
Chapter 1407 A series of lies?Trouble is coming!

Chapter 1407 Lies?Trouble is coming!
The ancients believed that there were five sacred mountains on the sea: Daiyu, Yuanqiao, Fanghu, Yingzhou and Penglai.

"Liezi·Tang Wen" contains: "The mountain is [-] miles high and low, its top is [-] miles flat, and the middle of the mountain is [-] miles apart. It is considered a neighbor. The views on the platform are all gold and jade, and the animals on it are all pure onyx. The tree knots of Zhugan are dense, and the flowers and fruits are full of taste. If you eat them, you will never grow old and die. The people who live there are all the seeds of immortals and sages. There are countless people flying to and from each other day and night. The roots of the five mountains are not connected. Chopsticks, often going up and down with the tide.” Finally, the two mountains disappeared without a trace, leaving only the Fanghu (abbot), Yingzhou, and Penglai mountains.

In addition, the ancients often said that there are three mountains and five mountains. Naturally, the five mountains are widely known and there is no controversy, but there are different opinions about the three mountains.One believes that the three mountains are Huangshan, Lushan, and Yandang Mountains; but another theory is that the three mountains are the legendary three fairy mountains of Penglai (Penghu), Fangzhangshan (Fanghu) and Yingzhou (Yinghu).

In short, regardless of whether Yingzhou is located in the list of the three mountains, its name has existed since ancient times, and there are many legends.

Now Hua Yao told Tong Yan that the meeting place of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals was chosen on the fairy mountain Yingzhou, so no matter what, he had to go to Yingzhou Mountain.But the question is, where is Yingzhou Mountain?
Now people often say Yingzhou, and they mostly refer to Chongming Island, but it is clear that Chongming Island is definitely not Yingzhou in the fairy mountain.If you want to find the traces of Yingzhou in Xianshan Mountain, you may have to go to the East China Sea.

But the East China Sea we are talking about now, is it the East China Sea in the ancient population?This has to be carefully considered. After all, the things in the legend are often quite different from the reality, and it is even possible to be completely different.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then said: "Thank you for the information, but where is the fairy mountain Yingzhou? I don't know if you know the picture fairy?"

Hua Yao laughed and said: "Since Yingzhou Mountain is a fairy mountain, it is not easy to find it. Even if I tell you the general direction now, you may not be able to find it by then. But it doesn't matter, I can arrange it for you. A guide. With it leading the way, within three days, you will be able to reach Mount Yingzhou! What do you think?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly cupped his fists and said, "If that's the case, then I will thank you in advance. But where is the guide now?"

Hua Yao smiled and said, "It's in my painting. Big head monster, come out!"

As soon as Hua Yao's words fell, a big bag bulged out of the mural immediately, and after that, a black shadow rushed out of the big bag, and quickly shrunk into a ball in front of Tong Yan.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately took a closer look, and after seeing this, he couldn't help laughing.

He originally thought that the big-headed monster Hua Yao was talking about was some kind of strange beast, but he didn't expect it to be a black-haired puppy.But this puppy is not an ordinary breed, but should be a mastiff among dogs.Mastiff is actually not uncommon. The well-known ones are Tibetan Mastiff and Snow Mastiff.

This puppy has dark fur all over its body, so it is definitely not a snow mastiff breed, it should be a Tibetan mastiff.

This little guy has long hair and is chubby and cute, but he has an extremely powerful demonic aura, so he probably has a lot of skills.

Seeing the big-headed monster crouched still, Hua Yao hurriedly reminded: "Big-headed monster, what are you doing crouching? Why don't you salute when you meet an expert?"

Hearing what Hua Yao said, the big head monster stood up, and then said "Wow" twice to Tong Yan.

Of course Tong Yan couldn't understand dog language, so let's just think it was the big headed monster greeting him.

"Huaxian, is this the big-headed monster you said was leading the way for me? It has a monster aura, but why can't it speak human language?"

Hua Yao smiled and said, "It is stupid and can't learn it. But it can understand your words, and it knows how to get to Yingzhou. With it leading the way, you can rest assured!"

Tong Yan nodded with a smile and said, "That's good, it's not too late, we're on our way now. Huaxian, we'll meet later!"

"There will be a period later!"

Without further words, Tong Yan and Qiang Liang left the hall directly with the big head monster.The meeting of the Ten Thousand Immortals League is just three days away, but it is almost night now, if you don't hurry up, you may miss the schedule.

In addition, Tong Yan still had no idea about whether the big-headed monster could successfully bring them to Yingzhou Mountain, and having enough time could be regarded as a precaution.

After leaving the outer door of the Taoist temple, Tong Yan immediately asked, "Big head monster, can you fly? If you can, let's get up and go to Yingzhou!"

The big-headed monster barked twice, turned its head to the east, and suddenly ran wildly.I have to say that this dog's speed is really fast enough. Although it is not flying, it can be regarded as walking like flying, and its figure is like electricity.

It ran wildly like this, Tong Yan and Qiang Liang naturally didn't dare to stay, and followed immediately.In this way, the two of them and the dog headed towards Xianshan Yingzhou.

But not long after Tong Yan and Qiang Liang left the Taoist temple, a white light suddenly flashed in the Taoist temple.Immediately afterwards, a beautiful white figure slowly walked out of the main hall of the Taoist temple.

Take a closer look, my good fellow, isn't this beautiful figure... isn't it the woman in the white dress in the painting?Could it be that the woman in the white skirt in the painting is not an illusion, but the spirit in the painting?But the painting demon clearly said that it drew the appearance of the old man in the painting because it misses the old man. Could it be that it is lying to the child?
The woman in the white skirt looked up at the sky, and then said to herself: "I have practiced here for thousands of years, and it is time to go out for a walk. General, you have forgotten me, but I have not forgotten you. See you in Yingzhou! "

As she spoke, her figure flashed and turned into a wisp of white smoke, disappearing without a trace.

And less than ten seconds after she left, she heard a loud bang, and the main hall of the Taoist temple collapsed like that.In this way, wouldn't the mural be destroyed under the hall?

By the way, the voice of the woman in the white dress is exactly the same as that of the Hua Yao. Could it be... Could it be that the woman in the white dress is the real body of the Hua Yao?If this is the case, why did she make up those lies to deceive Tong Yan?Could it be that there was something wrong between her and Tong Yan?

The identity of the woman in the white skirt is really puzzling. It is still unknown what kind of relationship she has with Tong Yan, but these questions may be solved after arriving in Yingzhou.At that time, everything will come to light.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, the night fell, and then the sun rose in the east. Tong Yan and his party had been running eastward all night.I wanted to move on, but I had already reached the beach.

Since Yingzhou Mountain is a fairy mountain on the sea, if you want to go there, you must go to sea.And since they want to go to sea, they need a boat, a boat that can carry them to ride the wind and waves.

I don't know where Yingzhou Mountain is in the sea. It's too risky to fly all the way.So Tong Yan decided to go to a nearby town to see if he could buy a boat or hire a boat.

But what he didn't expect was that "trouble" came to him before he bought the boat, which caught him off guard!

What is the trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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