
Chapter 1384 Stop the gods, is it not dead?

Chapter 1384 Stop the gods, is it not dead?
The behavior of the Kuafu tribe was not taken seriously by the gods. On the contrary, these gods looked at him as if they were watching a joke.

"Little thing, do you really think that you can compete with us when your body grows bigger? To tell you the truth, we came from the sky. If you don't want to die, just obediently get the hell out of this god, otherwise, this god can only let you Reincarnated and reincarnated."

The body of the Kuafu tribe continued to grow, and in just a short while, he turned into a giant five meters tall.

Although he was still a child in appearance, his height and physique were definitely not what a child could have. If he was punched by him, no one would dare to treat him as a child.

No, a self-important guy among the gods didn't take him seriously, and it turned out...

"Little thing, didn't you hear the words of our general Huben? Well, I think you really don't want to live anymore, so this god will fulfill you!"

The one who spoke was another general. Judging from his position, his status among these generals should be slightly lower. To please the high-status generals, and then get the opportunity to improve their status.

He regards the Kuafu tribe as prey to curry favor with his "boss", but this prey is far less easy to kill than he imagined.

Seeing that the Kuafu clansmen were unmoved, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and immediately with one hand, he summoned a mace and attacked the Kuafu clansmen.

The Kuafu tribe saw all this in their eyes, and then he made a move.What was unexpected was that he didn't know whether it was because he shot too fast or the general's reaction was too slow. He swung his huge fist and hit the attacking god head-on. The god didn't even have a chance to dodge that day. He was hit hard by his "iron fist".

I heard a scream of "ah", followed by a loud bang of "boom", good guy, that day the god was blown away by a fist from the Kuafu tribe, and his body was deeply embedded in the stone wall.

With just one punch, a high-ranking god was repelled. The powerful strength displayed by the Kuafu tribe shocked all the gods present.

They all stared at him blankly, as if they were watching some beast.

A few seconds later, Huben God spoke again. "Ahem...that...that friend, I don't know how to call it? Are you a human or a spirit, or a demon or a demon? With such speed and strength, I'm afraid ordinary beasts are no match for you, right?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe replied coldly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I want to keep this charred corpse. If you insist on taking it away, you should defeat me first!"

As soon as he said this, the bow and arrow general next to Huben God showed anger.

"Bold and evil, dare to be an enemy to us, if you want to keep this charred corpse, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

As soon as these words came out, the God of Bow and Arrow grasped Void, and a large purple bow immediately appeared in his hand. "Boom boom boom" three times, he pulled the bowstring three times in a row, and three purple light arrows shot out from the bow in an instant, and shot straight at the Kuafu tribe.

This Bow and Arrow God General moved extremely fast, perhaps his purpose was to beat Kuafu's people so that they had no time to deal with it.

Unexpectedly, the Kuafu tribe once again showed their super strength.If defeating the god with one punch before was a demonstration of his strength, then this time it was a manifestation of his super defensive ability.

He quickly crossed his fists in front of his body, a yellow mask immediately appeared around his body, and at the same time, the three purple light arrows just shot towards him, and three "dang dang dang" sounds, amazing, This mere mask actually blocked all three arrows of the archer general, but he himself was unharmed.

All of the gods were stunned at once, with both offensive and defensive capabilities and superb strength, the Kuafu tribe finally attracted attention.

"No...impossible, he just blocked my magic arrow with his bare hands? It must not be, he must have some powerful magic weapon for protecting himself! Nie Zhan, what kind of magic weapon did you use? Could it be a fairy weapon? Bar?"

It is obviously difficult for General Gongshi to accept this reality, so he firmly believes that the Kuafu tribe has some powerful magic weapon for protection.

The Kuafu tribe didn't take it seriously, but said coldly again: "I know you are the gods in the sky, and I also know the purpose of your trip. But now that the demon star is dead, why don't you let go of his corpse?" Exactly? As the saying goes, if you have to forgive someone and forgive him, let him die in peace, please everyone!"

If he said what he said before, no one would take it to heart, but now he said so, but these gods are in a dilemma.

Huben Tianshen thought for a while, and then said: "Who are you? What is your relationship with this demon star?"

The Kuafu tribe replied: "I have already said that it doesn't matter who I am, what is important is that I just want to do one thing for the Omen Star in the end, which is to let him go to the ground. What do you think is my relationship with him? , I can clearly tell you that he used to be my enemy, but now, he is my friend!"

Huben God heard this, chuckled and said: "An enemy can become a friend? It really opened my eyes! Well, since you want to leave his body behind, then I will grant you, but I have one condition, If you agree, we will turn around and leave this place and return to heaven! What do you think?"

Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe frowned slightly and said, "Conditions? What conditions?"

Huben Tianshen chuckled and said, "The demon star boy has turned into such a miserable state. I think you don't mind if we smash his body to pieces, right? As far as I know, it's safe to bury the ashes in the soil." , so that we can all be satisfied. How about it?"

Although the strength of the Kuafu tribe is not weak, but he is only one person after all, outnumbered, if he puts his life together, he may not be able to win.And in his opinion, Tong Yan would never be able to come back to life if he was like this now, so what's the difference between ashes and bones?

He hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision, which is to agree to the conditions proposed by the gods.

But before he could speak, he accidentally saw a sword on the edge of the cave wall.Of course he recognized this sword, because Tong Yan had used it more than once, and it was Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword.

To be honest, even if he saw the Blue Soul Sword, it wouldn't attract his attention, but at this moment, the Blue Soul Sword was jumping up and down, as if it was dancing.

How clever the Kuafu people are, seeing this, he suddenly realized something and guessed something.

One must know that the Blue Soul Sword is a magic weapon that Tong Yan refined. After using it for so many years, it is no different from the magic weapon of his life, but Tong Yan is dead, why is the Blue Soul Sword still there?And can it jump up and down?

On the other hand, the fact that the Blue Soul Sword is safe and sound, does that mean something?That is, Tong Yan, he...he is still alive!

(End of this chapter)

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