
Chapter 1406 The deceased has passed away?Searching for the Fairy Mountain!

Chapter 1406 The deceased has passed away?Searching for the Fairy Mountain!

He had never heard of Tongyan in the Yiqi Realm, but he knew a little about Yiqi.In fact, one qi can also be called Yuan qi, also called Xiantian yi qi, or Yuan ancestor qi.It refers to the original qi that gives birth to all things, that is, the original matter that produces and constitutes all things in the world.

Taoists often say that one qi transforms the three cleans, and what they are talking about is this qi (same qi). "Tao Te Ching" contains: "Tao begets one, one begets two, two begets three, and three begets all things." It means that Tao is transformed into chaotic vitality, which is transformed into yin and yang, and then derived from yin and yang. For the three talents of heaven, earth, and man, everything in the world is produced from this.

So it also means that qi is the root of all things, and all things are derived from qi.

Since the land depicted in this painting is a qi world, could it be that it refers to the world when the chaos was not opened?If this is the case, then the imagination of this demon painting is too rich.

Of course Tong Yan doesn't believe that an ordinary person can paint the real one-qi world, but he is very interested in the scenery in this painting, especially the characters in this painting.

He smiled slightly, and then said: "Your Excellency is so knowledgeable, you can draw a Qi Realm, which is really an eye-opener for me. But Your Excellency, is this really a Qi Realm? Could it be you Out of imagination, right?"

Hearing this, Hua Yao laughed and said: "I was born in the human world, and I have never seen the chaotic world before it opened. Naturally, this life world cannot be real, but when I paint, there is something in my mind. This square of heaven and earth, so I drew it with a brush. The painting is not good, so that I will laugh at you!"

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled: "No, it's really rare for you to be able to draw such a masterpiece. How can I despise it. It's just that I still don't know something. I wonder if you can give me some guidance?"

This chatter between Hua Yao and Tong Yan was considered speculative. Seeing that Tong Yan still had questions to ask, he immediately said with a smile: "Your Excellency, you can ask directly, and I will tell you the truth."

Tong Yan didn't hide anything, and immediately pointed to the figure in the painting, and asked with a smile, "I don't know who this person is? How could it appear in your painting?"

Hua Yao was taken aback when he heard this, hesitated for a while, and then replied: "This is an old friend of mine. Because I haven't seen him for many years, I miss him so much, so I drew it in this painting. I don't know why your lord has such a How about a question? Could it be that your honor recognizes my old friend?"

Tong Yan didn't answer directly, but started admiring the mural again.

What was painted on this mural that fascinated Tong Yan so much?

Following his gaze, the first thing that catches his eyes is a mass of cloud-like gas. The area of ​​the gas is huge, fully occupying three-quarters of the area of ​​the mural.And this cloud of gas should refer to the gas of chaos, that is, the qi in that qi world.But this so-called Qi world is not all Qi, there are also bright pearls painted inside, the colors are much brighter than the surrounding Qi, some are red, some are green, some are purple, and some are black.In addition to these pearls, there is also a house in the whole mural. There is a well and a tree in front of the house. Although it is somewhat incompatible with the rest of the mural, it is also very beautifully painted.

The figure in the painting mentioned by Tong Yan is located next to the ancient well in front of the house, leaning against a big tree, as if looking forward to it, as if looking into the distance.

The character in this painting is a woman, she is extremely beautiful, her hair is floating behind her head, her eyes are full of affection, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her mouth is as red as a cherry, and her face is pretty. Incomparable, a long dress as white as snow.This woman is too handsome, if she can see the real person, people will fall in love with her and become crazy about her.

But Tong Yan seemed to have seen this girl somewhere, and it was precisely because of this familiarity that he was a little upset and a little confused.

Seeing that the child was silent, Hua Yao smiled and said: "Your Honor, you must recognize my old friend, right? If so, can you tell me how she is doing now?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan came back to his senses, and then smiled helplessly: "I just think this beautiful woman looks familiar, maybe I misread it! By the way, sir, can you tell me the name of this beautiful woman? If I have a destiny in the future Let’s meet, so that she can come here to meet you again.”

Hua Yao smiled wryly and said: "I can't remember her name clearly, and it's even more impossible to see her again in the future. She's dead, and she's been dead for a long time. The deceased is gone, so don't mention it again, or I'm afraid it will happen again." It's going to be sad for a while."

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and then said: "It seems that you and this beauty are also sisters. I shouldn't mention it again, so please don't blame me. Forget it, I've disturbed you here for too long, and I still have more to say." I have something to do, so I will leave first. The green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever, and there will be a period later!"

When Hua Yao heard Tong's words and wanted to leave suddenly, she thought she had neglected him, so she hurriedly said: "Your Excellency, could it be that my words were wrong? If so, please forgive me."

Tong Yan shook his head and smiled, "That's not the case. Your Excellency was too worried. To be honest, the reason I came here was to find someone to find out the exact location of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. I don’t know about the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, so instead of bothering me here, I’d better go and inquire elsewhere.”

I never thought that as soon as he said this, the painting demon would laugh and say: "Your Excellency, although I am cultivating here, how do you know that I don't know about the League of Ten Thousand Immortals? Although I have always been hiding in the painting, but in those From the evildoer's point of view, I am of the same category as them, so whenever something happens, they will make a special trip to inform me. Unfortunately, the Ten Thousand Immortals League once looked for me."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Your Excellency, do you really know where the League of Ten Thousand Immortals is? Please tell me!"

Hua Yao smiled and said: "The League of Ten Thousand Immortals is actually an organization made up temporarily by demon spirits, and there is no specific location. Only when something important happens, the self-reliant leader will notify the demons in all directions to gather at the place designated by it. You It is impossible to find the location of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. However, you are lucky. Three days later, the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals League will hold a gathering of immortals. At that time, you might as well go and have a look .”

If there hadn't been this ghost to tell, Tong Yan might really have been searching blindly. Although the Ten Thousand Immortals League is an organization, it doesn't have a real lair.In this way, it would be a waste of time to think of rescuing Xue'er, the descendant of Nuwa, in the lair that didn't exist.

Since there will be a meeting of the Ten Thousand Immortals League in three days, this is a great opportunity for him to inquire about Xueer's whereabouts.If you miss it, you don't know when you will have the chance to rescue Xue'er.

"Your Excellency, I don't know where the Ten Thousand Immortals League rally will be held in three days' time?"

"Xianshan Yingzhou!"

Xianshan Yingzhou?It is said that there are five mountains on the sea: Daiyu, Yuanqiao, Fanghu, Yingzhou and Penglai.

Tong Yan frowned slightly, and thought to himself: "Why did those evildoers choose to meet at Yingzhou Mountain? Could it be... Could it be related to the Sea Monster Clan?"

(End of this chapter)

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