he suddenly discovered a problem, that is, at this moment, he not only has the golden core in his body, but also has a lot of power of heavenly demon, plus the power of stars, there are three kinds of power in his body .

He originally thought that the Kuafu tribe would help him convert all the power of the demon into true qi or golden core, but it turned out that the Kuafu tribe only helped him transform part of it.And in this way, will rashly using one of them stimulate the other two forces?At that time, if the three forces fight, let alone cross the catastrophe, the backlash of the three forces will kill him.

However, this is only his speculation. Whether the three forces will backfire requires further verification.

Without further delay, he directly started the verification.How to verify it?That is to use three kinds of power at the same time. If they can coexist peacefully, naturally there is nothing to worry about. If the three kinds of power start to appear incompatible, he can only stop, or even wait for death.

Fortunately, after he mobilized the three powers at the same time, the three powers did not mutually exclude each other. The power of the stars can live in peace with the other two powers. As for the power of the demon, it seems a little timid. Dare to get close to the power of the golden core, and avoid wherever the power of the golden core operates, and in this way, the so-called peace appears.

So far, there is no problem with the three forces.But if the power of the demon grows stronger again in the future, maybe he won't give in blindly to the power of the golden core, but that's a matter for the future, at least for now, Tong Yan can fully prepare for the catastrophe.

Tong Yan was very excited by the power of the golden core. The previous tension and worry were gone, and he felt that he could bravely face the catastrophe.

After consolidating the golden core for a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

It's not that he doesn't want to continue to consolidate his cultivation, but that he already has a sense that the thunder is coming.

When the Kuafu tribe saw him open his eyes, they immediately asked, "Sky Demon Star, are you okay? How do you feel?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan replied directly: "I feel fine now, but the thunder is coming. Brother Kuafu, please stay away from me, so as not to be accidentally injured by the thunder!"

The Kuafu family members nodded and said: "Alright, then you can go through the calamity with peace of mind, and I will help you protect the law. I don't know if that evildoer will sneak attack while you are going through the calamity, but don't worry, as long as I am here, I will definitely protect you." Do my best to keep you safe!"

After being reminded by Kuafu clansmen, Tong Yan thought of the missing evildoer. This is the evildoer's lair. When the sky thunder falls, the evildoer will definitely come to see what happened. Come to sneak attack, he really has no way to deal with it.

Fortunately, there are people from the Kuafu family, and there is an extra security guarantee.

"Brother Kuafu, thank you very much. Tianlei is here!"

As soon as the Kuafu tribe heard this, their figures flashed and they quickly backed away.

And Tong Yan took a deep breath, and released the Tianxing Gangqi and the Star Gangqi at the same time. With these two kinds of Gangqi protecting his body, he is confident that he should be able to withstand the first thunderstorm. After all, he is now The strength of the "immortal" in the realm of the immortals has long been different from what it used to be.

He waited like this for about ten seconds, and then he heard a loud "boom", good guy, the first thunderstorm actually dug out a big hole in this underground cave, and the extremely strong tribulation thunder was like a Like an electric dragon, it bit him directly from top to bottom.

Crossing the catastrophe cannot be avoided, and if you dodge it, you will not be able to successfully cross the catastrophe, so he understands that he must bear it down.

With two consecutive "bang bangs", the Tianxing Gangqi and the Xingchen Gangqi were successively shattered under the bombardment of the robbery thunder, and the powerful electric current immediately swallowed him into them.Only when he let out a painful roar, the current slowly dissipated.

In this way, the first thunderstorm passed without any danger, and his body was only slightly injured.But the next tribulation thunder will be more powerful than the last, he must be mentally prepared for this.

After moving his numb body for a while, he released the Tianxing Gang Qi and the Star Gang Qi again. In addition, he also released the Heavenly Demon Armor and Heavenly Demon Bone Wings this time.

With a loud "click", the second thunder finally came.Not daring to delay, he hastily wrapped his body in it with the demon bone wings.

After a flash of lightning, he also survived the second thunderstorm.Then came the third thunder. This time, the thunder caused him to suffer serious injuries, but it didn't have much effect on his subsequent tribulation.

Time passed bit by bit, and the fourth thunderstorm also landed.But this time the sky thunder is obviously very different from the previous three thunders, at least the color is closer to red, and its power has been increased several times.

Tong Yan knew that the power of the sky thunder had increased too much this time, so he could only use the magic weapon that had never been used in advance to help him overcome the catastrophe.

He sacrificed the Phoenix Heavenly Sword, Blue Soul Sword, Taishan Blade and Shenlong Gloves. Under the protection of the four magical weapons, he barely survived the fourth thunderstorm.

But at this time, he was already dizzy, and his whole body was burnt badly by the electric fire.

With such a body, can he really survive the remaining two thunders?However, at the same time, the heavens have sent magical soldiers and generals to make trouble. Faced with many catastrophes, how should he deal with it?

(End of this chapter)

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