
Chapter 1420 The origin of Yitian, the advice of the mountain god.

Chapter 1420 The origin of Yitian, the advice of the mountain god.

Yingzhou Mountain, the gatekeeper of the second gate, is not only far stronger than Qiangliang, but if Tong Yan hadn't used some tricks and restrained him with the power of Venus, it would be very difficult for Tong Yan to win.

Faced with such a powerful helper, Tong Yan was naturally eager, but the gatekeeper was on duty in Yingzhou Mountain after all, if he was allowed to follow him in the future, would the mountain god of Yingzhou Mountain agree?

Tong Yan hesitated, but still asked, "You want to be my subordinate? Didn't you just say it casually?"

The gatekeeper had already changed his appearance back to that of a child. Hearing Tong Yan's question, he hurriedly replied: "I didn't just say it casually, I mean it sincerely. Our Yi clan has always respected strength, and the strong are respected. You Stronger than me, so I am willing to be your subordinate and be loyal to you forever."

Hearing the word "Yi Clan" and looking at the bow and arrow used by this child, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something, and then said to himself naturally: "Yi Clan? Bow and arrow? God, it can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

The gatekeeper was taken aback by this, and said puzzledly: "Your Majesty, what are you talking about? Are you willing to accept me as a subordinate?"

Your Majesty?This title sounds nice, but Tong Yan is not used to it.

"I'm not a king, so don't call me that. My name is Tong Yan. You can call me Big Brother Tong Yan, or you can call me Big Brother directly. As for whether I want to accept you as a subordinate, I'm afraid it's not up to me to decide." .”

When the gatekeeper heard this, he thought that Tong Yan was unwilling, and immediately said aggrievedly: "You don't want to, if you don't accept me, then I will die here."

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled wryly, he is really a child, his thoughts are so simple.

"Son, it's not that I don't want to accept you. It's that your status is too special. Think about it, you are the gatekeeper of the second gate of Yingzhou Mountain. If I accept you as my subordinate and you leave with me, then Who else will guard the second gate? Will the mountain god master of Yingzhou Mountain agree?"

Hearing this, the gatekeeper immediately said happily: "You mean, as long as the master of the mountain god agrees, you will let me be your subordinate? Isn't that difficult? I can sever ties with Yingzhou Mountain now and never Be this gatekeeper. Brother Tong Yan, wait for me." At this point, the child didn't get up, but directly bit his fingertips, drew a circle on the ground with blood, and wrote a Big "solution" word.

The word Jie naturally means to relieve.Could it be that this child wants to remove his identity as the gatekeeper of Yingzhou Mountain?
Just as Tong Yan was thinking, he suddenly saw the word "Xie" written by the child bursting with dazzling red light, and then, a deep and hoarse voice came out from the red light.

"Baby, are you leaving Yingzhou Mountain? You are no longer the gatekeeper?"

As soon as the child heard this, he immediately said respectfully: "Grandpa Mountain God, I have found someone who can defeat me. I have caused you too much trouble here, and now I want to regain my freedom. Grandpa Mountain God, you agree?"

"Hehe...Baby, it seems that you are really determined. It's okay, you are not a creature conceived by me on Yingzhou Mountain. You shouldn't spend your time here all the time. Now that you have made a decision, then Grandpa, I will I promise you. But you remember, no matter when and where, as long as you want to come back, grandpa will let you be my gatekeeper again. And you have to promise grandpa, don't do anything reckless, don't make trouble everywhere, Be a good boy who can benefit the Three Realms."

When the half-grown child heard this, he immediately said happily: "Grandpa Mountain God, don't worry, I will always listen to Brother Tong Yan from now on, I will do whatever he asks me to do, and I will never cause trouble again. Grandpa, thank you!" "Here, he knocked his head three times heavily.

Tong Yan naturally knew that the owner of this vicissitudes-filled voice was the mountain god of Yingzhou Mountain, but he didn't know whether to say a greeting or pretend he didn't hear it.

But at this moment, unexpectedly, the mountain god of Yingzhou Mountain suddenly said to him: "My child, you are the Skywalker! I am very glad that you can come to my Yingzhou Mountain. The baby treats you as the Lord, and it is considered the reincarnation of heaven, which is reasonable But I still want to give you a few words of advice, I hope you can keep them in mind."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly saluted and said, "Senior Mountain God, please enlighten me, this junior is all ears!"

"You are the one chosen by heaven, and you are ordered by the sky. Although you have a lot of fate, you will eventually live in the world. Humans have human nature, and demons have their own way. Whether it is a human or a demon, it is all in the heart. Only by not losing the heart can we always Don't ask about the past life, just ask for no regrets in this life. Life after life seems inseparable. But in the final analysis, only this life is the self. Remember my words, be yourself in this life, and don't let the past life be wasted and destroy the persistence of the whole life .Maybe you don't understand these now, but I think one day, you will understand what I said today. Remember, remember..."

The red light became dimmer, and the words of the mountain god gradually drifted away. Tong Yan seemed to understand, but he seemed a little confused.But he understands what he wants and what he should do.Who can say what will happen in the future?At least now, he is very sober.

"Brother Tong Yan, I am no longer the gatekeeper of Yingzhou Mountain. Can you accept me as your subordinate this time?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief, then nodded with a smile.

This half-grown child is not nameless, on the contrary, he has a famous name, that is Yitian.Almost as Tong Yan guessed, this Yitian has a decent background.He is the blood of Houyi, that is, the only inheritor of the Yi clan in this world.

Who is Hou Yi?I am afraid that no one knows this famous name.But more people only know the story of his descendants shooting the sun, but they don't know that Hou Yi has actually done many things to benefit the world.

Hou Yi is very powerful in battle, especially good at archery. He has hunted and killed many evil beasts, among which the more famous ones are Jiao, Fengtun, Jiuying, Snake Repair, Chisel Teeth, Dafeng and other evil beasts.And all these evil beasts had the strength to compete with the gods, but they still died under Yi's arrows.It can be seen from this that Houyi's strength is definitely beyond the existence of many gods.But even with such a powerful existence, his death is still a mystery.How he died, of course, doesn't matter.The important thing is that Yitian is his bloodline inheritor.

Yitian's ability to fight so well should be due to his blood.But why Yitian is here at Yingzhou Mountain, Tong Yan doesn't know.He also asked Yitian, but Yitian just said that a great god sent him here, not only taught him various supernatural powers, but also taught him the method of cultivation.He can have today's fighting power, all because of his hard training according to the martial arts and supernatural powers.

Tong Yan was naturally very interested in this great god, but even Yitian didn't know who the great god was or what title he had.

The two talked all the way, and before they knew it, they had come to the third mountain gate.

But what he didn't expect was that here, Tong Yan met an acquaintance, an acquaintance whom he missed very much.

Who is it?
(End of this chapter)

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