
Chapter 1410 Sail out to sea, a born leader!

Chapter 1410 Sail out to sea, a born leader!
When Tong Yan, Qiang Liang and the big-headed monster arrived at the pier, Granny Hei was standing in the rain with her arms folded and waiting.Of course, with Granny Hei's way of doing things, it was impossible for the rain to fall on her body, and it was all directly blocked by her evil spirit.

Qiang Liang obviously didn't know that Tong Yan had temporarily "dissolved his suspicions" with Granny Hei, so when he saw that Granny Hei was the person in front of him, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he wanted to rush forward to fight.

Tong Yan saw it, and stopped in time: "Qiangliang, she is here to help me rescue the descendants of Nuwa, don't touch her for now."

Hearing this, Qiangliang immediately said in puzzlement: "Boss, doesn't this evildoer have blood feud with you? Do you believe that she will really help you?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said: "Believe it or not, we have to rely on her for the time being. If she suddenly turns against her at that time, it will not be too late to deal with her. Let's go, it's time for us to leave!"

Qiang Liang let out a soft sigh, didn't say any more, and then followed Tong Yan and walked towards Granny Hei.

Seeing Tong Yan approaching, Granny Hei spoke first, "The boat is ready, come on board with me!"

Tong Yan nodded and said, "Okay, I'm sorry!"

Following Granny Hei, the group came to an old fishing boat.This boat is the most common kind of old-fashioned fishing boat, it can be said that it is full of rust, and it is usually enough for fishing in the offshore, but this time it is to go to Yingzhou Mountain, but I don't know if it can withstand the storm.

Tong Yan looked at the boat and found that there was no boatman accompanying him, so who would sail the boat?

"Grandma Hei, it's okay if your boat is old, you don't even have a boatman or sailor, so you don't want to sail the boat yourself, do you?"

Granny Hei jumped up, jumped onto the deck of the fishing boat, and said confidently: "Don't worry, someone will drive this boat to take us to Yingzhou Mountain, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hesitated a little, but finally chose to believe it.

When everyone boarded the boat, unexpectedly, the fishing boat lifted its anchor and went out to sea automatically.

Tong Yan was very puzzled, stood on the deck and looked towards the direction of the bottom of the boat. He didn't feel relieved until he noticed a lot of evil spirits entrenched at the bottom of the boat.

The boat of emotion does not start by itself, but is pushed by monsters under the boat.In this way, he only needs to wait patiently, and the boat will carry them to Yingzhou Mountain.

The black granny is the demon ancestor that the white-haired banshee said, since it is the demon ancestor who can send a few little demons to serve as coolies, it is naturally a breeze, and it is easy for Tong Yan to walk with her.

It's just that the boat swayed really badly, and I don't know how long it can last under the strong wind and waves.Maybe if a wave hits it, the boat will fall apart.

Unlike Tong Yan, Granny Hei is very leisurely at the moment, seeing her holding a teacup and sipping tea ignoring the shaking, is indeed like everyone else.

"Hey! Do you like the rain so much? Come and chat with me! Anyway, you can't make it to Yingzhou Mountain today, so you can't keep guarding it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought it was right, and simply walked into the not-so-spacious cabin.

As for Qiangliang and the big-headed monster, they were not in the mood to enter the cabin, and sat on the deck, letting the wind and waves beat against them.However, there was one detail that Tong Yan noticed, that is, the big-headed monster peeked at Granny Hei from time to time, and there seemed to be fear and hostility in those eyes, which was a bit strange.

"Are you drinking tea? You, a monster, are also interested in tea?"

The black granny chuckled and said, "Who told you that I was drinking tea? I was drinking soup, a soup that nourishes the body. Even if I am not a woman, I am still a banshee, right? Drink some nourishing soup, no problem, right?" ?”

Tong Yan laughed and said: "Do as the Romans do, of course there is no problem. By the way, there is one thing I don't understand. You said that you were resurrected in the world, and the people of Taishan Yincao really let you go? Didn't they send a messenger to arrest you? ?”

The black mother-in-law said confidently: "Catch me? It depends on whether they have the ability! They couldn't do anything to me in the underworld of Mount Tai. Now that I have been resurrected, they are even more helpless against me. Unless the Lord of Mount Tai comes personally, but Such a great god, why would he come here to trouble me for such a trivial matter?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled and said, "You're right. In this way, you've regained your freedom completely. Then what's your plan next? Do you want to concentrate on cultivating or endanger the world again?"

The black mother-in-law chuckled and said, "Where do I dare to endanger the world? With you here, I'd better be safe and sound, otherwise, you will definitely not let me go. Right?"

Tong Yan smiled and didn't say much.In fact, if this black mother-in-law endangers the world again, Tong Yan will naturally not stand idly by, as she knows all these things well, so there is no need to tell the truth.

Seeing that Tong Yan stopped talking, Granny Hei immediately asked, "What about you? What are your plans after you rescue the descendants of Nuwa?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "What else can I plan? Save my life! People in the heavens will not let me go so easily, so in order to survive, I can only face it calmly."

Hearing this, Granny Hei's eyes brightened, and she asked: "Will you go to the heavens? Do you dare to fight those high gods?"

Seeing that Granny Hei wanted to know the answer so urgently, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "Why? You seem to be very interested in this matter. Could it be that you also have a deep hatred with the heavens?"

The black granny did not deny it and said: "I think I was also a leader in the demon world back then, but now I have ended up like this. Now there are very few people who know me, and my name has long since disappeared in the demon world. You know Is it all thanks to whom?"

Tong Yan was startled when he heard this, and immediately asked: "You mean, the one who killed you and caused you to fall into the underworld of Mount Tai was the person from the heaven?"

The black granny nodded and said, "That's right, apart from those great gods in the heavens, who can cure me? Although I have been reborn now, I will never forget the enmity of those years. And it is because of you and me There is a common enemy, so I will be willing to help you and turn your enemy into a friend. Now you should understand my real intention!"

Indeed, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and there are no permanent enemies in this world, only permanent interests.

Of course, Tong Yan doesn't need any real benefits, but why wouldn't he be happy to have one more helper to fight against the heavens?

Thinking of this, he smiled slightly and said, "So that's it. From the looks of it, we really should join forces. But do you think we are really capable of fighting against the Heaven Realm? Along the way, the Heaven Realm sent nothing more than small characters. If you send a big god , I'm afraid you and I can't compete, right?"

Granny Hei leaned her body forward, she could see the spring on her chest at a glance, and then said mysteriously: "You are a natural leader, as long as you find your true self, as long as you raise your arms, the three worlds and six realms will come back again." Who is your opponent?"

true self?This made Tong Yan a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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