
Chapter 1411 There is no trace of the fairy mountain, but it is actually a real fire?

Chapter 1411 There is no trace of the fairy mountain, but it is actually a real fire?
" you sit down? I feel a little uncomfortable when you look like this."

Hearing this, Granny Hei looked down at her plump figure, puffed out her chest on purpose, and then said with a sweet smile, "What? Are you interested in me? How about I serve you?"

Tong Yan quickly turned his face away, and then said seriously: "Don't look at evil, please be more self-respecting. As for what you said just now, do you think I'm a bit high? A natural leader? I'm just an ordinary person , even if you want to fight against the sky, it is destined to be a long and difficult process. And what do you mean by finding your true self? Am I not myself?"

Granny Hei straightened up, giggled and said, "You will understand what I said today. In short, as long as you don't waver, you will be able to pierce it today. Oh, I'm a little sleepy, I have to sleep Just a minute. How about you? Do you want to sleep with me?"

Tong Yan coughed twice and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I'm afraid I won't be blessed to accept it."

Granny Hei chuckled lightly, then got up and walked to the simple bed in the cabin, and lay down on her side.

Tong Yan didn't say much, he glanced outside, sat cross-legged, and began to practice.

Compared with the sea, this dilapidated fishing boat is as small as a fallen leaf.The "slapping" sound of falling raindrops and the pounding sound of big waves made people worry whether the fishing boat would suddenly break.

However, what is gratifying is that such a broken ship has withstood the devastation of nature and carried everyone safely through the most dangerous night.

The wind and rain outside finally became a lot less, and the sky gradually cleared up. Maybe it won't be long before the storm will pass completely, and the calm time will come soon.

After a night of training, Tong Yan felt refreshed at the moment, having broken through to the realm of the gods, and his current training was completely smooth.If he wasn't in a hurry to rescue the descendants of Nuwa, he really wanted to find a place full of spiritual energy to retreat for a while.By the time he leaves the customs, his cultivation will definitely improve a lot.

But fish and bear's paws cannot be had at the same time after all. Compared with the improvement of cultivation level, saving the descendants of Nuwa is more important.

Walking out of the cabin, it was still raining outside, he stretched his neck, and then asked the big-headed monster: "Little guy, we've been walking for so long, do you know how long it will take to reach Yingzhou Mountain?"

Hearing this, the big-headed monster opened his mouth and gave two "barks".

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, he really couldn't understand this dog language.

"What do you ask a dog for? Ask me, I know where Yingzhou Mountain is."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan turned around and asked with a smile, "Then tell me, how long will it take for us to reach Yingzhou Mountain? The meeting of the Ten Thousand Immortals League may be held tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Granny Hei smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, we won't miss anything. Unless someone doesn't want us to approach Yingzhou Mountain, we should be able to arrive by tonight at the latest."

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt relieved.

Looking into the distance, there is still an endless sea.Where is the legendary Yingzhou Mountain?

Tong Yan was not in the mood to appreciate the boring sea anymore, and decided to enter the cabin to continue practicing.

Seeing that no one was chatting with her, Granny Hei could only lean against the mast in a daze.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was already dusk in a blink of an eye.The storm that had plagued the whole day and night had completely subsided, and the whole sea was quiet.

The afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the whole sea red. Looking from a distance, the sea and sky are the same color, which is too beautiful to behold.

After practicing for another day, Tong Yan stopped practicing, got up and walked out of the cabin.

Looking at the quiet sea and the bright red sunset, he took a deep breath, and then showed a faint smile.

It seems that he has not appreciated the beauty of nature for a long time, and he is almost forgetting that he is still alone. Being close to nature and letting himself relax wholeheartedly is the life a person should live.Fighting, killing, and intrigues are really tiresome.Wouldn't it be a kind of happiness to be able to be like this all the time?

He shook his head lightly, and smiled wryly at himself.

"Tong Yan, are you hungry? Would you like some grilled fish?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan immediately turned around and asked with a smile, "What? Do you want to cook yourself?"

Granny Hei nodded and said, "Why is this so difficult? Isn't it just grilling a few fish? If you want to eat it, I'll cook it for you."

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "Let's forget it. I haven't rescued the descendants of Nuwa. How can I have any appetite? By the way, how far are we from Yingzhou Mountain? Why can't we see the shadow of the high mountain?" ?”

The black granny chuckled and said, "Yingzhou Mountain is a fairy mountain. How can you see it if you want? Let me tell you, don't say that we are still some distance away from Yingzhou Mountain. Even if we are close at hand, as long as we don't step into Above the fairy mountain, we can't see it. Otherwise, Yingzhou Mountain can't be called a fairy mountain, let alone be so far away that it can't be found."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help being a little embarrassed. He asked what he was doing, as if he had no brains.

"Okay, let's be safe when it comes. Don't you want to grill fish? Then I'd rather be respectful than obedient!"

Granny Hei gave a charming smile, and immediately stretched out her hand to grab into the sea.With a slight lift of her jade hand, several sea fish automatically flew out of the sea and landed on the deck.

Seeing these big sea fish jumping around on the deck, the big-headed monster immediately stuck out its tongue and wagged its tail.

The black granny smiled, and quickly started to kill the fish, remove the internal organs of the fish and scrape the scales. Of course, although she was very interested, she did not touch the sea fish during the whole process, and did it completely from the air.

After all the sea fish were cleaned up, she started grilling the fish.But this time, Tong Yan saw an extremely powerful flame, that is the famous Sanwei Zhenhuo!
Granny Hei held the sea fish in the air with one hand, and held a deep purple flame in the other hand.Under the roasting of this flame, the surface layer of the sea fish quickly became burnt, and the aroma of grilled fish overflowed.

As soon as the aroma of the grilled fish came out, the big-headed monster became even more restless, watching it drooling and spinning around in place, not to mention how funny it was.

Although Tong Yan was also attracted by the smell of grilled fish, he was more interested in the magical flame in Granny Hei's hand.He had never seen a flame of this color, and he had never read about it in ancient books.

He can conclude that this flame is definitely not an ordinary flame. As for what kind of fire it is, perhaps only Granny Hei knows.

"Grandma Hei, your grilled fish is really good, it's full of color and flavor, really amazing."

Hei Granny gave Tong Yan a blank look, and said angrily: "I remember telling you, don't call me Hei Granny from now on, either you call me Demon Ancestor or Black Beauty. Of course, if you call me Big Sister, It's also possible. Remember? If you call me mother-in-law again, I won't give you this fish. Hmph..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt a little helpless, so he had to change his words: "Sister Beauty, your fish is really good at grilling. But what kind of fire did you use? Why have I never seen it before?"

Black Granny (Black Beauty) smiled with satisfaction: "Good boy! Sister told you, this fire is real fire with three flavors. Although it is not pure, it is far beyond the comparison of ordinary flames. What? Are you interested? Let me teach you ah!"

Of course Tong Yan was interested, and if he learned one more skill, he would gain more strength.It's just that this black mother-in-law is a demon after all, so how could she know the three flavors of the Taoist school?

(End of this chapter)

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