
Chapter 1424 Eastern God King, Enemy or Friend?

Chapter 1424 Eastern God King, Enemy or Friend?
Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble all over, and then a cold sweat broke out unconsciously behind his back.You must know that what he releases is not divine consciousness, but his own star power.If it is said that his divine consciousness was discovered by others, it is still understandable, but how could his star power be discovered by others?Not only that, but the power of the stars he released was completely imprisoned, making it difficult to move at all.In addition, to be able to transmit sound through thoughts and directly enter other people's minds without being discovered, how big is the gap in cultivation?

Tong Yan's cultivation was in the realm of the gods, and he was able to transmit his thoughts directly into his mind, but he didn't even notice that this person's cultivation was probably at least two realms higher than his.

Two realms higher than him, what kind of cultivation would it be?The next realm of the Immortal Realm is the Celestial Realm, and normally speaking, the Celestial Realm is already the strongest existence.Could it be...could it be said that this person has surpassed the realm of immortality?If so, it would be too scary.Thinking of this, he became even more nervous.

Immortals are divided into five categories, ghost immortals, human immortals, earth immortals, immortals, and heavenly immortals.Celestial beings are the highest-ranking immortals.However, what is not known is that in fact, among the 36 heavens commonly used in Taoism, there is another heaven above the Sanqing Realm called the Daluo Heaven, and those who ascend into it are called Daluo Tianxian or Daluo Jinxian.

So that is to say, there is still a realm above the immortals, and this realm is the realm of the Daluo Jinxian.

How easy is it to become a Da Luo Jinxian?If achieved, it is definitely a rare existence.

Thoughts raced through Tong Yan's mind, and soon he came to a conclusion.The Great Principle Golden Immortal does exist, and there should be at least five of them. The five kings of gods are definitely the cultivation base of the Great Principle Golden Immortal.It can be deduced from this that the person who caused him great pressure should be the God King who came to Yingzhou Mountain.

In fact, Tong Yan thought that the God King would be very strong, but he never thought that the God King would be so powerful.

With the existence of more than two realms, even if he tried his best, he might not be able to win at all.

While he was thinking quickly, that person spoke again in his mind. "Are you here to rescue the descendant of Nuwa? He's in the forest on the right, guarded by some decent monsters. If you want to rescue him, go ahead!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan was shocked again.It never occurred to him that this powerful god-king did not make things difficult for him, but instead informed him of the whereabouts of Nuwa's descendants.

According to the gatekeeper of the third gate of Yingzhou Mountain, there are five god kings, that is, five god kings.The current God King did not embarrass him, but even helped him. Maybe this God King was not the God King who wanted to put him to death.If this is the case, it is definitely good news for Tong Yan.There is no need to fight to the death with the king of gods, it is enough to save the descendants of Nuwa wholeheartedly.

Thinking of this, he tried to communicate with the god king.But the god king seemed to have guessed his thoughts, so he sent another voice transmission with his mind: "You don't need to thank me, Empress Nuwa has benefited the Three Realms back then, and she has made great achievements. Today, the last descendant of Nuwa must not be let In this misfortune, I don't want to help you, but I can't bear the fact that the Nuwa family has no descendants. You may want to know who I am, but we will meet again in the end. I might as well tell you that I am the Eastern King of the Five Gods God King Taihao. Now, you can save people."

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but tremble in his heart.He is too familiar with the name Taihao, it can't be said that everyone knows everyone, but for those who practice, no one knows it.At this time, he understood one thing even more.

It turns out that the so-called five-party god king probably corresponds to the five-party god mentioned in the myth.The gods of the five directions, that is, the five gods of the east, south, west, north and middle, are also known as the five emperors, the five emperors, the five gods, and the five gods.

Wufang Tiandi is a character in ancient myths and records in ancient books. Wufang Tiandi and the gods respectively refer to the eastern emperor Taihao Fuxi, who belongs to the god Jumang; the southern emperor Yandi Shennong, who belongs to the god Zhurong; the western emperor Shaohao Jintian, who belongs to the god Zhuanxu, the Northern Heavenly Emperor Zhuanxu Gaoyang, belongs to the God Xuanming; the Central Heavenly Emperor Huangdi Xuanyuan belongs to the God Houtu.

Although these five god kings are called god kings, even if they are called heavenly emperors, there is no problem.

Although Tong Yan didn't know which God King was bent on putting him to death, at least this Eastern God King should not be an enemy.

No matter how much, the purpose of his trip was to rescue Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa, and now that he knew Xueer's whereabouts, there was no need for him to stay here to watch the battle of the monster race.

As soon as the God King's voice fell, his star power had already regained its freedom.Without further delay, he immediately withdrew the power of the stars and walked towards the forest on the right.

Yi Tian and Gao Qian naturally didn't know what Tong Yan had gone through, but when they saw Tong Yan walking to the right, the two of them quickly followed.

The fighting on the round platform is still going on, and the more momentum it creates, the greater the momentum.Most of the demons were attracted by this rare duel of masters, until Tong Yan and the three of them completely entered the forest on the right, they did not attract the attention of many demons.

However, while Tong Yan was walking forward, he was still thinking about another thing, that is, his star power was already close to the Eastern God King, but why he didn't have the slightest idea of ​​the Eastern God King's appearance? impression?This may be the gap between the cultivation bases. The Eastern God King must have used some magical power to wrap himself in it. In this way, no matter how close Tong Yan's star power is, it is always difficult to see the slightest bit.

Tong Yan didn't continue to think about this matter, because he had already noticed several powerful monsters not far ahead.

The Eastern God King said that Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, is being guarded by some decent monsters, and being able to be called a fairly decent monster by the Eastern God King, to Tong Yan, is probably already considered a monster. The top monster.

If he rushed over like this, Tong Yan would naturally have no fear, and Yi Tian could still fight, but what about Gao Qian?Gao Qian is bound to encounter danger, and Tong Yan must be distracted to protect her.

So after much deliberation, Tong Yan decided to let Yitian and Gao Qian stay here, and he went to rescue the descendants of Nuwa alone.

"Gao Qian, Yi Tian, ​​you two stay here, I'll go and have a look by myself."

Tong Yan didn't mention Yitian and Gao Qian too much about going to rescue Nuwa's descendants, so the two of them didn't know what Tong Yan was going to do.

But when she thought of staying here, Gao Qian directly refused. "No, I'm going with you. I don't want to be here!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "I'm just going to have a look, and I'll be back soon. If you follow me, how can I go back quickly? Don't worry, I'm fast. Be obedient!"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, Gao Qian could only obediently nod in agreement.

"Yitian, take good care of her, I'll go back as soon as I go!" Before Yitian could open his mouth, he had already flashed his figure and resorted to shifting shape.

But just after Tong Yan left, for some reason, the whole Yingzhou Mountain suddenly trembled violently...

(End of this chapter)

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