
Chapter 1412 Arrive at Xianshan Mountain and meet the sea monster again!

Chapter 1412 Arrive at Xianshan Mountain and meet the sea monster again!
"Sister Beauty, are you kidding me? Is this really Sanwei Zhenhuo?"

The black granny (black beauty) said confidently: "That's still fake? Why? You don't believe it?"

Tong Yan smiled awkwardly and said, "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I heard that the Sanwei Zhenhuo is a supernatural power that can only be displayed by immortals. You are not an immortal after all, that's why you asked this question. Don't be offended."

The black beauty curled her lips and said: "Stop doing this, I know what you think, after all, you just look down on us monsters, right? But let me tell you, this is the real Sanwei Zhenhuo. Besides, who told Your Three Flavors True Fire can only be used by gods? There are many people among the monsters who can use the Three Flavors True Fire. It’s just that you have a grudge against the monsters, so you don’t want to believe it. Hmph..."

Seeing that the black beauty was a little angry, Tong Yan hurriedly comforted him: "I said something wrong just now, please don't take it to heart. Didn't you ask me if I am interested? I will answer you now, I am very interested in these three flavors. Interested, would you like to teach me?"

The black beauty saw that Tong Yan was still sincere, so she raised her head and said, "If you know your mistakes and you can correct them, then I will teach you the Three Flavors of True Fire. It's just that it's not far from Yingzhou Mountain. Waiting for you to save it." Descendants of Nuwa, let me teach you again!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan clasped his fists and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you in advance."

Through these two days of communication, Tong Yan suddenly discovered that this black beauty doesn't seem to be that disgusting, maybe this black beauty is hidden deep enough, or her nature is not really vicious.

Soon, the first grilled fish was finished in the hands of the black beauty. Needless to say, this fish was grilled really well, even without condiments, it was absolutely mouth-watering.

The big-headed monster was already circling back and forth in a hurry, if it wasn't for the fear of the black beauty's powerful demonic aura, it probably would have gone begging for mercy a long time ago.

The black beauty naturally saw all this in her eyes, so the first grilled fish was so lucky to be "rewarded" to the big head monster.

Just as the black beauty threw the grilled fish at the big-headed monster, it opened its mouth wide and grabbed it in one bite, then wagged its tail and ate it happily.

The black beauty didn't say anything, just smiled faintly.After a while, the second grilled fish was finished, and it was Tong Yan who had the honor of tasting this delicious grilled fish this time.

Tong Yan didn't believe that the black beauty would poison the fish, even if he did, he didn't care.

After the third grilled fish was finished, the black beauty wanted to give Qiang Liang a taste, but Qiang Liang turned away stubbornly. It seems that he still didn't regard the black beauty as an "ally" because of Tong Yan's face , so the temporary peaceful coexistence is all.

Seeing that Qiangliang is not interested in grilled fish, the black beauty simply throws it to the big-headed monster again.This made the big head monster very happy, and he gobbled it up again.

After a delicious meal of grilled fish, the sky has completely darkened.I thought there would be a bright moon hanging high and stars shining at night, but unexpectedly, dark clouds came from nowhere, and the night was completely plunged into darkness.

"Sister Beauty, how far are we from Yingzhou Mountain?"

The black beauty stood at the bow of the boat, stared forward for a while, and then said: "We will be there soon, everyone be careful."

Qiang Liang, who hadn't spoken much all the way, spoke now. "Be careful? Is there anything to be careful about? Is there an ambush?"

The black beauty said slightly worried: "It seems to be calm now, but the more it is like this, the more disturbing it is. Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. There is nothing wrong with being cautious."

Qiang Liang was speechless, but just snorted coldly.

It can make the majestic demon ancestor feel uneasy, it seems that he should be more cautious.

Tong Yan directly pulled out the Blue Soul Sword and held it in his hand, spreading out the power of the stars.

With the power of the stars to explore the surroundings, if there is an emergency, he can respond immediately.

The speed of the fishing boat moving forward was obviously slower, and the big-headed monster on the boat no longer lay down peacefully, but pricked up its ears and widened its eyes.

Although Qiangliang was stubborn, he also summoned a yellow snake and held it in his hand at the moment, ready to fight.

The fishing boat drove forward slowly for more than ten minutes. For some reason, a thick fog blew in front of it.

And at the moment when the dense fog hit, the black beauty suddenly shouted loudly: "All jump out of the fishing boat and move forward through the fog."

Hearing this, Tong Yan, Qiang Liang and the big-headed monster immediately jumped out of the fishing boat and rushed towards the thick fog ahead.The black beauty didn't delay, she slapped her jade palm forward, and jumped forward.

Worried that the big head monster would not be able to fly, Tong Yan hugged it in his arms as soon as he left the boat.

A group of people flew forward like this for a while, and then there was a loud "bang" sound behind them. It seemed that the fishing boat that carried them all the way here was overwhelmed and completely shattered.

If the black beauty hadn't reminded them in advance, everyone would have fallen into the water or lost their minds.

Being in the dense fog, the more you move forward, the more difficult it becomes. This dense fog is like a giant sponge. At first, it is easy to move forward, but the further you go, the greater the consumption of physical strength.

Tong Yan originally wanted to use his sword to break through the fog, but was preempted by the black beauty.She directly surpassed Tong Yan and Qiang Liang, and slapped two palms forward in succession.After these two palms were slapped, the pressure on Tong Yan and Qiang Liang suddenly weakened, and they could no longer feel any resistance when flying forward.

In this way, about a quarter of an hour passed, and the fog in front became weaker and weaker, and the eyes of everyone were no longer just darkness, but gradually there was light.

After the sound of "huh", the front suddenly opened up, and a huge monster appeared immediately.This so-called colossus is just a high mountain. Seeing it towering in front of you, it is ten thousand zhang high, steep and shrouded in clouds and mists. No need to guess, it must be the fairy mountain of Yingzhou!

Tong Yan and the others floated to the ground in front of the mountain, their eyes filled with amazement and joy.

"Sister Beauty, this mountain must be the legendary Yingzhou Mountain?"

The black beauty nodded and replied: "That's right, it's this mountain! I still remember that when I was a little demon, I came here with my father, and I don't want to come here again, it has been thousands of years later."

Hearing this, Tong Yan said with a slight smile: "Revisiting the old place, you must have a lot of feelings. I don't know if there are really immortals practicing here on this fairy mountain?"

The black beauty chuckled and said, "There are many kinds of immortals in the Three Realms, which one do you want to ask?"

Tong Yan was taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled awkwardly: "Did I say the wrong thing again?"

The black beauty shook her head and said: "It's not that you said the wrong thing, but that people are treated equally here. As long as you come here, there is no distinction between human beings or evil spirits. All living beings are equal, whether they are like gods or ghosts, in the final analysis, they are all of the same kind." , are among the mortal beings. Are you right?"

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "I'm really educated, it's my inappropriate words, forgive me!"

The black beauty smiled slightly and said: "I just repeated to you what my father said to me back then, it's not really any advice. Well, it's time for us to go to worship the mountain!"

With that said, she raised her legs and walked forward.

But as soon as she took two steps, Tong Yan suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! Do you smell anything?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang asked in puzzlement, "Smell? What kind of smell?"

A cold light flashed in Tong Yan's eyes, and then he said coldly: "The unique stench of the Sea-Monster Clan, it seems that the Sea-Monster Clan is here too!"

(End of this chapter)

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