
Chapter 1401 What is the purpose of the so-called ten thousand immortals?

Chapter 1401 What is the purpose of the so-called ten thousand immortals?

Looking at the white-haired old Taoist priest in front of him, Tong Yan asked directly: "Are you sure that the descendants of Nuwa were really removed? How can you be sure that the stone sculpture you saw is the descendant of Nuwa? Could it be you who made a mistake? gone?"

The white-haired old man knew in his heart that the young man in front of him had a very high level of cultivation, so high that he could never reach it in his life, and because of this, he respected this young man very much, acting like a junior.Of course, the young man in front of him was not as young as he appeared to be. At this time, Tong Yan was already in his 30s.

"Senior, I really didn't lie to you. The Nuwa statue was still talking to me, and told me that she was a descendant of Nuwa, and asked me to do more good deeds and practice hard. Although I am old, I can't hear it. If you are deaf and blind, you will never make a mistake."

Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked: "Then do you know who moved the statue she turned into? Where did it go?"

The old Taoist thought for a while, and then replied: "The League of Ten Thousand Immortals! I remember that was the name. The person who removed the statue claimed to be a member of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals. , They are not ordered by immortals at all, and I never believe that they are immortals. If I guessed correctly, they should be demons!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help frowning, and then asked: "Monster? You mean, the people in the so-called Ten Thousand Immortals League are actually a group of monsters? Then do you know that they brought the descendants of Nuwa to the world?" Where have you been?"

The old Taoist shook his head and said, "I don't know, they didn't tell me, and I dare not ask. If I ask too many questions, who knows if they will kill me! Senior, this is all I know, there is absolutely no There is no concealment, and there is no lie. That Nuwa girl is kind to me. The reason why I have been collecting medicine on this mountain is fact, to wait for her to come back. But after waiting for several months, I have not I can wait for her to come back. Alas..."

Tong Yan thought for a while, and asked again: "You said that the descendants of Nuwa have kindness to you? What kind of kindness?"

Hearing this, the old Taoist hesitated for a moment, and then said with tears in his eyes: "She saved my life. I almost died here because I took the medicine by mistake. It was the Nuwa girl who pulled me back from the gate of hell. , this kind of kindness, I will never forget it in my life!"

The reason why Tong Yan asked this matter was to test the truth of what the old Taoist said, but after seeing the old Taoist's true feelings, he felt that everything the old Taoist said should be true, Nuwa The descendant Xue'er might really be in the hands of the evildoer of the so-called "Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals" at this moment.

"Okay, I see. Thank you for telling us this, I still have something to do, let's leave now!" He was about to turn around and leave.

When the old Taoist saw it, he hurriedly asked: "Senior, you will rescue Miss Nuwa, right? Are you her friend?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely rescue the descendants of Nuwa. Since ancient times, good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil, and Nuwa's descendants have saved countless people. She will be safe and sound. Qiangliang, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he and Qiang Liang flew up immediately, and quickly flew away from Zhonghuang Mountain.

The old Taoist looked up for a while, and then said to himself: "The dragon can't see the end, I met a real fairy today. Girl Nuwa, you must come back safely."

According to the old Taoist, the League of Ten Thousand Immortals should actually be the League of Ten Thousand Monsters.Monsters usually call themselves immortals, and they like to be enshrined and incensed like true gods, so they have the nondescript name of demons and immortals.There are actually many well-known demons, such as Baojiaxian.Baojiaxian often said that there are foxes, yellows, white willows and grays. Foxes refer to foxes, and they call themselves fox fairies; yellows refer to weasels and yellow skins, and they are called Huang Daxian; It is a snake, called Liuxian; Hui is the most common mouse, called Huixian.

Of course, in addition to these Baojiaxians, there are also other monsters who call themselves immortals, such as rabbit spirits, tree demons, etc., who also call themselves immortals.It's just that among most of the so-called "immortal families", there are very few people who become true immortals after their merits and virtues have been fulfilled, and most of them are actually just monsters.

Since it was the demon who kidnapped the descendants of Nuwa, and called himself the "Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals", Tong Yan soon came up with the idea of ​​searching for the descendants of Nuwa, that is, to search for the demon everywhere, and find out from the mouth of the "Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals". ", as long as the "Alliance of Ten Thousand Immortals" is famous enough, it shouldn't be difficult to find it.

But in this way, his plan to return to the Wu family's old house had to be pushed back again.

Monsters and the like usually hide in deep mountains and old forests, because such mountains are often rich in aura, which is not only suitable for cultivators to cultivate, but also suitable for evildoers to cultivate into spirits.

Tong Yan can only search "carpet-like" now, where he can meet the demon, and whether he can ask the specific location of the "Men of Immortals" earlier, all depends on his own luck.

Flying in mid-air, Qiang Liang asked, "Boss, where are we going now?"

Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "Let's search all the way along the Taihang Mountains. As long as we can meet evildoers, I think we should be able to ask where the Ten Thousand Immortals League is."

Hearing this, Qiangliang let out a sigh, and then said: "Boss, isn't it a bit too difficult to find monsters like this? Think about it, will monsters appear by themselves? I have a way, can you see it? "

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Do you have a solution? What solution?"

Qiangliang chuckled and said, "Every mountain and river must have a sect of cultivating immortals. Whether it's monks, Confucians or Taoists, as long as the Taoism is deep enough, they should be able to detect the demons. Instead of trying our luck in the mountains, we should have each sect and sect. I would like to ask those members of the sect if there are monsters nearby, I think there should be a lot of gains. What do you think?"

Needless to say, this powerful method is indeed more effective. Compared with trying luck, the possibility of finding the monster will be greatly improved.

"Okay, just do as you said! Let's go, let's fly a little lower, whenever we see Taoist temples and monasteries, we will go to ask, if there are evildoers hiding nearby, they will definitely know."

Qiangliang nodded with a smile, and the two of them speeded up and started searching.

It may not be easy to find evildoers, but it is much easier to find a Taoist temple in the mountains.

No, the two of them flew for less than half an hour before they saw a small Taoist temple halfway up the mountain.

As the saying goes, if the mountain is not high, it will be famous if there are immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be spirit if there are dragons.Although this Taoist temple is small, it is not guaranteed that there are a few monks with some Taoism hidden in it.In order not to give up any possibility, the two flew down directly, intending to visit the door to inquire.

It's just that what they didn't expect was that there was a lot of articles in this small Taoist temple, which was extremely weird...

(End of this chapter)

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