
Chapter 1395 I have a big appetite and finally wake up!

Chapter 1395 I have a big appetite and finally wake up!
Seeing Qiangliang approaching "aggressively", the Kuafu tribe couldn't help frowning.Qiang Liang retreated from the black air intact, but his body was stained with sparse black air, not only that, but his eyes became pitch black, as if they had been stained with ink.

This kind of strongness seems to have changed little, but it is very obvious that "the comer is not good".How clever the Kuafu people are, they quickly noticed this.

Seeing that Qiangliang was getting closer and closer to him, he could only back away, and asked, "Brother Qiangliang, are you okay? Did you see the true face of that ancient monster in the black air? "

However, Qiangliang did not respond to his words, and kept pressing him step by step.

Qiangliang's move just confirms what the Kuafu people think.He could give up his life against that ancient giant monster, but he really didn't want to fight to the death with his friends.

He thought of "escaping" from here, but Tong Yan was still "frozen like a wooden chicken" not far away. If he just left like this, wouldn't Tong Yan be sure to die?

He began to be in a dilemma. On the one hand, he was unwilling to fight Qiangliang to the death, and on the other hand, he was unwilling to give up Tongyan's words and leave. It was really hard for him to decide how to choose.

But at this moment, he suddenly thought of something.Qiangliang's abnormal behavior must be the ghost of the ancient giant monster, maybe he was blinded and bewitched.The spirit of Jupiter has the power of regeneration. It can not only heal people's injuries, but even bring them back to life. If the spirit of Jupiter "heals" Qiangliang, can Qiangliang wake up?
The possibility exists, and under the current circumstances, it is absolutely necessary to try it.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned to the spirit of Jupiter and said, "Miss Jupiter, something is wrong with Brother Qiangliang. If I can subdue him later, see if I can heal him."

Hearing this, Jupiter's spirit hurriedly nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make a note of it. But...but what happened to him?"

The Kuafu tribe retreated and said with a wry smile: "I'm afraid he has completely forgotten who he is, and he may have already regarded us as his enemy."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qiang Liang, who was walking slowly, suddenly stepped forward fiercely, grabbed it with one hand, and a long yellow snake immediately appeared in his hand.

Sure enough, Qiangliang really regarded the Kuafu tribe as enemies, and he was about to go forward and desperately soon.

The people of the Kuafu tribe have been paying attention to Qiangliang's movements. As soon as he rushed in, the people of the Kuafu tribe responded immediately.

Simply relying on dodging will not work at all, only subduing Qiangliang with thunder can guarantee the safety of him and the spirit of Jupiter.

Qiangliang's movements were extremely fast, as soon as he got close to the Kuafu clansman, he swung the yellow snake and drew them towards them.

The yellow snake was like a long whip in his hands, if it was whipped on his body, not to mention his life, at least his skin would be ripped apart.

The people of Kuafu tribe didn't want to be "victims", he just wanted to quickly subdue Qiangliang, so when Qiangliang was drawn by the snake, he immediately stopped backing, and moved forward suddenly, changing direction while moving , easily dodged the strong snake.

But Qiangliang is not weak, he missed a snake, and seeing the Kuafu clansman approaching him, he immediately clenched his fist with his empty hand and smashed it.

Although his reaction was extremely fast, and the speed of punching was also extremely fast, the Kuafu clansmen showed superb agility. They moved sideways with one step, and clasped their hands together, so they hugged him from behind so easily. .

Qiangliang was hugged on the back, so he naturally broke free with all his strength, but in front of the powerful force of Kuafu's lineage, his strength was obviously far behind.After several struggles, he failed to break free from the arms of the Kuafu clansman. Instead, the body of the Kuafu clansman grew bigger and hugged him like a giant hugging a child.

Qiangliang's body was suspended, and he tried his best to break free again.It's a pity that the people of Kuafu's family are so powerful that they can't tolerate him acting rashly.

After successfully subduing Qiangliang, the Kuafu tribe immediately shouted to the spirit of Jupiter: "Miss Jupiter, come and punish him, it's all up to you!"

Upon hearing this, Jupiter's spirit immediately stepped forward.

But before she got close to Qiangliang, the white-haired banshee who had been watching suddenly made a move, and subdued her with just one move.

"Ah... witch, let me go, let me go..."

The body of the spirit of Jupiter seemed to be bound by a rope, and it was already difficult to take a step forward, and this was exactly what the invisible filament did, and it was also the strength of the white-haired banshee.

The white-haired banshee came slowly from not far away, and giggled as she walked, "It's really overpowering, I wanted to spare your life, but you didn't know what to do, and you insisted on going against me. Since you If you don’t want to leave, then stay here. My Lord Yaozu doesn’t mind having a few more servants, you guys will serve my Lord Yaozu obediently in the future!”

The Kuafu tribe is also very helpless now. He originally wanted to quickly subdue Qiangliang so that the spirit of Jupiter could wake him up, but he forgot about the ability of the white-haired banshee. All gone.

He hugged Qiang Liang, turned around, looked coldly at the white-haired banshee approaching, and then gritted his teeth and said, "Nie Zhan, you still want us to be your slaves because of evildoers like you? What a slippery world!" What a joke! Let me tell you, even if I die here today, I will never bow to lowly monsters like you!"

As soon as he said this, he immediately angered the white-haired banshee and the ancient monster behind her.Before the white-haired banshee made her move, the ancient monster took the lead in attacking her.

I only saw dozens of black air shooting out from the front of the ancient giant monster like black snakes, and all of them rushed towards the Kuafu tribe.

When the Kuafu tribe saw it, they immediately let out a roar, and then the muscles all over their body swelled, and a layer of yellow light mask immediately appeared around his body.The yellow mask he released once blocked the arrows of the gods, and it should be no problem to resist the black energy of this ancient monster.

Hearing "Dangdang" several times, the yellow mask really lived up to expectations, and indeed blocked all the dozens of black air from the ancient giant monster.

But this ancient giant monster is really cunning. Although the black energy failed to break through the defense of the Kuafu tribe, it directly wrapped it up.

And in this way, the people of the Kuafu tribe are like being imprisoned in a black prison. If they want to break out of the black air, it may not be so easy.

The Kuafu tribe held Qiangliang, so both of them were imprisoned by the black air, but what about the spirit of Jupiter?But she was entangled by the white-haired banshee, and her current situation was even more dangerous than the Kuafu tribe.

The white-haired banshee looked at the spirit of Jupiter, and said with a chuckle: "Little girl, your regenerative power is really enviable. It would be a pity to ruin it for nothing. I think it should be like this. Give your power of regeneration to my Master Demon Ancestor. In this way, you will die well."

Having said that, she turned her head to look at the ancient giant monster hidden in the black air, and then said with a chuckle: "Master Demon Ancestor, eat her, haven't you always longed to have the power of regeneration? After eating her, Then you can become the new Nuwa."

Although the ancient monster didn't make a sound, it slowly drifted towards the Jupiter's spirit, and the black air around its body turned into a big mouth. It seemed that it was really planning to eat the Jupiter's spirit.

Seeing the ancient giant monster getting closer, the spirit of Jupiter was frightened at first, but then slowly closed his eyes.Because she knew that she had no chance of surviving.

But at this critical moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, and immediately after, the spirit of Jupiter opened his eyes suddenly.

"Nie Zhan, you have a big appetite, aren't you afraid that you will be overwhelmed? If you want to eat her, it depends on whether you have the ability!"

(End of this chapter)

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