
Chapter 1399 Temporarily separated, bad feeling!

Chapter 1399 Temporarily separated, bad feeling!
Hearing this, the Kuafu tribe was startled, and then smiled awkwardly: "What nonsense are you talking about? How could I have anything to do with that ancient giant monster? Besides, I almost died at the hands of that ancient giant monster. It’s really related, do you think it will kill me?”

Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I know you don't want to admit it, but can you tell me why the ancient monster left suddenly after a brief exchange with you? You wouldn't say it was afraid of me, would you?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said, "Maybe that's true. If not, she would have already done something to you, so why bother talking so much nonsense?"

Naturally, Tong Yan's reply was not satisfactory to Kuafu clansman, but Tong Yan couldn't force him to tell the truth, so he could only sigh softly: "Brother Kuafu, you have saved Tong Yan's life for me. Well, my Tong Yan said that even if I live a poor life, I’m afraid I won’t be able to repay you. But father and brother, I hope you can understand that kindness is kindness, and you can’t do something unfavorable to the human world behind my back just because you are kind to me. If so, you didn't directly say what you want me to do and how you want me to repay you for coming. Are you right? As for what you said to that ancient giant monster, or hinted at something, it may be It's not important, but I still hope that you and I can be honest with each other, only in this way can we truly become friends who treat each other with sincerity."

The Kuafu tribe stared at Tong Yan for a while, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't do anything harmful to the human world, and I won't take advantage of you. As for the kindness you mentioned, it's just me. It’s just a little effort, you don’t need to keep it in your heart. In addition, I must say that there are some things you’d better not know now. When the time is right and you are strong enough, I will tell you everything. Hope You can understand, and don't ask any more questions in the future. Well, I've already said what should be said. I think it's time for us to separate too!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Separate? Brother Kuafu, where are you going? Aren't you going with us?"

The Kuafu tribe laughed and said: "Look at me now, I am still a child. I have to retreat for a while, and I will meet you again when I leave the retreat. By the way, during the period of my retreat , you'd better strengthen your cultivation, and be more vigilant. If the heavens realize that you are not dead, they may come to trouble you again. You must be more careful!"

Tong Yan knew that even if he wanted to keep the Kuafu tribe, he couldn't keep the Kuafu family members, so he simply nodded and said, "Okay, I'll remember. Then you should be more careful, we will not change the green mountains and rivers, there will be a period later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Speaking of this, the Kuafu tribe bid farewell to Tong Yan, Qiang Liang, and the spirit of Jupiter, and left the underground demon cave first after a while.

Watching the Kuafu clan leave, Tong Yan couldn't help but let out a soft sigh.During the time spent with the Kuafu tribe, although there are many secrets hidden in the Kuafu tribe, Tong Yan knows that the Kuafu tribe is not a bad person, but a good person with an open mind.It should be said that he was honored to get to know such a person, but he didn't know when he would be able to repay the kindness that the Kuafu clan had shown him.

After being dazed for a while, he shook his head slightly, and then looked at Qiangliang and the spirit of Jupiter.

Qiang Liang was sitting on the ground resting. He was tossed by the black energy so much. Although he was in good health, he was mentally exhausted, and it was necessary to take a break.

As for the spirit of Jupiter, she is also in a daze at the moment, but it should not be because of the departure of the Kuafu tribe, as if she is thinking about something.

In fact, there is no need to stay in this underground demon cave. When Qiangliang recovers, it is time to leave here.

"That's right! Those two celestial beings don't know what's going on now, they should be in this demon cave. But can they still live?"

Tong Yan suddenly thought of those two celestial children, although he only met them by chance, since they met, it was fate.If they were alive now, he couldn't just ignore them.

But where are they in this demon cave at the moment?Will there be an accident?
No longer thinking about it, Tong Yan sat down cross-legged, anyway, Qiang Liang was still resting, so why not take advantage of this time to see if he can find the two celestial children.

He mobilized the power of the stars and immediately dispersed them.As long as the two celestial beings are not too far away from him, then he can definitely find them.

However, to his despondency, he searched his surroundings, but he still didn't find any trace of the two celestial beings.

He still wants to continue to expand the scope of the search, but Qiang Liang has already regained his spirits, so there is no need to stay here anymore. If the previous gods go away and return, it will not be worth the loss.

To be on the safe side, Tong Yan decided to leave here and go to Zhonghuang Mountain. He could feel at ease when he saw Nuwa's descendant Xue'er earlier.

In this way, the group of three left the underground demon cave as they wished, and embarked on the journey to Zhonghuang Mountain again.

This place is actually not far from Zhonghuang Mountain, and within three hours, the three of them arrived at Zhonghuang Mountain smoothly.

However, the area of ​​Zhonghuang Mountain is really not small. It will take some time to find where Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa, is hiding.

But it doesn't matter, since they've all come here anyway, it shouldn't be too difficult to find Xue'er.

The three of them searched so hard, but before they knew it, the sky had already darkened.

Tong Yan wanted to continue looking for Xue'er, but the spirit of Jupiter suddenly said: "Brother, I... feel a little sick, can we rest? I'm so tired!"

When the spirit of Jupiter said this, Tong Yan naturally couldn't turn a deaf ear to it. Anyway, he had already arrived at Zhonghuang Mountain, and he would find Xue'er sooner or later, so there was no rush.But the spirit of Jupiter said that she was not feeling well, which made Tong Yan unavoidably worried.

You must know that the spirit of Jupiter is a star that can manipulate the power of regeneration. She can not only save lives and heal the wounded, but can even bring people back to life. Does she even feel uncomfortable?
"Miss Jupiter, what's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

The Spirit of Jupiter reached out and touched his forehead, and said weakly: "I don't know what's wrong, I just feel very tired and want to sleep."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a soft sigh, and then comforted him: "It's okay, you have the power of regeneration, so there will be no problem. Maybe you are a little tired from the hasty journey with us, how about this, I will find someone right away Cave, let's take a break tonight and go look for the descendants of Nuwa tomorrow morning."

The spirit of Jupiter nodded slightly, and then staggered a little while walking.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurriedly said to Qiangliang: "Qiangliang, you can carry her on your back, just follow me."

Qiang Liang agreed, and simply hugged the spirit of Jupiter directly.The spirit of Jupiter persisted in Qiang Liang's arms for a while, and finally couldn't resist the drowsiness, and slowly fell asleep.

Tong Yan glanced at the sleeping Jupiter Spirit, and couldn't help frowning.

What happened to the spirit of Jupiter?An ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Tong Yan's heart, as if foretelling that something was about to happen.

(End of this chapter)

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