
Chapter 1416 The evil monster should be punished, full of anger!

Chapter 1416 The evil monster should be punished, full of anger!

Although Tong Yan appears to be gentle, humble and polite on the surface, he has always been ruthless and merciless when dealing with demons and ghosts.

At this moment, he made a sudden move, naturally he didn't want to teach him a lesson, what he wanted to do was to make the white-haired old demon lose his combat power in an instant, and vent his anger for Qiangliang.

His figure suddenly disappeared, but was still noticed by a few old demons.But unfortunately, even if they are aware of it, they are powerless to change anything.Because when Tong Yan reappeared, he was already in front of the white-haired old demon. Before the white-haired old demon could react, Tong Yan had already used two of the five-finger swords, and hit the white-haired old demon right in the middle. eyes.


Tong Yan wasn't in the mood to hear the white-haired old demon howling and howling, so he shifted shape again and returned to his original place.

These few movements of his were really too fast, so fast that they startled everyone present, so fast that many people hadn't had time to react.

The white-haired old demon's eyes were crippled, and he covered his eyes with his hands and screamed, but in Tong Yan's view, it was entirely his own fault, and he had no one to blame.Besides, there will be even greater bad luck waiting for him, because Qiang Liang has already picked up the yellow snake in his hand and pulled it directly towards his head.

Hearing a sound of "bang", the powerful yellow snake hit the white-haired old demon's head. Under the powerful blow, the white-haired old demon's head was directly broken like a watermelon. There is no possibility of recovery.

The white-haired old demon's head was broken, and he fell to the ground immediately. His body twitched a few times, and finally turned into a headless white fur cat.Feelings is a raccoon demon, and before humiliating Tong Yan they are cats and dogs, this time he completely slapped himself in the face, and even his life was involved.

After the death of the white-haired raccoon cat demon, the remaining few old demons were scared out of their wits.They originally thought that Tong Yan and his group were just small characters, but now it seems that they are simply blind, breaking ground on the head of Tai Sui, isn't this asking for their own death?
Qiangliang was in a good mood after killing the civet cat demon, but more excited.He turned his head to look at the remaining old monsters, and then said with a hey smile: "You guys, do you want to come over and make gestures? Didn't you say that the weak are prey to the strong? You scoundrels are really weak. I am in a good mood today, sir. Let’s send you all on the road together!”

Having said that, he is about to strike again.

Which of these old monsters has hundreds of years of Taoism, and if they can live to their age, they are probably smarter than monkeys.In fact, they knew in their hearts that the most powerful person was not the fierce Qiang Liang in front of them, but Tong Yan who had tried his skills just now, and the unobtrusive black beauty.

So now seeing that Qiang Liang is going to continue to kill, they hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy: "Excellent, please forgive me, we have eyes but don't know Mount Tai, and we offended so much just now, please forgive us This time!"

Hearing this, Qiangliang sneered and said: "Forgive you? It's a good idea! Didn't you want our lives just now? Now I know I'm afraid, isn't it too late? Today, none of you can live, Get ready to die for me!"

As soon as the words fell, he was about to continue.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurriedly stopped him: "Wait a minute, Qiangliang! Let me ask them a few things. If they don't tell the truth, it's not too late for you to get rid of them."

Hearing this, Qiangliang put down his raised hand immediately, and then shouted loudly to those old monsters: "If you don't want to die, just answer my boss's words honestly, otherwise, I will screw all your heads off!" , one by one. Do you hear me clearly?"

The old demons were terrified, and when they heard this, they hurriedly answered yes.

Tong Yan smiled slightly, and then asked, "Why do you want to kill us? It's not just because we look like persimmons, is it?"

The black-faced old demon hastily replied: "Master, we are blind and don't know the heights of heaven and earth. If we knew that you are all masters, we would never dare to offend you. As for why... why we want to harm you, it is because... It is because there are only so many benefits of this rally, and the fewer people who go to participate, the more we can share, so... I want to get rid of you here. In fact, along the way, we have already killed Many people have died because of this reason.”

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked again: "Then tell me, what are the benefits of this meeting of the Ten Thousand Immortals League? Is it really so attractive to you?"

Hearing this, the black-faced old demon was taken aback, and asked in confusion: "Master, don't you know? Then what are you doing here at Yingzhou Mountain?"

When Qiangliang heard that the black-faced old demon dared to ask back, he immediately said angrily: "Presumptuous, you just answer whatever my boss asks you. Where is there so much nonsense? I think you really don't want to live!"

Seeing that Qiangliang was angry, the black-faced old demon hurriedly said: "I said, I said, I said everything. This time, the Ten Thousand Immortals League held a rally and announced to the outside world that it was going to integrate the demon clan and elect a demon god to lead the demon clan. But in this way It didn't get much response at all. Some seniors of the Yaozu who were highly skilled didn't bother to come here to mix in. Therefore, in order to let the strong men of the Yaozu come here, the convener of the Ten Thousand Immortals Union specially added a lottery. In order to attract the strong from all sides to come together. The benefits we mentioned before refer to this lottery."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What prize? Let's hear it!"

The black-faced old demon replied truthfully: "This prize is... the blood of Nuwa that can greatly increase our cultivation base!"

As soon as these words came out, Tong Yan's eyes suddenly became cold.He really didn't expect that the hateful Ten Thousand Immortals would dare to use Nuwa's blood as a prize. This is not only a blasphemy to Nuwa's clan, but also a great disrespect to Nuwa Empress.

Seeing the murderous look on Tong Yan, the black beauty hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, the rally hasn't started yet, I think the descendants of Nuwa should be safe now. What else do you want to ask? Alive, let’s ask for clarification!”

Tong Yan suppressed the anger in his chest, and then asked again: "How many evildoers participated in the Ten Thousand Immortals Gathering this time? Who is the convener?"

The black-faced old demon hurriedly replied: "How many people there are, I... I don't know too well, anyway, I heard that many powerful seniors of the demon clan have come. It's a grand meeting. As for the convener, we actually don't know much about him. We only know that he is very knowledgeable, and there are rumors that a certain god king from the heavens is behind him. In short, this guy is definitely the leader of my monster clan .Master, that's all I know. I beg you... Please spare my life!"

Tong Yan already knew what he wanted to know, and now he just wanted to quickly climb up Yingzhou Mountain, quickly find the so-called convener, and rescue the descendants of Nuwa. As for the lives of these old monsters, he I didn't take it to heart at all.

Just watch him turn around directly, lift his legs and walk up the steps quickly.

Seeing this, Qiangliang hesitated for a moment, and followed quickly.

The old demons thought they had escaped, but unfortunately, they forgot about the black beauty.

The black beauty fiddled with her fingers, and then walked forward with a smile.

The black-faced old demon looked at it, and immediately said nervously: "You...what are you going to do? The expert just promised us to spare our lives. You...are you going to break your promise?"

The black beauty smiled disdainfully and said: "He said that it is his business to spare you. I want to kill you, but no one cares. Just you little demons, dare to act presumptuously in front of me. Wouldn't it be humiliating if I didn't kill you all?" Did you take the name of my black beauty?"

When the old demons heard this, their faces changed drastically in fright.

"You...what are you talking about? are a black lady? Ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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