
Chapter 1404 Breaking through the phenomenon, the mysterious painting demon!

Chapter 1404 Breaking through the phenomenon, the mysterious painting demon!
Hearing this, Qiangliang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then said in a puzzled way: "Boss, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Don't understand? Don't you really understand? Who are you? Why are you here? You should know these things, right?"

As soon as these words came out, Qiang Liang's eyes widened.Immediately afterwards, he suddenly reached out and grabbed his face, and then said in pain and panic: "Who am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember who I am? Where is this? Where is this? Ah... ah..."

Looking at the struggling Qiangliang, Tong Yan shook his head lightly, then sighed: "You forget who you are because you don't exist. You don't know where this is because you never Everything is true, but everything is false. You are lost, and you are also lost in yourself. Only when you find your true heart can you truly wake up."

"The sincerity? Where is the sincerity? How can I find it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan waved his hand and said with a faint smile, "Look again, how many big vats are there in front of you?"

When Qiangliang heard it, he hurried to look carefully.And as he looked at it this way, the eight large tanks that were originally on both sides of the "Idol Statue" turned into four in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Tong Yan reminded again: "Look at it carefully, see it clearly!"

Hearing this sound, Qiangliang's eyes widened immediately, and at the same time, the four big tanks were reduced again, and only two tanks remained.

Tong Yan looked at it, and said again: "One side is good, the other side is evil; one side is true, and the other side is false. It's up to you whether it's good or evil, and it's up to you to choose whether it's true or false. Choose one, Break it with my own hands, if you choose the right one, you will be able to find your true heart, if you choose the wrong one, then I will get rid of you with my own hands."

Tong Yan's words seemed ordinary, but in fact they implied murderous intent.Rather than letting Qiang Liang choose between good and evil and truth and falsehood, it is better to say that he is allowed to choose life and death.

Qiangliang heard these words in his ears, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

In life, people are often faced with one or another choice. If you choose the right one, everyone will be happy, but if you choose the wrong one, you will regret it forever and regret it for the rest of your life.

Qiangliang is not a human being, but he also has independent thoughts and consciousness like a human being. At this moment, he is obviously lost, but how to choose really makes him feel tortured.He didn't know how to choose, and he didn't know whether his choice was wrong or right, so he hesitated, so he was afraid, so he was at a loss.

"What are you waiting for? Choose quickly! If you don't choose, then I can only get rid of you with my own hands."

There is no room for negotiation in Tong Yan's words, and it is like an order that cannot be resisted.

Qiangliang gritted his teeth with a ferocious expression, and finally mustered up the courage to punch out.

Hearing the sound of "bang", he smashed the big tank on the right with a punch, and immediately after that, bits and pieces of light appeared around his and Tong Yan's bodies like broken glass.

Seeing this, Tong Yan showed a satisfied smile on his face, and then said coldly to the weird "Idol": "You have already lost, so you still play tricks here? If you don't kneel down and beg for mercy, then don't blame me for being cruel." !"

As soon as the words fell, the scene around him and Qiangliang changed again, until the hall became dark, and until everything returned to calm, the real hall was revealed.

Qiang Liang took a deep breath, then reached out to touch the back of his head, and after making sure that there was nothing wrong with him, he suddenly realized that Tong Yan was standing beside him.

"Boss, you... When did you come in? Why is there no movement at all?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "When I came in, I was surrounded by the illusion you created, and you were completely lost at that time. Now that you are awake, you can naturally see me."

Qiangliang was taken aback when he heard this, and then asked in confusion: "The illusion I created? Why don't I know?"

Tong Yan laughed and said, "If you knew, then how could you lose yourself? Well, after all, you were cursed by this evil obstacle, and you were not the real you at that time. But now you have Once you are fully awake, you don’t need to be manipulated by this evil obstacle anymore.”

Although Qiangliang still didn't understand, he nodded in response.

In fact, it is normal for him not to understand.Because from the moment he stepped into the hall, he was the first to enter the maze arranged by the monsters in the hall, and he completely lost himself in the maze.And it became the carrier of creating the illusion again, and the scenes that Tong Yan saw when he entered the hall appeared.

Logically speaking, since Tong Yan entered the maze created by Qiang Liang, he should also be caught, and then became the second carrier of the maze, and became the puppet of the monstrosity in the temple.But this evildoer has thousands of calculations, but he didn't expect that Tong Yan is definitely not an ordinary person, not to mention Tong Yan's deep knowledge of formations and seals, just because of his special soul and strong insight, he will never easily Hit.

You must know that not only Tong Yan's physical body was re-sculpted with the chaotic god tree, but even his soul was able to repair itself after receiving the green pearl bestowed by the Nuwa Empress, which can be said to be indestructible.

The so-called captivating mind is actually the soul that captivates.And after his soul is transformed by the green beads, it will not be eroded and manipulated at all. In this way, he is simply an incomprehensible existence. Not only is his body strong, but his soul is also immortal. Such a body and Soul, how could mere demons be able to confuse it?

Now that Qiangliang has come to his senses, it is time to settle accounts with the monsters in the hall.

But what kind of evildoer is the one who created these illusions?

Following the eyes of Tong Yan and Qiang Liang, they realized that there was a shrine in front of them. Although there was nothing inside the shrine, there was a lot of content behind the shrine.

Because behind the shrine is a huge mural, the mural covers the entire wall, creating a maze, which is actually the giant mural.

Could it be that the evildoer that Tong Yan mentioned is this mural?Yes, exactly!

This mural itself is a monster, and there are other monsters hidden in this mural.

As the saying goes, there are no wonders in the vast world.Not only living things can become demons, but dead things can also.

This is like a stone. Is a stone a living thing?Generally speaking, of course not, but stone demons are conceived and born of stones.Even common utensils become demons, there are many rumors among the people, the more famous ones are pipa essence, chopsticks demon and so on.

However, the monster in front of the mural is more advanced and more capable. Being able to trick an old god like Qiang Liang is enough to show the power of this painted monster.

But there are still a few questions that Tong Yan can't solve, such as who made this mural?What exactly is depicted in this painting?And why is the person in this painting so familiar?
(End of this chapter)

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