
Chapter 1425 The mountain god is angry?How could this be?

Chapter 1425 The mountain god is angry?How could this be?

Ying and Zhoushan trembled violently, Yitian's face changed drastically, and he said to Gao Qian, "Sister, do you feel anything wrong?"

After Gao Qian heard this, she looked around, and said naively, "What's wrong? An earthquake?"

Yitian said mysteriously: "This is not an ordinary earthquake, but Grandpa Mountain God lost his temper. I remember that Grandpa Mountain God also lost his temper many years ago. Do you know the consequences of Grandpa Mountain God's anger? "

Gao Qian shook her head and said, "I don't know, what are the consequences?"

Yitian said with some lingering fear: "It cannot be said that the world has been turned upside down, but many monsters who practiced on the mountain have suffered a huge impact. As far as I know, at least thousands of monsters were killed when the mountain god grandpa got angry that time. Ying and Zhoushan are about to become purgatory. Do you think it's scary?"

Gao Qian said in surprise: "Oh my God, it's so scary! Then we are on the mountain now, isn't it very dangerous? No, I have to find Tong Yan, I have to tell him the news."

As she spoke, she raised her legs and was about to rush into the forest.

Yitian saw it, and hurriedly stopped him: "Sister, don't worry. Although the anger of the mountain god grandfather is terrible, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Why did all the demons die last time? It is because those demons did a lot of things. Bad thing, that's why I angered Grandpa Shanshen. I know that Brother Tong Yan is a good person, so I think Grandpa Shanshen will definitely not harm him. Besides, you will not be in danger with my protection. Let's stay here well Let's go, maybe Brother Tong Yan will be back in a while, so don't trouble him."

Gao Qian didn't notice the powerful demonic aura ahead, but Yi Tian did.Although he may not be able to defeat Tong Yan, but in terms of cultivation base, he is even higher than Tong Yan's cultivation base, otherwise, he would not have been able to kill a powerful celestial being.As for why Tong Yan asked them to stay here, he already understood that it was to take care of the big sister in front of him and prevent her from being in danger.

If they went to look for Tong Yan at this time, not only would they not be able to provide help, they would probably become a burden on Tong Yan, preventing Tong Yan from going all out to do what he wanted to do.

After listening to Yitian's persuasion, Gao Qian finally stopped insisting, nodded and said: "Okay, then we will wait for him here."

Hearing this, Yitian breathed a sigh of relief.

The sudden tremor of Ying and Zhoushan was not only noticed by Yitian and Gao Qian, but also by everyone on Ying and Zhoushan.

Tong Yan continued to use shape shifting, although he didn't understand why Ying and Zhoushan trembled suddenly, but it didn't affect the purpose of his trip.He is here to rescue the descendants of Nuwa, other than that, even if the whole Ying and Zhou Mountains are destroyed, what does it have to do with him?
This fast forward, he can already see those monsters with powerful monster aura.There are four monsters in total, and they are all in human form now, but the monster aura on their bodies is not half hidden.

The people transformed by the monster are three men and one woman. Among the men are a strong man, an old man and a handsome young man.The only woman is extremely beautiful. She has long red hair, a pair of charming eyes, a delicate nose, a pink cherry mouth, and fair skin. She is extremely beautiful.

Besides, the strong man is about two meters tall, wearing a vest on his upper body, with powerful muscles full of strength, wearing black trousers on his lower body, a pair of military boots on his feet, and a big beard. The Expendables tough guy.

In contrast, the old man looked emaciated, short in stature, and it was not an exaggeration to describe him as skinny and bony.But this old man has a long white beard, the beard hangs down to his chest, wearing a short coat, gray cloth trousers, a pair of old black cloth shoes on his feet, holding a green bamboo shaped crutches, staring at the coquettish banshee endlessly.

The only thing left to talk about is the handsome young man. This young man is obviously different from the other three. What is the difference?It is mainly reflected in his clothes, he is wearing the flying fish uniform of the ancient Jinyiwei, but the color is sky blue, without a hat.His hair is very long, tied on the top of his head with a jade hairpin, and two strands of hair hang casually in front of his eyebrows.If the other three monsters are all modern, then he is definitely in the style of the Ming Dynasty.

After talking about clothes, his appearance is also outstanding.With sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a jade crown, a high bridge of nose, and a small mouth, she is definitely the most outstanding one among the crowd.He is about 1.8 meters tall, well-proportioned and slightly thin.At this moment, he was holding a long sword with a sheath in both hands, staring at a tree not far away in a daze.

Judging from the positions of these four people, their relationship with each other should not be very good, especially the young man in the flying fish suit. He was standing ten meters away from the other three, and he didn't know Is it because of his withdrawn personality, or because he disdains to be with those who are lower than him.

That's right, among the four, the young man has the highest Taoism. If the other three have 1000 years of Taoism, then he must have at least 2000 years of Taoism.

What puzzled Tong Yan was that this young man's morality was so high, why would he willingly obey the order of the convener of the League of Ten Thousand Immortals, and guard Nuwa's descendants here?

Of course, this is not important, what is important is where are the descendants of Nuwa now?Could it be in the cave behind those four monsters?

Yes, behind those four monsters, there is a black hole, and it is obvious that the black hole is newly dug.Whether the descendants of Nuwa are among them, Tong Yan is not sure now, but he decided to use teleportation to change places to see.

If it was there, then it would be best to directly rescue him.But if it wasn't there, he would have to continue searching elsewhere, hoping to find it.

Although the Taoism of these four monsters is deep enough, they did not frighten Tong Yan. Compared with the powerful Dongfang and Fang Shenwang, these four monsters are like minions.

Without any further hesitation, he immediately resorted to transposition.In the blink of an eye, he had already appeared behind those four monsters.

And just as he lowered his head to look into the cave, he never thought that the young man holding the long sword would suddenly turn around.

This young man's morality is the deepest, so he is also the first person to discover Tong Yan.

But Tong Yan didn't have the time to pay attention to him, and immediately lowered his head to check into the hole.

And seeing this, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"What's going on? How did this happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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