
Chapter 1396 Questioning each other, the real devil?

Chapter 1396 Questioning each other, the real devil?
As soon as the familiar voice rang, a strong figure suddenly appeared in front of the spirit of Jupiter.Taking a closer look, this figure is none other than Tong Yan!

Tong Yan turned his head and took a look at the Jupiter Spirit, then waved his hand, and heard a few "boom booms", and all the thin transparent threads that imprisoned the Jupiter Spirit were broken immediately.

The spirit of Jupiter breathed a sigh of relief, and then happily asked Tong Yan: "Are you okay? You stood there all the time before, and we thought these two monsters did something to you. I'm so happy to see you come to my rescue."

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm fine now, but I came here a little later, just don't blame me. By the way, where are Qiangliang and Brother Kuafu? They shouldn't be in the black air, right?" ?”

Upon hearing this, the spirit of Jupiter quickly replied: "Yes, they are in the black air. In order to deal with these two evildoers, they were trapped by the black air of the demon ancestor, and they don't know what is going on with them now. "

Seeing the anxious expression on the face of the spirit of Jupiter, Tong Yan comforted her: "Don't worry, I will rescue them. And Kuafu and Qiangliang are not weak, I think they should be fine now. Alright , you step back a little, and I will deal with these two monsters."

Tong Yan said this very naturally, with a look of complete confidence, but these two monsters are extremely powerful, he wants to fight two with one, how can it be so easy?

However, the spirit of Jupiter has a lot of trust in him. With him, the spirit of Jupiter has never felt at ease.

"Okay, then go for it!"

come on?It was a little surprising to hear this word from the mouth of the spirit of Jupiter. Tong Yan turned his head and said with a smile: "I will work hard, just wait and see the show!"

After saying this, he fixed his gaze directly on the ancient giant monster in front of him, and didn't even look at the white-haired banshee. It seemed that he didn't pay attention to the white-haired banshee at all.

After a brief confrontation, he spoke first. "Grandma Hei, I haven't seen you for many years, are you here all right?"

Black mother-in-law?Could it be... Could it be that the black mother-in-law that Tong Yan said was the black mother-in-law who cursed him in the shadow of Mount Tai and almost killed him?
If this is the case, is it possible that everything is God's will?
Facing Tong Yan's "greetings", the ancient giant monster who had been hiding in the black air for a long time finally spoke human words for the first time.

"Skywalker, I didn't expect you to discover me like this. But you called me wrong. I am no longer the black mother-in-law you remember. You should call me Yaozu, or you can Call me Black Beauty!"

As soon as the sound fell, I saw the black air around the body of the ancient monster slowly dissipate, and then, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure in a long black dress showed her figure.

I have to say that this beauty is really eye-catching. She has long black hair, snow-white skin that can be broken by blowing bullets, a pair of bright eyes, which are extremely attractive, red lips and white teeth, delicate cheeks, and a bumpy figure. Simply superb.

Such a dazzling beauty is really different from the black mother-in-law in Tong Yan's memory.

I still remember that the black granny was an ugly old woman in a black cloak. She was very short, about 1.3 meters four, bent and hunchbacked, with a big and long nose, and the wrinkles on her face Like bark, the eyes are big, but the pupil is just a black spot, like the old witch on TV.

It's just that who can believe that this stunning beauty is the true face of the black mother-in-law. Putting them together, they are like heaven and earth.

But this is also very normal, evildoers are good at changing human shapes, since they want to change, of course they will look better, otherwise, why would there be so many female fairies seducing men?
Tong Yan stared at Granny Hei's true face, then chuckled lightly and said, "So you are still a great beauty, and in this way, you are even more worthy of the word snake and scorpion. It's a pity that your beauty doesn't appeal to me." Any attraction, the enmity between you and me will never be wiped out. Granny Hei, do you still remember the curse you gave me back then? Do you know how much that curse has affected me? I almost fell asleep several times. I died on that curse, but fortunately God favored me, so I survived and survived until today. And today you and I can meet again, in the dark, it is so that I can avenge the past, and let me kill you again. Send it back to Taishan Yincao, so that you will never see the light of day again forever."

Hei granny heard this, and said with a disdainful smile: "Are you looking for revenge? Well, then you do it! But don't forget, the reason why I cursed you is because you betrayed me first. We have long since It has been agreed that I will help you find the pool of good fortune and help you leave Taishan Yincao, and as a condition, you must take me out together. But what about you? You left Taishan Yincao alone, have you ever thought about me? Remember the deal between us? After all, you are the one who is unkind first, and I will be unrighteous later. If you want to blame you, you should blame yourself first!"

In fact, there was indeed that so-called transaction between Tong Yan and Granny Hei.But Tong Yan only wanted to be reborn as soon as possible and leave the underworld of Mount Tai as soon as possible, so he agreed.But Granny Hei's intentions are not right. If Tong Yan really brought her out of the shadows of Mount Tai, how many innocent people would die by her hands.What's more, Tong Yan's ability to leave Taishan Yincao was not entirely due to the help of the black mother-in-law, but the full support of the ancestors of the Wu family.Granny Hei just helped Tong Yan find the Creation Pond, that's all, nothing else.

So according to this, there is indeed a deal between Granny Hei and Tong Yan, but the deal has not been concluded, so there is no treachery, but pure mutual use, each with their own ghosts.

But since the black granny mentioned this point, Tong Yan naturally couldn't let himself be wronged, so he retorted: "We do have an appointment first, but the premise is that you need to help me leave the underworld of Mount Tai. But have you done it? Obviously you No! Since you have not fulfilled the agreement, why should I follow the agreement? You cursed me only because you have a vicious heart. Fortunately, I did not take you out of Taishan Yincao, otherwise I can't imagine that you will kill How many innocent lives."

Hearing this, Granny Hei giggled and said, "So? So you must fight me to the death this time, right? How does this benefit you?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "What's the benefit? It's just doing justice for the heavens. Not all sacrifices must be rewarded, but it is enough to be worthy of one's heart!"

Hearing this, the black granny laughed prettily and said, "You have no shame? Are you really no shame? Do you know how many people you have killed? Compared with you, I'm afraid I'm nothing." Right? You are the real devil!"

The real devil?Is it the black mother-in-law who spouts blood, or is there another reason?
(End of this chapter)

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