
Chapter 1405 The origin of painting demons, the mysterious world!

Chapter 1405 The origin of painting demons, the mysterious world!
Seeing that Tong Yan had been staring at the mural in front of him endlessly, Qiang Liang asked, "Boss, what are you looking at? Don't guess, the monster I was tricked by just now must be hidden in this mural. In my opinion, we might as well just destroy the mural, once and for all, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "It's not difficult to destroy this mural, but there are still a few things I haven't figured out. Even if I want to destroy this mural, it's not in a hurry."

Hearing this, Qiangliang said puzzledly: "What else do you need to figure out? This evildoer has refused to show his face until now. I see, this evildoer deliberately hides and does not want to see you. You can't be soft-hearted with such evildoers. Just destroy it directly. If you don't want to make a move, then I will do it!"

Having said that, he shook one hand, and a yellow snake appeared in his hand, and it yanked towards the mural.

Tong Yan saw it, but didn't stop it.Indeed, as Qiang Liang said, no matter whether it is the monster painted or the monster in the mural, when Tong Yan yelled several times, there was no response at all.Obviously, they didn't pay attention to Tong Yan at all, and they didn't give them any color, fearing that they wouldn't be obedient at all.

But I don't know if Qiang Liang can save Tong Yan's face, after all, it's not easy to draw a demon.

The yellow snake in Qiangliang's hand was like a long whip, and it was astonishingly powerful when he swung it so violently.

No, with a loud "pop", the mural was whipped by the yellow snake, and a deep whip mark appeared on it.Seeing this, Qiang Liang opened his hand and gave another "whip" without saying a word.

After receiving two powerful blows, "Mural" finally stopped being silent and indifferent.

Then, a mouth appeared on the mural, and a slightly cold and sharp female voice spewed out from this mouth.

"Stop me immediately, don't bully me too much. Let me tell you, don't think I'm afraid of you, I just don't want to fight to the death with you. But if you don't know how to behave and continue to be aggressive, then don't blame my ruthless subordinates!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qiangliang immediately burst out laughing.

"Nie Zhan, you are not afraid of flashing your tongue when you say such nonsense? I entered the palace just now, and I fell into your way before I did anything. Now you want to stay with us, isn't it too late? I told you You, grandpa is going to eradicate you completely today. Firstly, to relieve the hatred in my heart, and secondly, to do justice for the heavens. Suffer death for me!"

As soon as the words fell, Qiang Liang wanted to strike again.

When the "mural" saw it, he stopped immediately and said, "Wait a minute! You said that you have followed my way. If you don't enter this hall, how can you follow my way? You forced your way in and fought with me." What am I doing? I don't want to be your enemy, so please leave now!"

Saying "murals" in this way actually has the meaning of admitting cowardice. If you accept it before it's ready at this time, you will really be asking for trouble.

So just when Qiangliang held the yellow snake high and wanted to strike again, Tong Yan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"Qiangliang, as the saying goes, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Although the person in front of you is not a human being, it is still a living being. Cultivation is not easy, let's let it go!"

Qiang Liang was taken aback when he heard this, and then said in doubt: "Boss, this is a monster that harms people. If we are merciful, maybe it will kill many innocent lives in the future. Don't worry about it, I will leave this evil to me." !"

Tong Yan saw that Qiangliang was about to make a move, so he smiled helplessly and said, "If you just want to vent your anger, then you can whip a few times. But if you want to do justice for the sky, I think this method is a bit inappropriate. In my opinion, instead of Killing this monster here is worse than letting it benefit the world. Are you right?"

Qiangliang was in a daze again, slowly put down the raised yellow snake, and asked: "Boss, why do I become more and more confused the more you say this? Can evildoers benefit the world?"

Tong Yan said with a mysterious smile: "I said I can, okay, you step back for now, I have a few words to ask this painting fairy!"

The so-called painting fairy, of course, refers to the painting demon in front of him. Tong Yan deliberately called it that in order to ease the tense atmosphere.

Qiang Liang saw that Tong Yan asked him to back down, even though he was angry, he could only back down obediently, because he knew that the reason why Tong Yan spared the life of this monstrous evildoer must have other plans, if he didn't listen, it would be for Tong Yan. The words are messed up.

He stepped back obediently, and Tong Yan took two steps forward.

"Using painting to become a fairy, your Excellency is really amazing. But I don't know something, so I ask the painting fairy to enlighten me!"

The Hua Yao saw that Tong Yan was so humble and polite, and knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person, so he responded, "Your Majesty, please ask me, I will answer everything, and I will say everything!"

Tong Yan smiled, and then asked: "I wonder who made the beauties on your body? It must be someone who can turn decay into magic."

Upon hearing this, Hua Yao giggled and said, "Your Majesty, I'm absurd. This painting is actually made by me. I devoted myself to painting, but I didn't expect that human painting would become one. This became the spirit of the painting, and it will be hidden in the painting forever!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being shocked.According to what the painting demon said, it was he who painted the mural, and he merged with the painting later, so the painting had a soul and became a painting demon.Although this may sound unbelievable, if you think about it carefully, it is not without precedent.

According to legend, in ancient times, in order to cast a divine sword and make the sword have a spirit, some swordsmiths would throw a living beast into the furnace and fuse it with the tempered sword, so that the spirit of the beast could become the spirit of the sword; What's more, in order to make the sword spirit more powerful, they even capture spirit beasts, demon beasts and temper them with swords to obtain even more powerful sword spirits.But apart from the above two, there is another kind, that is, the swordsmith throws himself into the furnace, uses his own flesh and soul to combine with the tempered sword, and then creates a world-famous sword.

Since there is a swordsmith who is integrated with the sword he forges, it is really not surprising that the painter is integrated with his paintings now.

After Tong Yan was surprised, he smiled slightly and said: "So that's the case. No wonder this painting is so exquisite and lifelike. It seems that Your Excellency has poured all of your painstaking efforts into it. It is really admirable! But I am so confused that I can't see Your Excellency. Which side of the world is the painting, I wonder if you can tell me?"

Hua Yao laughed and said: "It's normal if you don't understand, because the world in my painting is neither heaven, nor human, nor ghost, nor Buddha, nor is it in the three realms and six realms, nor is it in the yin-yang and five elements. Row. Do you want to know what kind of place this is?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly said, "Please enlighten me, Your Excellency!"

"This is a Qi Realm!"

One Qi Realm?What is this place?

(End of this chapter)

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