
Chapter 1398 Work together to resurrect the gods?

Chapter 1398 Work together to resurrect the gods?
Tong Yan already had doubts in his heart, so he naturally wanted to ask clearly, but before asking about this matter, the most important thing was to save Qiangliang first.

He has injected his star power into Qiangliang's body, but it is still unknown whether he can successfully expel the black energy from Qiangliang's body.

No longer distracted, he simply closed his eyes, carefully manipulating his star power to walk in Qiangliang's body.

After such a short time, the spirit of Jupiter has come to the front.She looked at Qiang Liang, then at Tong Yan, and finally said to the Kuafu tribe: "Brother Kuafu, should I take action now, or wait a while?"

The Kuafu tribe glanced at Tong Yan, and then said softly, "Wait a while, maybe the Omen Star can save Qiangliang. If he fails, it's not too late for you to take action."

The spirit of Jupiter nodded, and then said: "Those two monsters are gone, will they come back again? Shall I seal the door with rattan first?"

The Kuafu clansman smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, since they ran away, they won't come back. And even if they dare to come back, Omen Star and I can defeat them. They don't need to take risks at all. After all, we are not Their enemies, there is no need to fight to the death. Well, let's be quiet for a while, and don't disturb the Omen Star."

The spirit of Jupiter let out a sigh, and then he was relieved, and then looked at Tong Yan intently.

In order to rescue Qiang Liang, Tong Yan naturally did his best.At this moment, the power of the stars he injected into Qiangliang's body has met the black energy that is causing trouble. Now let's see if the power of the stars can defeat the black energy.

There is a saying that when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.The power of the stars and the black energy are like two enemy forces meeting in the canyon. Whoever is more ruthless may win the final victory.

But for the sake of safety, Tong Yan did not dare to launch a strong attack rashly. After all, the battlefield of the duel is Qiangliang's body.

You can't attack by force, and testing is especially important. On the one hand, you are testing the strength of the black energy, and on the other hand, you are also testing the maximum that Qiang Liang's body can bear.

In fact, in the past, he didn't need to do this at all, because Qiangliang didn't have a body, only a soul, but now it's different, Qiangliang has already reshaped his body, and is connected with the soul. Even if Qiangliang's soul is destroyed together, then it will not be saving people, but will become harming people.

Because of this, even when he was probing, he was extra cautious, first using a little star power to approach the black air, and then deciding whether to increase the amount according to the situation.

But as soon as his star power stepped forward, the black energy entrenched in Qiang Liang's body rushed towards him fiercely like a wolf.

The two sides only stalemate for a while, but he did not expect that his star power would be the first to lose.

It can be seen from this that this black energy is indeed powerful, even fierce, and it is difficult to subdue it with too little power of the stars.

Tong Yan hastily inspected Qiangliang's body, and after confirming that Qiangliang's body was fine for the time being, he decided to intensify the attack with the power of the stars.

Ever since, the second contest began.But just like last time, Tong Yan's star power was still defeated.

Two consecutive failures made Tong Yan very annoyed.If he wasn't worried that Qiang Liang's body would not be able to bear it, he would have completely wiped out the black energy long ago.

Perhaps because of anger, he stepped up the attack of the power of the stars this time, but before his power of the stars and the black energy could win or lose, Qiang Liang's body suddenly had a strong reaction.Not only the meridians, but even the muscles, internal organs, blood, etc. showed unbearable signs.

All of a sudden, Tong Yan was a little helpless.If he wanted to get rid of the black energy in Qiangliang's body, he had to suppress and drive it away with a stronger force. This was the most effective way, but Qiangliang's body couldn't bear it, so he couldn't do this method anymore.But the result of this is that in order to save Qiang Liang's life, he can't do anything to that black air.In this way, wouldn't it become a stalemate?

Of course he didn't want to stop here, but what should he do to drive away the black energy?You can't catch the black mother-in-law who escaped, and let the black mother-in-law take back the black energy, right?

Just when he was in a dilemma, unexpectedly, a wave of green energy quietly entered Qiangliang's body.

As soon as he noticed this green energy, he couldn't help being overjoyed and at the same time relieved.This green energy is the power of regeneration injected into Qiangliang's body by the spirit of Jupiter. With this power of regeneration, no matter how much damage his star power and black energy cause to Qiangliang's body, the power of regeneration can Repaired in a very short time.

In this way, his previous worries can be swept away.Now that Qiangliang's life is guaranteed, he can of course do his best and do a big job.

"Miss Jupiter, I will entrust Qiangliang's safety to you, and I will entrust this hateful black energy to me. Let's work together to rescue Qiangliang in one fell swoop!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately used all the power of the stars to launch a violent impact on the hateful black air.In less than three seconds, the black energy in Qiangliang's body was blown away by the power of the stars.

Tong Yan seized the opportunity, increased the injection of the power of the stars again, and approached the black air in an all-round way. The black air was powerless to resist, and was soon driven out of the body one by one by the power of the stars.

It wasn't until a strong and heavy breathing sounded that Tong Yan withdrew all the power of the stars.

With the joint efforts of Tong Yan and the spirit of Jupiter, Qiang Liang finally came to his senses. Not only that, but all his previous injuries have also healed.

Just some black energy can cause such persecution to a powerful Qiangliang. If the black energy gets into the body of an ordinary person, the consequences can be imagined.

In view of this, Tong Yan has secretly made up his mind, he can't let the black mother-in-law go, if he has time, he must find the black mother-in-law, bring her to justice, and eradicate her completely.Only in this way can the world avoid a big trouble.

With a sigh of relief, he opened his eyes, and then asked Qiang Liang who was also awake: "Qiang Liang, how do you feel now? Is there any discomfort?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang smiled slightly and said: "Boss, I'm just a little tired, but I don't have any other discomfort. It's really hard work for you, and I also thank Miss Juxing and Brother Kuafu."

The Kuafu clansman laughed and said, "It's good that you're fine, take a good rest." After saying that, he let go of Qiangliang.

Qiangliang sat on the ground and began to rest, while Tong Yan smiled at the spirit of Jupiter: "Miss Jupiter, your power of regeneration is so powerful that you can even resurrect that ancient giant monster. If you resurrect the god, you Can it be done?"

The spirit of Jupiter was taken aback when he heard this, and said a little puzzled: "Resurrection god? What god do you want me to resurrect?"

Tong Yan smiled mysteriously and said, "I can't tell you for now, I will tell you again when it is absolutely necessary."

After saying this, he turned his eyes to the Kuafu clansman, and then smiled slightly: "Brother Kuafu, do you have something to say to me? For example, what is your relationship with that ancient monster?"

(End of this chapter)

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