
Chapter 1383 Terrible, revival?

Chapter 1383 Terrible, revival?
"Ah... ah..." Tong Yan roared loudly, roaring, he desperately resisted the "punishment" from the gods, and the scorching electric light crazily devastated his body.

The power of Saturn offset part of the power of the thunder for him, and the power of Venus slowed down the speed of the thunder a lot, and the Sea God Orb, the light of the Sea God Orb bore a lot of thunder for him, but even so , the power of the sky thunder that fell on him is also extraordinary, much stronger than the combined power of the previous five sky thunders. If he wants to survive, his hope is slim.

His roar lasted only for a moment, and was never heard again.

The Kuafu tribe shook their heads helplessly, and then stepped forward to check.

Regardless of whether Tong Yan has survived the catastrophe or not, there must be a result, whether he lives or dies.

However, when he walked to the big pit that was bombarded by the sky thunder, he couldn't see Tong Yan at first glance. The pit was scorched black, and it was impossible to tell who was the burnt person and which was the burnt person with the naked eye. rocky soil.

The Kuafu people certainly hope that Tong Yan can survive the catastrophe safely, but judging from the current situation, the chance of Tong Yan's survival is not great.

With a light sigh, he floated directly into the pit, and then shouted: "Omen Star, are you still alive? Can you hear my voice? Omen Star..."

However, there was no response to his cry, and the pit was so lifeless that it was embarrassing.

But he didn't give up just yet, he wanted to find Tong Yan, he didn't believe that Tong Yan left nothing behind.

After searching so carefully for a while, he finally found it.

He saw a pitch-black arm, and under that arm, he saw a face that had been badly burned.Although Tong Yan could no longer be seen on this face, he could still be sure that this was Tong Yan.

Maybe the sixth thunder was so powerful that it directly hit Tong Yan's body into the earth and rocks, so the Kuafu tribe didn't find him immediately.

In order to avoid causing secondary harm to Tong Yan, the Kuafu tribe began digging carefully, but unfortunately, what they dug out in the end was not a complete body anymore.

Looking at the dilapidated body in front of him, his face was full of sadness.He hoped that Tong Yan would live, but Tong Yan's current situation was inseparable from him.He felt a little regretful, if he hadn't made Tong Yan's cultivation greatly improved and reached the realm of the gods in one fell swoop, perhaps Tong Yan would not have become what he is now.

Yes, he regretted it a little.But now, what can regret change?

"Omen Star, maybe I was wrong. I overestimated your strength, I shouldn't help you improve your cultivation. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I hope you can rest in peace!"

He had already given up, he didn't think that such a body could survive and survive.

But what happened to Tong Yan at this moment?

Following his unbearable gaze, Tong Yan's body was really horrible.

Tong Yan's whole body was pitch black, as if he had been burned to charcoal.He has a hand, which is the only thing that is still intact about him.His head was completely scorched, and his eyes, ears and nose were all burnt out. It might be more vivid to say that it is a scorched black skull rather than a head.

Going down from his head, only the neck bone remains, but the pendant of Xuanming Blade is still hanging on his neck. look.

His lower body had been burned to ashes, leaving only the body from the waist up, and even this half of the body was burned to the bone.

However, there was a dark mass left on his chest, maybe it was his heart, but even if the heart was left, it was impossible for him to survive now.

Tong Yan is dead, in the eyes of the Kuafu clan, he must die without a doubt.

The Kuafu tribe looked around again, hoping to find Tong Yan's ghost, but unfortunately, he couldn't find anything.

"Perhaps he's gone out of his wits!"

He shook his head slightly sadly, then bent over and picked up the scorched earth on the ground, intending to bury Tong Yan here.

But before he could help Tong Yan get into the ground, several rays of light suddenly shot down from the big hole dug out by Tianlei.

Noticing something strange, he hastily clenched his fists and prepared for the challenge.

After these beams of light descended, they immediately took human form.It turned out that they were the heavenly elites who were waiting quietly for Tong Yan to encounter a catastrophe, and planned to make trouble.

The Kuafu tribe looked at them coldly, their eyes full of murderous intent.

After these gods descended, they didn't pay much attention to the Kuafu tribe, but focused all their attention on Tong Yan's charred corpse.

Then, one of the gods in golden armor and a red cloak spoke.

"Little thing, is this corpse that Tong Yan'er?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe gritted their teeth and said, "Yes, it's his corpse!"

The Golden Armored God nodded in satisfaction, and then smiled to the other gods who came together: "I thought this boy could survive the catastrophe, but it seems that the Lord God King is worrying too much. They have already become charred corpses, look at them." He looks dead. Let's go, let's go back and return!"

As soon as his words fell, the god beside him stopped him and said, "General Huben, don't rush away. Haven't you heard of resurgence? Although this kid is just a scorched corpse, what if he comes back to life?" What? From my point of view, it is better to bring him back to the heavens and hand him over to God King!"

God General Huben heard this, nodded his head and said: "General Gongya's words are reasonable, we must cut grass and roots, and never give this kid any chance. God General Axe, put this boy's body in your eight treasure bag, and we will return to the heaven immediately .”

Hearing this, the burly man known as the ax master immediately took an eight-color cloth bag from his waist, opened the bag, and was about to put Tong Yan's body in it.

Seeing all this, the Kuafu tribe immediately shouted loudly: "Wait! He is dead, don't you even want to leave his body? Are you worthy of the name of a god general? "

Hearing this, God General Huben stared at the Kuafu tribe with great interest, then smiled contemptuously and said, "What? Could it be that you want to stop us? Little thing, let me tell you, if it wasn't for you to practice hard, otherwise If so, just because you are with this evil, we can punish you together! Leave quickly, or you will be killed without pardon!"

The people of Kuafu's clan felt ashamed of Tong Yan, and now Tong Yan only left this charred corpse, if he couldn't even preserve this last thing, he might not be able to feel at ease in his life.

So no matter what, he had to keep Tong Yan's body, not only an explanation to Tong Yan, but also a kind of "redemption".

"None of you wants to take away his body today, I will protect this body!"

As soon as the words fell, the immature face of the Kuafu tribe showed determination, and then his body began to grow rapidly. It seemed that he was going to use Kuafu's divine power.

(End of this chapter)

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