
Chapter 1414 There are many babies, and the oriole is behind?

Chapter 1414 There are many babies, and the oriole is behind?

Although the black beauty pretends to be mysterious, she was still guessed by Tong Yan.

"You don't mean to wait for other people or monsters to come here, so we go directly to grab the treasure?"

The black beauty giggled and said, "That's right, otherwise, where are you going to get gold and silver? The League of Immortals is gathering here, and I think there will be a large number of people from the monster clan coming to attend. When there is nothing to do, The Yaozu will not come to Yingzhou Mountain. Therefore, there must be many Yaozu bringing treasures to join in the fun, and when the time comes to grab a few, it will be enough for you to contribute."

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, "That makes sense! If that's the case, I don't want Qiangliang to continue fighting with the gatekeeper. It's useless to say that I'm doomed not to win. It's really unnecessary!"

Having said that, he immediately looked at the battle ahead again.

Qiangliang and the gatekeeper are fighting extremely fiercely at the moment. They come and go, and they will not give in to each other, and they can't tell who has the upper hand and who is the loser. I only know that this fierce battle will be inseparable in a short time. Win or lose.

Tong Yan didn't delay anymore, he strode forward and shouted loudly: "Qiang Liang, don't fight anymore. We won't force our way, there is another way to climb the mountain!"

Qiangliang might also be tired from the fight, so when he heard Tong Yan say this, he immediately backed away, and then angrily said to the goalkeeper: "This time the victory is not decided, I will ask for advice later!"

The gatekeeper didn't chase after him, so he responded: "You are welcome, I will accompany you at any time!" After speaking, he flew back to the center of the mountain gate again, and continued to guard the mountain gate with his sword on the ground.

Although Qiang Liang retreated to Tong Yan's side, he was still somewhat unwilling. After all, he was the one who asked to go to the mountain on his own initiative, but now there is no result, and he always felt a little overwhelmed.

"Boss, have you really figured out another way to climb the mountain? If it's not safe, I'll fight that gatekeeper again. Although he's not weak, after a long fight, I'm sure I'll win."

Of course Tong Yan didn't want to pour cold water on Qiangliang's head, so he smiled slightly and said, "Even if you can win, you've wasted a lot of energy, and the gain is not worth the loss. We just have to wait here patiently, there will definitely be evildoers who will bring treasures. At that time, we only need to grab one or two, and we can go up the mountain smoothly, which is much easier than climbing the mountain. Are you right?"

Qiang Liang nodded and said, "It's indeed much easier, but who knows when those monsters will come?"

While the two were talking, two "unlucky spirits" came to their door.

Tong Yan glanced at it, then smiled at Qiangliang: "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here. That's them!"

Hearing this, Qiangliang rushed over without saying a word.

Although the two little demons had turned into human forms, their demonic aura was very obvious. Seeing them walking forward excitedly, it was probably their first time here.But it's a pity that they met Tong Yan and others, so it can only be said that they were out of luck.

Qiangliang moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of the two little demons.

The two little demons didn't know that they were being watched, they thought Qiangliang was here to greet him.One of the little demons immediately said politely: "Brother, why are you blocking our way?"

Hearing this, Qiangliang immediately said in a cold voice: "I came here to borrow something from you, if you have anything, please lend it to me!"

The two little demons were puzzled, and after looking at each other, the other little demon asked: "Brother, what do you want to borrow?"

Qiangliang stretched his neck, and then replied: "Gold and silver are delicate and soft, rare treasures!"

Hearing this, the little demon hurriedly asked: "Brother, how much do you want to borrow? We don't have much on us, so please don't make us too embarrassed."

Qiang Liang fiddled with his fingers, and then responded loudly: "There are three of us, it's enough for the three of us to climb Yingzhou Mountain."

Hearing this, the little demon exclaimed in shock: "What? You are three people? Where are we going to get so many treasures? Brother, we can at most take you up the mountain alone, but if there are three of you, there is nothing we can do to help you. gone."

Qiangliang smiled and said, "Isn't it enough to give up the two of you? If you don't want to die, just obediently hand over all the treasures on your body. Otherwise, I will kill you now."

As soon as the words fell, I saw him staring angrily, and his menacing aura also spread out.

Although these two little monsters didn't want to cause trouble, but now Qiang Liang was clearly about to grab them, no matter how bad they were, they would try their best to resist.

"Big man, we treat each other with courtesy, but you push an inch. Do you really think that we are soft persimmons, and you can pinch them if you want? To tell you the truth, we are members of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. If you dare to do anything wrong to us, our leader and a few The Great Immortal will never forgive you."

Qiang Liang clenched his fists, and then laughed loudly: "The League of Ten Thousand Immortals? What is the League of Ten Thousand Immortals? Sir, I only have eight words here. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish!"

Speaking of this, he punched out violently, and the little monster who was a little closer to him didn't even have a chance to resist, so he was directly knocked down by his punch, screaming again and again.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the other little demon turned around and was about to flee from this place, but before he could run a few steps, Qiangliang caught up with him and knocked him down with a punch.

Because he didn't take advantage of the gatekeeper before, Qiang Liang had been holding back his anger, and now he just took his anger out on these two little monsters, beating them up to the point where they had no power to fight back. Can lie on the ground and shiver.

"I'll say it again, hand over all the treasures in your body. Those who don't listen to the warning will bear the consequences!"

After being beaten up hard, the two little monsters dared not hold on, and immediately begged bitterly: "Master, please forgive me! Let's do it right now, and please forgive me!"

While begging, they took things out of their bodies. In just a moment, more than a dozen treasures and a few pieces of gold and silver bars were piled up in front of them.

Until now, Tong Yan and Hei Mei came over with smiles on their faces.

Tong Yan put the big-headed monster he had been holding onto the ground, then smiled at the black beauty and asked, "Beauty sister, so many treasures, are they enough for us to go up the mountain?"

The black beauty nodded with a smile and said, "It's more than enough! Don't tell me, the two little demons have so many treasures. It seems that people can't be judged by appearances, and the sea water can't be measured!"

While saying this, she lightly kicked the pile of treasures with her toes.It wasn't until she saw a gold hairpin that she quickly squatted down.

"Yo! There is such a rare thing! I said brother Tong Yan, I have a crush on this sister Jinchai, can you give it to me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "My sister was joking, if you catch your eye, just accept it. Besides, I'm offering flowers to Buddha, it's my honor for you to catch my eye."

The black beauty smiled sweetly, and then took the golden hairpin in her hands and began to play with it.

Now that we have the conditions to go up the mountain, there is no need to stay here any longer.The few people took the treasures and gold and silver of the two little demons, and then came to the gatekeeper of the first gate again.

And just when they were planning to "spend money to avoid disaster", unexpectedly a few more monsters came.The only difference from the previous two little demons was that the ones who came this time were all old demons, and they also had their eyes on Tong Yan and the others.

At last, they have encountered some difficulties, and the first battle in Yingzhou Mountain seems inevitable!

(End of this chapter)

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