
Chapter 1417 The murderous intention has begun, and it has completely exploded!

Chapter 1417 The murderous intention has begun, and it has completely exploded!

Tong Yan let these old demons go, but the black beauty didn't let them go, so their final fate remained unchanged, they still died on Yingzhou Mountain.It cannot be said that they were unlucky, it can only be said that they were responsible for their own faults.

After getting rid of these old monsters, the black beauty caught up with Tong Yan and the others as if nothing had happened.

Tong Yan was not in the mood to care about the life and death of those old demons, he just wanted to pass through the three gates quickly, and meet the convener of the Ten Thousand Immortals League as soon as possible.

After walking up the steep steps for more than ten minutes, they saw the second mountain gate.Because this is Yingzhou Mountain, there are not only mountain gods, but also various patron saints. If you want to stay here, you must abide by the rules here.For example, not being able to fly, or not being able to destroy the mountain gate here should all fall into this category.

Although Tong Yan was in a hurry to go up the mountain, he also understood that it was inconvenient to make troubles at this time, and the most important thing was to pass through the three gates safely and find the convener of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals.

Compared with the first gate of Yingzhou Mountain, there is not much difference between the second gate and the first gate. It is just that the volume is smaller than the first gate. The other is that the two stone statues in front of the gatepost have changed from the shape of flying tigers to Two flying snakes.

Apart from these, the biggest difference should be the goalkeeper.The gatekeeper of the first gate is a general with a sword in both hands, while the gatekeeper of the second gate is a half-grown child holding a bow and arrow.

Of course, this second goalkeeper looks like a child, but in fact he may be older than the black beauty.Judging from the appearance, this half-old child should be about fourteen or fifteen years old, with a height of about 1.6 meters. His upper body is wearing a sleeveless leather armor, showing a pair of strong arms, and his lower body is wearing leather shorts, with bare feet.His appearance is quite handsome, but his eyes are as black as ink, making people afraid to look directly at him.The most eye-catching is his pair of fluffy pointed ears, much like the ears of a rabbit or a dog.His skin is wheat-colored, and although he is thin, he looks healthy.

Tong Yan stared at the gatekeeper for a while, then asked the black beauty: "Sister beauty, is this the second gatekeeper? Can you let us pass by giving him gold and silver?"

The black beauty nodded and said: "There should be no problem, but you'd better not have too much contact with this guy later. I once heard my father say that the gatekeeper of the second gate is different from other gatekeepers. He It is not a creature conceived by Yingzhou Mountain, but from the sky. Besides, this guy looks like a child, but he is extremely powerful and very belligerent. If anyone offends him, he must either escape from Yingzhou Mountain in time, or You have to die under his arrows. In short, try to talk to this guy as little as possible, and you can give more gold and silver. If you satisfy him once, you can pass safely. Remember?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan made a soft sound, and then told Qiangliang and the big-headed monster: "Qiangliang, don't talk later, this second gatekeeper has a bad temper, and we can't afford to offend you. And you , Big-headed monster, you also have to be honest with me, understand?"

Qiang Liang wanted to say something, but when he saw Tong Yan's unresisting eyes, he nodded quickly.As for the big-headed monster, he nodded obediently.

After everything was arranged, the group continued to walk towards the second door.

As soon as he reached the second gate, the gatekeeper of the second gate spoke. "Are you going to worship the mountain, or go to the mountain?"

It was the same as what the gatekeeper at the first gate said, which made Tong Yan heave a sigh of relief.

"Glory to the mountain! I have gold and silver treasures here, please help the gatekeeper!"

Having said that, he hurriedly took out the prepared gold and silver bars, and put his hands in front of the gatekeeper.

The gatekeeper of the second gate stared at the gold and silver, nodded lightly and said: "That's fine, put it under the Panlong pillar, and you can pass."

Tong Yan didn't expect things to go so smoothly, he was so happy, he hurriedly took the gold and silver bars to the dragon pillar and put them on the ground.

Same as the Panlong Pillar at the first gate, the Panlong on the Panlong Pillar at the second gate also opened its mouth, sucking the gold and silver bars offered by Tong Yan into its mouth.

After finishing all these, Tong Yan hurriedly waved to Qiang Liang and the others, signaling them to pass through the second door quickly.

But when everyone was about to pass through smoothly, the half-grown gatekeeper suddenly said loudly: "Wait! Did you forget something?"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked, "Senior door god, what have we forgotten?"

The gatekeeper smiled coldly and said, "You haven't kowtowed to me yet!"

As soon as this remark came out, Qiang Liang could no longer suppress his anger, and immediately said fiercely: "Kowtow to you? What are you? Are you worthy?"

Hearing what Qiang Liang said, Tong Yan's heart suddenly turned cold.You have already passed the second door, so what is it even if you kowtow?There's really no point in getting into trouble with the gatekeeper over such a trivial matter.Even if he is a little wronged now, it is nothing compared to saving the descendants of Nuwa.

Which is more important, how can this Qiangliang not be able to tell the difference?

In order to keep the situation from getting worse, Tong Yan hurriedly scolded Qiangliang: "Qiangliang, what are you talking about? This door god is a god, why should I wait for ordinary people to worship the god? You step down immediately, Don't talk too much!"

Qiang Liang was furious, but he didn't want to embarrass Tong Yan, so he could only retreat obediently.

Seeing this, Tong Yan turned to the doorkeeper and said, "Godkeeper, you want us to worship you, right? Okay, we will worship you now. I'm rude, please forgive me!"

A man can bend and stretch, but now Tong Yan just wants to calm things down and rescue the descendants of Nuwa as soon as possible.

But it's a pity that, on his side, he was wronged and asked for perfection, and this abominable gatekeeper turned out to be relentless.I heard him laugh a few times, and then mocked: "Now I know I'm afraid? But that guy was still disrespecting me just now! Do you really think I can let you go by kowtowing to me a few times? Let me tell you, It's too late! Now I've changed my mind, none of you people want to go up the mountain, get off the mountain. Do you hear that? Get off the mountain!"

The gatekeeper shouted and glared angrily, spreading out the powerful divine power in his body.

Seeing this, Qiang Liang knew that he had caused a catastrophe and disrupted Tong Yan's plan, so he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Boss, I was reckless, and I caused trouble for you. But don't worry, one person does things and one person is responsible. I will bear the mistakes I made. You go up the mountain now, and I will deal with this evil god. As long as I If you are still alive, you will never let him trouble you."

Hearing this, Tong Yan shook his head and smiled wryly: "The matter has come to this, how can I blame you? It's only my fault for looking forward and backward, it's only my fault for not wanting to cause trouble. Now we are all forced to this point, if I am like a dog again What kind of shit is Yingzhou Mountain, what a shit gatekeeper. Today, grandpa, I won’t worship the mountain anymore, I’ll just walk up like this, gods block and kill gods, demons block and kill demons!”

(End of this chapter)

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