
Chapter 1421 An unexpected reunion, a man from heaven!

Chapter 1421 An unexpected reunion, a man from heaven!

"Godkeeper, please, just let me go. I'm here looking for someone. If I find someone, I'll leave. Okay?"

"No, you can either go to the mountain or worship the mountain. Apart from these two, you have no other choice. This is the rule of my Yingzhou Mountain, even if you are a woman."

"But I...but I can't beat you at all. How can I go up the mountain? Also, all the gold and silver treasures I brought were given to the gatekeepers of the two gates in front. I really have nothing to offer. Please, just accommodate once!"

"No, if I say no, I won't! Leave this place immediately, and if you dare to pester me again, you will be punished severely!"


Tong Yan and Yi Tian walked forward quickly, looking at the familiar figure and hearing the familiar voice, Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little nervous.He didn't think he would misread or hear wrongly, because this person had already been imprinted on his heart. Although the imprint had faded a lot, meeting him again still made him unable to let go.

" that you?"

Hearing Tong Yan's slightly trembling voice, the woman who was begging the third gatekeeper slowly turned around.

I saw that she has a pair of big eyes that can discharge electricity, and a head of black and beautiful long hair. She has curved eyebrows with willow leaves and a small cherry mouth. Her frowns and smiles are extremely sweet, just like the lotus blooming in the lotus pond, so fresh. Refreshing, it is so desirable.

She was wearing a black jacket, black trousers, a pair of white sneakers, her slender legs, and her graceful figure were all revealed, but the moment she saw Tong Yan, tears welled up in her moving eyes , and then rushed towards Tong Yan recklessly.

Tong Yan's eyes were moist for some reason, and the joy of reunion after a long absence brought him more excitement and emotion.He thought about going to this woman, and he was also worried about whether this woman was doing well.

Now it seems that his worries can be dispelled, because they will meet in such a place, although unexpected, but full of surprises.

The woman threw herself into his arms, and weeping tears of joy sounded in his arms.He hesitated a little, but finally hugged the woman tightly.

At this time, Yitian was a little dazed. Although he had lived for thousands of years, his mind was still that of a child, just like his immature face.He didn't know what love between a man and a woman was, but he knew that this woman must have a deep relationship with his brother Tong Yan.He just stared straight at it, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

"You... how are you? Have you been in the old house of the Wu family these few years?"

The woman in Tong Yan's arms nodded gently, and then said in a crying voice: "I have been...waiting for you. But...but after so long, you have not come back. I thought we...we will see each other again It's not here."

Tong Yan was a little sad, but he tried his best to smile and said, "How come, as long as I am still alive, I will go back eventually. But why are you here? You must not have come here specially to find me, right?"

"Yeah, I came here on a special trip to find you. I heard that you would come to Yingzhou Mountain, so I came. But I brought too little gold and silver, which was only enough to pass the first two gates. How could the people in the third gate be so ignorant?" Don't let me go, I've been waiting here all day."

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then asked: "Then who told you that I would come to Yingzhou Mountain? How did you get here? Logically speaking, you shouldn't have been here before, right? "

"It's a woman. I don't know who she is, but she entered the old house of the Wu family. She told me about you and sent me here all the time."

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan immediately asked, "What about her? Why isn't she with you?"

The woman in her arms shook her head and said, "I don't know where she went. After she sent me to Yingzhou Mountain, she told me that I need to go through three gates before I can reach the top of the mountain. She also said that you will definitely be on the top of the mountain." On. And then... and then she disappeared, and I don't know where she went."

Tong Yan probably understood the situation, so he gently pushed the woman in his arms away, and then smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter why that person knows my whereabouts, but fortunately we met. So you don't have to cry anymore, I'll take you up the mountain with me. Okay?"

The woman nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked, " you still love me?"

This sudden question made Tong Yan stunned.He didn't know how to answer, because there was always a person in his heart, and that person was Nine-Tailed Fox Tan Yu.Although Tan Yu was taken away by his avatar and there was no news about it, but this longing and this love have not changed.But he didn't want to hurt the heart of the woman in front of him, because he felt that he owed her too much.

He was silent for a while, and then answered the irrelevant question: "You have always been very important to me, well, let's not talk about this, let's go up the mountain quickly. I have one urgent thing to do, it's late, but It’s really too late.”

After hearing this, the woman didn't ask any more questions, but she said affectionately: "Tong Yan, you are my only family member in this world, and the only person I love. I want to accompany you for the rest of my life, if... If you don't love me anymore, I won't leave either, I will turn into fireworks and leave the most beautiful splendor for you."

Such a confession made Tong Yan speechless, and such affection made him at a loss.He didn't know how to answer, because he didn't want to disappoint this love again.

"Gao Qian, I hope you will be well, and I hope you will be happy. Don't worry, I won't abandon you, so don't say such stupid things in the future. Okay?"

That's right, this beautiful woman who reunited with Tong Yan after a long absence is Gao Qian.Although so many years have passed, the years have not left the slightest trace on Gao Qian's face, she is still so beautiful, but this reunion makes Tong Yan a little unexpected.

But generally speaking, Tong Yan was happy.Seeing that Gao Qian was still fine, he felt a lot more relaxed.

Gao Qian looked at Tong Yan with teary eyes, and finally nodded gently.

Now is not the time to be indulging in the joy of reunion, Nuwa's descendant Xue'er is still in the hands of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.In order to rescue Nuwa's descendants earlier, Tong Yan must climb to the top of the mountain quickly.

"Gao Qian, Yi Tian, ​​let's go up the mountain!"

With that said, he raised his leg and walked towards the third door.

Gao Qian hesitated for a moment, and finally stepped forward quickly, grabbing Tong Yan's warm palm directly.

Although Tong Yan felt that this was a little inappropriate, he did not refuse, after all Gao Qian seemed so fragile to him now.

It's just that Gao Qian's hands are too cold, there is no temperature at all.This made him worry about Gao Qian again. After all, Gao Qian was no longer human to some extent.

Seeing the three of Tong Yan approaching, the gatekeeper of the third gate showed a little surprise.Of course, what he was concerned about was not Tong Yan and Gao Qian, but Yi Tian, ​​who was once the gatekeeper of the second gate.

"Yitian,'re not the gatekeeper anymore?"

Yi Tian smiled and nodded, "I have already resigned from Grandpa Mountain God. From now on, I am a free man. Third Brother, this is my eldest brother. Can you please accommodate me and let us go there?" "

Hearing this, the gatekeeper of the third gate hesitated and said: "Yitian, it's not that the third brother doesn't give you face. It's just... just I think it's better for you not to go up the mountain."

Yitian was puzzled, and immediately asked: "Old brother, what do you mean by that? Is there any problem for us to go up the mountain?"

The gatekeeper sighed softly and said, "It is estimated that there will be a fight on the mountain soon. Haven't you noticed that a powerful divine power has descended on Yingzhou Mountain?"

Powerful divine power?Could it be... Could it be that someone from the heavens came?

(End of this chapter)

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