
Chapter 1413 Three worships and one dedication, the method of mountain climbing!

Chapter 1413 Three Prayers and One Dedication, the Way of Mountain Climbing!

"The Siren Clan? Boss, are you sure it's the scent of the Siren Clan?"

Tong Yan said noncommittally: "It's absolutely true! I have been fighting with the sea monsters for several years, and I will never forget this disgusting stench. It seems that the difficulty of rescuing the descendants of Nuwa has increased a bit. .”

Hearing this, the black beauty laughed lightly and said, "The Sea-Monster Clan is indeed powerful, but those who are highly skilled will generally not leave Guixu easily. Instead of worrying about those sea-monsters, you might as well think about it carefully." How about worshiping the mountain later! Don’t even be unable to go up the mountain, how will you rescue the descendants of Nuwa?”

The so-called mountain worship usually refers to visiting the graves of ancestors during traditional festivals such as Qingming, Dragon Boat Festival, and Chongyang Festival, so as to commemorate the ancestors and pray for good weather for the family.But this is not the case with the mountain worship mentioned here, but the permission of the mountain guard before going up the mountain, which means visiting the mountain.

Hearing what Hei Meiren said, Tong Yan immediately asked: "Beauty sister, is there anything important in wanting to go to Yingzhou Mountain?"

The black beauty nodded and said with a smile: "It's natural, Yingzhou Mountain is one of the most immortal mountains, and it's not so easy to go up the mountain. As for what is important, it is three worships and one offering."

Puzzled, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What do you mean by three prostrations and one offering? Which three prostrations? Which one offering?"

The black beauty was also patient, and explained to Tong Yan: "Three worships are because there are three gates in Yingzhou Mountain, and each gate has a gatekeeper. If you want to go up the mountain, you must pass through three gates, so it is called three worships. As for the offering, it refers to the three gates. After passing through the three gates, you need to offer a treasure to the fairy cave, and offering the treasure is equivalent to getting the approval of Yingzhou Mountain, as long as you are on this Yingzhou Mountain, you can get the protection of the mountain god, and no one will dare to touch you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while and said, "Xianbao is easy to understand, but how to pass through the first three gates? The three gatekeepers probably won't let outsiders pass easily, right?"

The black beauty laughed and said: "Thinking about the first three gates, the easiest way is to please the three gatekeepers. As for how to please, you can give treasures, gold and silver treasures. Besides, you can also rely on Solve it by force, as long as you are confident that you can break through, then give it a go with the goalkeeper. If you win, you will pass. If you lose, you will have to go back home. Do you understand now?"

The black beauty spoke so thoroughly, Tong Yan would be a fool if he couldn't understand it.

But the problem is, before coming here, he didn't know there were so many rules, so he didn't prepare anything.Could it be that the first three doors can only be passed through?But what if the goalkeeper is so powerful that he can't break through?At that time, how will we rescue Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa?
"Beautiful sister, I didn't know about this before I came here. So I didn't prepare gold, silver and soft things. I don't know if you have any preparations?"

Hearing this, the black beauty laughed and said, "Didn't I tell you that? When I was young, I visited Yingzhou Mountain with my father once. This time, there is no such thing as three worships and one offering. It's my first time here, so I can only follow the rules. As for the gold and silver items, you see, I'm wearing thin clothes. Where can I put them? You're so smart, you should figure it out yourself!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan feels helpless, he actually has a lot of treasures, but they are all his magic weapons, he is reluctant to give any one away.It seems that I can only think of other ways, or forcefully break through these three gates, and let's talk if I can't break through.

After making up his mind, he immediately said: "There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Let's take a step and see. Beauty sister, please lead the way!"

The black beauty nodded, and immediately raised her legs and walked forward.

Tong Yan looked around and followed quickly.

With the black beauty leading the way, it really saved a lot of trouble. After walking forward for a while, I saw the first mountain gate from a distance.

As the first mountain gate of Yingzhou Mountain, this gate can be described as magnificent and extraordinary.The gate is more than ten meters high and eight meters wide. It has tall beams and pillars, but no door panels.There are two gateposts on the left and right, one is carved with a dragon and the other is carved with a flying phoenix.The dragon and the phoenix echoed, lifelike and shocking.There is a stone statue on the left and right of the gatepost, which looks like a tiger but has two wings on its back.

But in the very center of the mountain gate, there was a vicious giant standing at this time.The giant is like a stone statue, with glaring eyes, a fierce face, protruding fangs, raised eyebrows, dressed in armor, and holding a huge sword in both hands, just like a god descending from the earth. People dare not look at it, let alone be presumptuous here.

Tong Yan looked at the giant, and then asked the black beauty: "Sister beauty, is this the gatekeeper you mentioned? It's so fierce, I don't know how strong it is."

The black beauty smiled gloatingly: "No matter how fierce he is, he won't stop me. But you, have you thought about how to please him?"

Before Tong Yan could speak, Qiang Liang said first: "Isn't it just a watchdog? What is there to be afraid of? Boss, leave him to me to deal with. I want to see how capable this shit watchdog is." .”

As he said that, he was about to rush forward.

Tong Yan saw it, and was about to stop it, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.There is nothing wrong with letting Qiangliang go to explore the way. Maybe this gatekeeper is really just a trick that is not useful. Maybe he will be defeated by Qiangliang in a short while.

Qiangliang stepped forward quickly, growing his body while walking, and when he came to the gatekeeper, he was already comparable in size to the gatekeeper.

Just then, the gatekeeper spoke. "Do you want to worship the mountain, or go to the mountain?"

Qiangliang replied stubbornly: "Whatever you say, of course you want to go to the mountain. Let the horse come over!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the gatekeeper suddenly raised the giant sword he was leaning on, and then slashed across his neck with his sword without saying a word.

Although the gatekeeper's sword was ferocious enough, Qiang Liang was not one to take it easy, so he swung the yellow snake in his hand and immediately collided head-on with the giant sword that was coming at him.

Only a loud bang of "Dang" was heard, and a fierce battle kicked off.

With an attitude of watching a play, the black beauty asked Tong Yan with a smile: "Who do you think will win between the two?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and said, "It's hard to say now, but I hope Qiangliang wins."

The black beauty chuckled and said: "Although your friend is not weak, he doesn't even think about where this is. This is Mount Yingzhou. The gatekeeper god is a god conceived by Mount Yingzhou, and what he uses is the mountain spirit of Yingzhou The essence of the meridians. Just watch, at most one hundred rounds, your friend will definitely lose!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan frowned and said, "According to what you said, isn't this gatekeeper invincible? Then how do we go up the mountain? Don't you have any other options?"

The black beauty smiled and said, "Of course there are other ways, but it will take a little more time."

Tong Yan was puzzled, and hurriedly asked: "What method?"

"One word, wait!"

Wait?What are you waiting for?

(End of this chapter)

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