
Chapter 1423 Battle of the demon gods, a long wait!

Chapter 1423 Battle of the demon gods, a long wait!
Regardless of waiting for feedback from the mountain god cave, Tong Yan immediately said to Yitian and Gao Qian: "Those monsters may have already made a move, let's go up quickly."

After hearing this, Yitian and Gao Qian nodded their heads.

The three of them didn't delay anymore, and immediately raised their legs and rushed to the top of the mountain.

And the moment Tong Yan took a step, a golden light suddenly shot out from the cave, and shot into Tong Yan's body at an extremely fast speed.

Tong Yan felt his whole body tremble, and then a smile appeared on his face.The golden light that shot into Tong Yan's body was the approval of the mountain god.Although outsiders couldn't see it at all, Tong Yan knew very well that the mountain god had attached his spiritual consciousness to him, and as long as he was in great danger, the mountain god would probably help him.

The approval of the mountain god was too timely. In this way, the hope of rescuing the descendants of Nuwa increased a lot invisibly.

The three of them moved quickly, but after a while they climbed the steps to the top of the mountain.

Yingzhou Mountain is a fairy mountain, and the top of the mountain actually covers a wide area.There are not only large areas of trees of various colors, but also various strange rocks.But looking forward from here, you can see a huge group of people, the number of which is no less than a thousand. Of course, this so-called group of people, I am afraid that there are not many people who are really human, and there are more. They should all be demons.

These people were all gathered beside the round platform not far away, applauding loudly, jumping for joy, and talking about it.

Take a closer look, it turns out that there are two people fighting back and forth on the round platform.

And the loud noise that Tong Yan and the others heard just now was caused by the fierce fight between these two people.

Seeing this, Tong Yan could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.In any case, as long as the god king hasn't made a move, Xue'er, a descendant of Nuwa, should be safe.

But with so many people, who knows who the god king is?

Tong Yan thought about it for a while, and decided to go up and have a look, on the one hand to see if he could find the God King, and on the other hand, to make sure whether Nuwa's descendant Xue'er was among the crowd.If Nuwa's descendant Xue'er was not among the crowd, then she was probably hidden in the surrounding forest or other hidden places.

Wait, Tong Yan suddenly thought of something.Is Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, really on Yingzhou Mountain?Before Yitian met him, he had been a door god on Yingzhou Mountain. Perhaps Yitian would know whether Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, was brought to Yingzhou Mountain.

Thinking of this, Tong Yan immediately asked Yitian: "Yitian, when you were the gatekeeper, did you see a special girl? Maybe she was tied up, or maybe it was a stone statue. In short, she It's very special. Think about it carefully, do you remember if such a girl went up the mountain?"

Hearing this, Yitian immediately began to think.After thinking for a while, he hurriedly said to Tong Yan: "It seems that there is such a special person, but she is not tied up, nor is she a stone statue. She is dressed in black, even her face is blocked by a black veil. She His gaze seemed... a little dull, as if he had been cursed by someone. I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, after all, the monster gave a lot of treasures, so I don't want to be too embarrassing."

Hearing this, Tong Yan thought for a while, then nodded to Yitian.

Regardless of whether the black-clothed masked woman Yitian mentioned was actually Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, he could not let go of this clue.

If it was true, he would have to rescue her, and if it wasn't, Xue'er, a descendant of Nuwa, might not have been taken to Yingzhou Mountain.In this way, he wouldn't have to take the risk of fighting the god king, but he had to find the convener of the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

Thinking of this, he already had an idea in his mind, and then he directly raised his legs and walked towards the crowd in front of him.

Seeing this, Yitian and Gao Qian hurried to follow.

Soon, they came to the periphery of the crowd.Looking up at the stage, the two fierce fighters were all monsters, and they were old monsters with at least a thousand years of practice.

They fought in the arena, most likely to become the demon gods of the demon clan and dominate the demons.

At this time, Tong Yan thought of another thing. He remembered that some old monsters he met behind the first gate of Yingzhou Mountain had said that the convener had a very deep knowledge, and it was rumored that there was a certain god king from the heaven Support behind.And now that the God King has indeed descended from the sky, is it possible that the God King did not come for the descendants of Nuwa, but to help the convener become the demon god of the demon clan?
Any possibility exists now, so he must be more cautious, try to find the convener first, and then consider the next thing.

The two old monsters on the stage are certainly not low-level, judging from their aura, their strength is not the strongest, but should belong to the middle and upper reaches.Since the convener wants to be the demon god of the demon clan, being strong is definitely the first requirement.Following this line of thought, Tong Yan directly scattered his star power.

In fact, now he already has the ability to display his spiritual consciousness, but the scattered spiritual consciousness is easily noticed by people with high cultivation levels. In contrast, his star power can be done quietly, Make it difficult for others to see.

The dispersal of the power of the stars is like letting out his eyeliner, and wherever the power of the stars goes, he can see the details.

Although there are many monsters in this group, they all gather around the round platform, and his star power is enough to cover them all. In this way, which of the monsters in this group is more advanced, and whether Nuwa's descendant Xue'er is among them, he will decide. can be identified.

In this way, he began to discern.But he forgot one thing, that is, the arrival of him, Yitian and Gao Qian also attracted the attention of others.

Yes, Tong Yan's body was reshaped by the Chaos Shenmu, and he no longer had the aura of human beings, but he also had no monster aura, not only him, but also Gao Qian and Yitian.In this way, the three of them have become aliens, how can they not be noticed by these monsters with sharper noses than dogs?

Seeing that the monsters nearby began to pay attention to him, Yitian's eyes immediately showed a sharp color, and he glared at these monsters fiercely.

These monsters all passed through the second gate and reached the top of the mountain, so they had some impression of Yi Tian, ​​the half-old child's gatekeeper, and were glared at by him.Everyone hastily turned their heads away, not daring to look at them again.

Tong Yan had already closed his eyes, and tried to identify the monsters around the round platform with his heart, and soon he found out.It's just that he was the first to notice that the person with a strong evil spirit turned out to be the black beauty. She was standing in the crowd with her arms folded, as if she was fighting fiercely in the stands, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Tong Yan continued to detect the monsters around him, and finally, he made another discovery.

But what he didn't expect was that at the moment he discovered something, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Skywalker, I've been waiting for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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