
Chapter 1382 Shattered to pieces, never give up!

Chapter 1382 Shattered to pieces, never give up!
Looking at Tong Yan whose body was scorched black, the eyes of Kuafu clansmen were full of worry.He really wanted to help Tong Yan, but there was nothing he could do.This is only four heavenly thunders, and the power of the remaining two heavenly thunders will be increased by dozens, hundreds of times.If Tong Yan wants to survive, the possibility is very slim.

"Omen Star, you must hold on, you must hold on! If you are still the person you were back then, I think you will be able to survive the tribulation smoothly!"

Naturally, Tong Yan couldn't hear what the Kuafu tribe said, but he still staggered to his feet.Now he looks like he has just crawled out of the stove, the skin on his body has been scorched by the electric fire, only a pair of eyes are still intact.

Seeing him like this makes people feel very sad, but this is just the fourth thunderstorm, and the next two thunderstorms are fatal, the catastrophe that can completely burn him to ashes.

Panting for a few times, he disregarded the pain in his body, and once again displayed the Heavenly Stellar Qi and the Star Stellar Qi.As for the Heavenly Demon Armor and Heavenly Demon Bone Wings, which were badly damaged, it would be meaningless to release them again.

He knew that at this time, he couldn't just rely on his body to fight hard. He needed to fight back against the sky thunder. Only in this way could the power of the sky thunder be weakened to the greatest extent, and the damage could be reduced when it hit his body.

The four artifacts were hovering above his head, and they probably also knew that their master was in a critical moment of life and death.

Trying to calm himself down, he looked up at the sky, welcoming the fifth thunder.

A loud "bang" was heard, and the fifth thunder suddenly fell from the sky.This time, the sky thunder turned into a huge sword, exuding unparalleled powerful energy.

Seeing the thunder coming down from the sky, Tong Yan began to form seals with one hand, and at the same time shouted loudly: "The courage of a hundred soldiers is as strong as a dragon; control it with your heart, and move as you wish. Ninety-nine returns to one. The sword has the help of gods and can sweep away thousands of armies;

As soon as the word "cut" fell, he immediately patted the formed Nine Palaces upwards, and immediately merged with the floating Mount Tai blade.

I saw that the Mount Tai blade suddenly glowed red, and then turned into a giant blade, and directly slashed at the fifth thunder that descended.

This is not over yet, Tong Yan hastily used the Star Sword Jue again, manipulating the Blue Soul Sword to attack Tianlei at the same time.

Afterwards, he used the Phoenix Heavenly Sword to cooperate with the Heavenly Movement Sword Art, and also struck at Tianlei.

He used three supernatural powers in one breath, although he didn't expect to destroy the fifth thunder, but at least weakened the power of this thunder.

Facts have proved that his approach is indeed effective.But it is a pity that in the face of the powerful fifth thunder, his supernatural power can only weaken only one-third of the power, and the remaining two-thirds of the power of the sky thunder is enough to kill him. His life was lost.

Feeling the terrifying Tianlei approaching him, his heart was full of wry smiles.

It seems that he is really a little over his own strength, and it is simply a fantasy to survive the catastrophe in this way.

The power of this fifth layer of sky thunder is too strong, so powerful that it cannot be resisted by human beings at all.

Before Tianlei touched his body, his body began to decompose and shatter.

"The time of death has come, and I still can't get over it after all. God, are you satisfied this time?"

Thinking of this, he slowly closed his eyes.

However, at this moment, the Xuanming Blade pendant hanging on his neck suddenly burst out with dazzling blue light.

This is the light of the Sea God Orb, could it be that Xuan Mo came to help?
With a loud "boom", Tong Yan completely fainted, but the dazzling blue light completely enveloped his broken body.

That's right, it was Xuan Mo who came to help.But even so, Tong Yan's body could not stand up again.The thunder just now destroyed one of his arms and one of his legs.The rest of the body was also dilapidated and seriously injured.

Although he saved his life with Xuan Mo's help, there was the last sky thunder, which was also the most powerful sky thunder.He couldn't resist at all, he didn't have any chance at all.

"Brother Tong, wake up quickly! Brother Tong, you can't give up. If there is one last thunderstorm, you will be able to overcome the calamity. Wake up, wake up quickly! Brother Tong...Brother Tong... "

Xuan Mo shouted loudly, hoping to wake Tong Yan up, but even if he was woken up, why would he carry the last thunder?

But at this moment, two voices suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Omen Star, don't you just give up like this? Are you planning to let us die with you?"

"Omen Star, you already have our power, don't use it now, when are you going to wait? Wait until you turn into dust? Don't you want to find out everything? Don't you want to seek revenge from the heavens? Such a little tribulation If you can’t bear it, you should give up your heart.”

"What more to say? He is a coward, a useless piece of trash. In the eyes of the gods in the heavens, he is just a plaything. Don't even think about turning over!"

These two voices were so clear in his mind that he suddenly woke up.He remembered that these two voices were the spirit of Saturn and the power of Venus that he had inhaled into the imprint of the stars, but he did not expect them to wake him up at this time.

"Yes, I can't just give up like this. I have to do my best, and I have to survive the catastrophe. I want revenge, and I want to seek justice from the heavens. If I die like this, I really have no chance again! The heavens God wants me to die, but I want to survive, no matter what, I must survive!"

Thinking of this, he suddenly opened his eyes, which were full of determination.

Realizing that Tong Yan woke up, Xuan Mo hurriedly shouted: "Brother Tong, don't give up, I will help you."

A helping hand?Tong Yan suddenly thought of something, yes, he still has an arm, a special arm.Whether or not he can survive this last catastrophe, all in one fell swoop!
He tried hard to get up and bear the last thunderstorm, but he couldn't get up, so he could only barely sit up.

The last thunderstorm was coming, and he used his thoughts to drive away the four instruments hovering above his head.At this time, the magic weapon could no longer help him at all.If you continue to use the magic weapon to fight against the sky thunder, it will only completely destroy these four magic weapons.

He has forgotten the pain, and all that remains is the last faith.

With the loud bang of "rumbling", the entire underground cave began to tremble violently, and the sixth thunder finally fell.

Looking up at the gigantic ax transformed from Jielei falling from the sky, Tong Yan suddenly shot two rays of light between his brows.

One is black, it is the power of Saturn; one is gold, it is the power of Venus.

Two rays of light shot out, and he protected his remaining arm above his head.At the same time, Xuan Mo activated the Sea God Orb again, and the dazzling blue light instantly protected him tightly.

Tong Yan has already done what he can, and the rest is up to his luck!
"Tianlei, come! I must defeat you, I must survive! Ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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