
Chapter 1419 Compassion, grace not to kill!

Chapter 1419 Compassion, grace not to kill!

Seeing the human figure struggling in the white flames and screaming again and again, the gatekeeper of the second gate of Yingzhou Mountain showed a smug smile, and then sarcastically said: "Mortal, as I said, even if you have a fairyland It is absolutely impossible to be my opponent. Now, do you understand? It is a pity that even if you want to regret it now, it is too late. This white flame is the purest three-flavored real fire, as long as it is touched At the last point, everything will be reduced to ashes, so today you will definitely die! Go all the way! Haha..."

However, just when the gatekeeper was complacent, a cold voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Death is certain? Are you overestimating yourself? If you want to kill me, this is not enough!"

As soon as the words fell, the gatekeeper only felt a pain in the back of his heart, and then, a blue sharp blade pierced through his back, directly penetrating his body.

The severe pain made the gatekeeper let out a scream, and compared with the pain, what made him unbearable was panic and loss.

The blue sharp blade that pierced the gatekeeper's body was the Blue Soul Sword, and the person who suddenly appeared behind the gatekeeper like a ghost was Tong Yan.

Although Tong Yan had severely injured the goalkeeper, the goalkeeper was experienced in many battles and was highly skilled. After a moment of panic, he immediately rushed forward.Fearless of the secondary damage caused by the blue soul sword, he quickly distanced himself from Tong Yan.

In fact, Tong Yan had the opportunity to completely get rid of the gatekeeper, but he had to forgive and forgive others. Teaching the gatekeeper a lesson was actually enough.

The heart was pierced, and if it was an ordinary person, he would have died without a doubt, but the body of the gatekeeper is extremely strong, such a fatal injury, the impact on him is actually not that great.

Tong Yan also knew this, so he chose to strike his heart with his sword, but if Tong Yan chose to behead him, no matter how powerful the gatekeeper was, he would have no chance of surviving.

It's just that Tong Yan thought so, but the gatekeeper didn't appreciate it. On the contrary, he was attacked by surprise, which angered him even more.

He immediately turned around, then glared fiercely at Tong Yan and said, "You can hold my Sanwei Zhenhuo? How did you do it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Of course your Sanwei Zhenhuo is powerful, but how can I be so stupid as to use my body to carry it? Take a good look, the one burning in the Sanweizhenhuo is really me?"

Hearing this, the gatekeeper quickly turned his head to take a closer look.Looking at it like this, he suddenly woke up.Although the one in the fire is in human form, it is definitely not a human being. If it is a human being, no matter how strong the body is, it is absolutely impossible to persist for such a long time in the burning of the Sanwei Zhenhuo.But the question is, if the fire is not a person, what is it?

Tong Yan could already see the shock and doubt in his eyes, so he simply explained for him: "That is a substitute I created with starlight, not the real body. As for the screams you heard, I also used starlight to control the airflow." There is only one purpose of doing this, and that is to make you relax your vigilance and make you think that you are sure to win. When you are not prepared, if I launch a sneak attack again, you will naturally have no way to dodge. Okay Now, you should understand everything now. You have to think carefully about whether you want to continue to be my enemy. Besides, I will not show mercy next time. Even if you are a god, if you anger me, there is only one dead end. "

Tong Yan's previous words were to answer the questions in the gatekeeper's mind, while the latter words were a stern warning.

The gatekeeper gritted his teeth, and then said angrily: "It's just a cover-up. I'm still alive, so you didn't win. If you want me to let you go completely, then step over my corpse. Otherwise, I will I will never let you go."

Speaking of this, his whole body was full of divine power, and his whole body also changed and grew rapidly from the appearance of a child. In just a short while, he turned into a tall and strong man with a height of more than 1.9 meters.The bulging muscles and cold face all brought great shock to people.

Tong Yan saw it, and said coldly: "What? Do you still want to fight? That's fine, I'll let you know what it means to know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

As soon as the words fell, the star imprint on Tong Yan's eyebrows burst out dazzling golden light instantly, and the golden light fanned towards the gatekeeper. The latter wanted to avoid it, but was still firmly covered by the golden light.

At the same time, Tong Yan shouted loudly: "The power of Venus shines in all directions!"

Confinement, this is the special ability bestowed on Tong Yan by the power of Venus.This kind of confinement is naturally not a real confinement, but it can slow down a person's actions for a short period of time, which is slightly worse than the immobilization technique, but it is also enough to make the enemy unable to parry.

Under the confinement of the power of Venus, the goalkeeper wanted to move, but found that everything seemed to be frozen. His arms and legs could only move slowly to the point of seconds, which was comparable to Tong Yan's striding meteor. It's a world of difference, just like the speed of the hour hand and the second.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that he was defeated, and he was so defeated. Although he still had a lot of supernatural powers that he hadn't had time to use, but facing such a terrifying enemy, he had no chance to use them at all, and all he had to do was wait quietly. Die, nothing can be done.

Will Tong Yan kill him?If I had this idea before, it is gone now.Tong Yan has already seen that this gatekeeper is just a half-grown child with a strong personality and some stubbornness.Instead of killing such a "child" who has not yet opened his mind, it is better to make friends with him. At least on this Yingzhou Mountain, he will be able to provide a little help, which will be beneficial to rescue the descendants of Nuwa. One harm.

Therefore, Tong Yan just put the Blue Soul Sword on the shoulder of the gatekeeper, and did not take any further action.On the contrary, he also removed the power of Venus, allowing the gatekeeper to regain his freedom.

"Are you going to fight me to the death now?"

Looking at the heavy sharp blade on his shoulders and the handsome and plain face in front of him, the gatekeeper suddenly felt aggrieved, and then burst into tears.


Seeing the gatekeeper crying loudly with aggrievedness, the killing intent in Tong Yan's heart completely disappeared.In fact, life and death are just a matter of thought. When Qiangliang was injured by the gatekeeper, he really wanted to kill the gatekeeper.But maybe it was because he saw the simplicity in the eyes of the gatekeeper, somehow, he was moved with compassion.And it is precisely because of his mercy under the sword that he not only gained a powerful little follower, but also got the approval of the mountain god of Yingzhou Mountain.

The gatekeeper, who had been crying for a while, finally stopped crying. He suddenly knelt down in front of Tong Yan, and said sincerely: "I lost, and I lost like hell. You...can you let me be your subordinate? I I am willing to follow you all my life and repay your kindness of not killing me!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan finally showed a relaxed smile.He needs helpers, especially powerful ones, not only to rescue the descendants of Nuwa, but also to fight against the heavens!
(End of this chapter)

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