
Chapter 1400 Re-entering 1 star and being "moved" away?

Chapter 1400 Entering another star and being "moved" away?

Qiangliang looked at the spirit of Jupiter who was already asleep in his arms, and asked Tong Yan worriedly: "Boss, do you think Miss Jupiter will be fine? Why do I think there something wrong with her? "

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "I don't know what's wrong with her, I just hope she's safe and sound! Let's go, let's find a place to rest for the night, and we'll talk about other things tomorrow."

Qiangliang nodded and didn't say anything more, but he was still a little worried about the spirit of Jupiter, and looked down from time to time.

After a while, Tong Yan found a place to spend the night, a cave that wasn't too deep.Because the cave is formed naturally, there are many gravels and thorns in it.But to Tong Yan, it was nothing. With a few palms, the cave was cleaned up.

The three of them entered the cave, intending to barely survive the night here.

Tong Yan checked Jupiter's spirit again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with her, he walked to the entrance of the cave alone.

Looking up at the sky, it is full of stars and cloudless. It seems that tomorrow will be a fine weather.

Tong Yan just stared at the sky for a long time, until he was a little tired, then sat down at the entrance of the cave.

But not long after he sat down here, Qiangliang's shout suddenly came from the cave.

"Boss, hurry up and take a look, what's wrong with Miss Jupiter?"

Hearing this sound, Tong Yan hurriedly got up and walked quickly into the cave. After a closer look, he couldn't help frowning deeply.

"How could this be?"

Following his gaze, he saw a faint green light flickering on and off the Jupiter Spirit at this time.This green light is so faint, it is definitely not an auspicious sign.Could it be that the spirit of Jupiter is in danger of life?

Tong Yan hurried to the front, and stretched out his hand to press the brows of the spirit of Jupiter, hoping to use his star power to help the spirit of Jupiter to tide over the difficulties.

But just as his fingers touched the center of Jupiter's Spirit's forehead, the weak voice of Jupiter's Spirit suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Brother Tianmoxing, I...I'm about to die. Can you...can you save me?"

Hearing this voice, Tong Yan immediately replied with his mind: "Girl Jupiter, you have the power of regeneration, you will be fine, you must persevere. Tell me, what can I do to help you? You Do you need the power of the stars? I will do my best to inject the power of the stars into your body, you hold on, you must hold on!"

"'s not this, your...your star power can't save me at all. Now...the only way to save me now to use your star imprint to kill me... Include it, let me...let me become one with you."

"What? You asked me to suck you into the imprint of the stars? But in this way, you will no longer be able to become your own independent self in the future. You have to think about it carefully!"

"I've thought it through, I've thought it through...a long time ago. This is...this is my destiny. From the moment I saw you, it's been...predestined. Not only me, but the five of us , Xingdu can only... survive if you enter your star imprint. Brother Tianmoxing, hurry up... Hurry up. I...I can't hold it anymore..."

Fate?Is this the fate of five stars?
Tong Yan was a little heavy for a while, but since Jupiter's spirit had already made up his mind, he couldn't let him think about it now.

"Okay, I promise you, I will include you in my star mark now."

As soon as the words were spoken, he immediately used the star mark, and soon the spirit of Jupiter turned into strands of green nebula, all of which were sucked into it by the star mark.

And after inhaling the spirit of Jupiter into the star mark, the star mark between his eyebrows changed again.The original fan-shaped shell-shaped imprint is no longer half black and half golden, but a third of green appears in it. The three colors must correspond to the three star spirits that he inhaled into the star imprint. Black represents Saturn The golden color represents the spirit of Venus, and the green color represents the spirit of Jupiter that has just been inhaled.

Although Tong Yan didn't check his star imprint carefully, he already felt the regeneration power of Jupiter's spirit.[-]. The spirit of the star, until today he has absorbed three stars, only the spirit of Mercury and the spirit of Mars are left. If it is the destiny that Jupiter girl said, then the spirit of Mercury and the spirit of Mars may also merge with him sooner or later .

He can't tell whether he is happy or sad now. In fact, he should be happy that he has absorbed the spirit of Jupiter, because it means that he can manipulate the regeneration power of the spirit of Jupiter, but he should be sad because he never From that moment on, the Spirit of Jupiter ceased to be an individual, a separate being, and became a part of his body.

Mixed joy and sorrow, this may be his current mood.

Seeing that the spirit of Jupiter was sucked into the imprint of stars between the eyebrows by Tong Yan, Qiang Liang sighed softly: "It seems that everything is predestined, boss, she should still be alive now, right?"

Tong Yan nodded softly and said, "Yes, she is still alive, she will live and die with me, and become one! Qiangliang, let's go and continue to search for the descendants of Nuwa. After meeting her, I still have a lot of things to deal with."

Qiang Liang responded, "Okay, then let's go!"

The two stopped talking and left the cave directly.

The spirit of Jupiter has always wanted to meet Xue'er, a descendant of Nuwa, but they have already arrived in Zhonghuangshan, but they still haven't been able to meet with their own eyes.Of course, maybe they have met before, but Tong Yan didn't know that's all. After all, the spirit of Jupiter once said that she can also be called the descendant of Nuwa, and it is also possible that they are a common existence.

After this incident, Tong Yan felt very depressed, the last thing he wanted to see was his friends "leaving" him one by one.Even if the spirit of Jupiter didn't really leave, he still started to miss it.

No need to take care of the spirit of Jupiter anymore, Tong Yan and Qiang Liang's search speed can naturally be increased several times.

The two searched for it like this, and it was dawn before they knew it.But after searching for most of the night, they still failed to find Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa.

"Could it be that Xue'er has turned into an adult again and left this place? If so, even if I search the whole mountain, I can't find her at all! Don't think about it, let's look for another day, if I am sure she is really If I’m not here on Mount Huang, I’ll go back to the old Wu’s house first, and then make plans!”

Thinking of this in his heart, he and Qiangliang continued to search.

After more than an hour like this, Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, couldn't find it, but they met an old Taoist priest who went up the mountain to collect medicine.

Judging by the pace of this old Taoist priest, he should have some Taoism. Although he is not high, he is not considered mediocre.

The old Taoist came to collect herbs early in the morning, presumably he did it often, maybe he would know something about Nuwa's descendant Xue'er.

Tong Yan and Qiang Liang immediately stepped forward to inquire, but they did not expect to find out the whereabouts of Nuwa's descendants after such a question.

It's just that the descendants of Nuwa are no longer on Huangshan Mountain, but... they were "moved" away.

Who will "move" away the descendants of Nuwa?A mysterious organization named "Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals" slowly surfaced...

(End of this chapter)

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