
Chapter 1402 Play hard to get, break through the wall!

Chapter 1402 Play hard to get, break through the wall!

"Boss, this Taoist temple is too small and dilapidated. Could it be that it has been abandoned long ago?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan said uncertainly: "Some Taoist priests with high morals often like to live in such a place. Not for anything else, just for the quietness. Of course, I don't know if there are people here. Let's call the door Let's see!"

As he spoke, he reached out and patted the door in front of him directly.

Unexpectedly, the gate was really old, before he exerted much force, with a "click", a big hole was immediately punched out in the gate.

Looking at the big hole in the broken door, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, but he could see the scene inside the Taoist temple clearly through the big hole.

Although the Taoist temple is small, it is cleaned inside, and the fallen leaves are swept to the corner of the courtyard. There is also a huge incense burner tripod in the courtyard. Look, it shouldn't have been too long since it burned.

Judging from these signs, there are people living in this small Taoist temple, and the people who live in such an old and small Taoist temple should be extraordinary people.

Seeing this, Tong Yan directly shouted inwardly: "Excuse me, is anyone in there? We are here to worship God, please make it easy!"

His voice is not small, and it contains immortal energy (the original true energy, after he has reached the realm of immortality, is naturally called immortal energy.), as long as there are people in this Taoist temple, they will definitely be able to detect it.

But it is a pity that his shout did not receive a response, and the death-like silence in the Taoist temple was still puzzling.

Seeing this, Qiang Liang laughed and said, "Boss, I don't think there is anyone in this Taoist temple. Let's stop wasting time here, let's go and find the next Taoist temple!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt the same reason, turned around and planned to leave here with Qiangliang.

But as soon as he turned around, for some reason, he suddenly felt a chill in his back, and then turned around directly.

"Wait! For some reason, I faintly feel that this Taoist temple is a bit weird. I don't feel relieved if I don't go in to see what's going on. Anyway, I'm already here, and I don't care about delaying for a while. Let's go in!"

Before Qiangliang could speak, he had already jumped into the Taoist temple.

Qiang Liang saw it, and hurriedly jumped into the Taoist temple.

"Boss, what do you think is wrong? Why didn't I notice it?"

Tong Yan frowned slightly and said: "I can't say it now, anyway, there is a kind of chill. It's like... as if being peeped by something."

Qiangliang was a little confused when he heard this, and asked again: "What is being spied on? It shouldn't be! With our cultivation base and Taoism, even the gods here should be aware of it? Could it be that something spied on you? Worse than a god?"

Tong Yan didn't answer, but fixed his eyes directly on the only main hall gate in this Taoist temple.

The door of this main hall is closed, and I don't know what the name of the hall is, and what kind of god is enshrined.Generally speaking, in Taoist temples, the ones enshrined are nothing more than the Patriarch of the Sanqing, or a leader in the Taoist sect, such as a famous immortal such as a certain immortal.But what is a little strange is that there is no plaque on the main hall at all. If you don't know the name of the hall, you will naturally have no way of knowing the gods enshrined in it.

But in order to avoid taboo, Tong Yan gave a salute before opening the door of the palace, and then said: "The younger generation passes by here, and I don't know what god is enshrined in the palace. If there is any trouble, please don't blame it!"

When the etiquette arrived, he immediately raised his leg and stepped forward, reaching out to open the door.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment his palm touched the temple door, an extremely powerful electric current gushed out of the temple door instantly, and dived into his body from his palm.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough and withdrew his hand immediately.But even so, his arm was still blackened and numb by the electric current lurking in the temple gate.

If it is said that the previous feelings cannot be finally judged, now he has every reason to believe that this Taoist temple is not simple, and the things in this hall are even more not simple.

Absorbing the power of stars from the spirit of Jupiter also means that he has the power of regeneration, so this little injury is really nothing to him.In addition, his body was transformed by the chaotic god tree, so even if he ignored it, it wouldn't take long for him to fully recover.

He moved his numb arm, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Qiangliang saw that something was wrong with him, and hurriedly said with concern: "Boss, are you okay? Why didn't you open the door? How about I come!" As he spoke, he strode forward to open the door.

Tong Yan saw it, and immediately stopped him in time: "Wait a minute! This palace gate is not simple, and there is an extremely powerful electric current inside. If I guessed correctly, someone deliberately set up a trap, waiting for unlucky people to enter the gate. !"

When Qiangliang heard this, he said confusedly: "You mean there is electricity in the door? Who set up such a mechanism for what? Are you full?"

Tong Yan chuckled lightly and said, "I don't think that's the case. Maybe it's for dealing with something. Maybe it's for dealing with demons, maybe it's for dealing with enemies, or even for dealing with us!"

"Treat us? Boss, are you kidding? We just came here, and we don't know anyone in this temple. Why does he have any reason to deal with us? Isn't he sick?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I hope I'm joking! In short, since some people don't want us to go in, then let's go. A twisted melon is not sweet, so why force others to make things difficult?"

Having said that, he was about to leave.

And at this moment, the "creaking" sound of the door opening suddenly sounded behind him.

There was a smug smile on his face, then he turned back and said, "I wanted to invite me in, but I was rejected at the same time, what's the reason? But if you wake up in time, I'll just come in and make trouble!"

Although the hall door is open, behind the hall door is not a bright space, but a wall, and in front of this wall is an aisle, you need to go around this wall to really see the scene inside the hall.

Qiangliang looked inside, and suddenly said angrily: "What do you mean? Since the door has been opened, shouldn't you also go out to meet the guests? It's so rude, you are still a member of the Taoist sect!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing immediately. "Hehe...Qiangliang, you made a mistake. Who told you that the people in this temple are people from the Taoist sect? In my opinion, this should be the hiding place for demons and monsters. They don't dare to come out to meet people, so let's do it ourselves go in!"

Qiangliang let out a soft sigh, and then said puzzledly: "This is not a trap, is it? Isn't it right for us to go in?"

Tong Yan sneered and said, "It's kind of me not to save them. They don't have the ability to harm us if they want to harm us! Monsters, don't show up quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed a palm.

Hearing a loud "bang", the wall in front of him and Qiangliang suddenly shattered into powder.And once the wall is broken, the "things" behind the wall will naturally be exposed.

What is hidden in the hall of the Taoist temple?The next chapter is revealed!
(End of this chapter)

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