
Chapter 1426 Who did it first?

Chapter 1426 Who did it first?
Tong Yan guessed that the descendants of Nuwa should be in this cave, but after seeing the cave, he was shocked.

This hole is so deep that it is almost bottomless.He now has some doubts about the words of the Eastern God King. Are the descendants of Nuwa really here?Could it be that the god king deliberately deceived him in order to let him fall into the trap set in advance?
This possibility is extremely high, otherwise, what would these four monsters guard here for?

The young man who first discovered Tong Yan finally spoke, but what he said made Tong Yan a little confused.

"Friend, you came here suddenly, presumably because of the descendant of Nuwa? It's just that the four of us are here, do you think you can take away the descendant of Nuwa?"

Such a question made Tong Yan a little confused.From the tone of this young man, it seems that the descendants of Nuwa are here, but apart from this bottomless black hole, where is there any trace of the descendants of Nuwa?
Wait, could it be... Could it be that the descendants of Nu Wa are really in this bottomless cave?
The young man spoke suddenly, and only then did the other three monsters realize Tong Yan's presence, and turned around in haste.

With one against four, Tong Yan really didn't have much of a chance in terms of numbers.But Tong Yan didn't pay attention to these four monsters at all, the reason was very simple, with the transformation, he could at least easily get rid of three of them.

The last young man with the highest morality is left. In a one-on-one contest, he will definitely win.

But before starting the fight, he still wanted to find out where Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa, was.Is it really in this cave?
Facing the handsome young man's question, he immediately said, "I'm indeed here for the descendant of Nuwa, and don't ask if I can take her away, but I want to know, where is she?"

Hearing this, the handsome young man was a little surprised and said: "Where is she? Don't you ask knowingly? She is in this hole right now. Don't you want to say that you can't see it?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan chuckled and said, "I really didn't see it. This cave is so deep that it doesn't know the bottom. Could you see it at a glance?"

The young man was taken aback when he heard this, and said rather puzzled: "The depth is bottomless? How is it possible? The depth is only ten meters, so how can it be bottomless?"

Seeing that the young man didn't believe it, Tong Yan turned sideways and said, "Why don't you come and see for yourself? Why should I tell such a lie?"

The young man hesitated for a while, and finally raised his legs and walked forward slowly. When he lowered his head to look into the cave, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and then said to the other three monsters: "How could this be? Did you do something wrong?"

The three monsters were stunned by his question, and then stepped forward to check. After seeing the situation in the cave, they were also stunned.

The old man holding a cane explained: "You Li Daoyou, don't wrong us. We all took advantage and did things for others. How could we do anything? Besides, the demon god will come to bring the descendants of Nuwa in a while. , if we tamper with each other, wouldn't we be asking for trouble? And even if we wanted to tamper with, the four of us have been together all this time, how could we have escaped your eyes?"

Hearing this, the young man frowned slightly, thought for a while and said, "If you didn't do the tricks, could it be someone else did it? Maybe they can dig through the hole without anyone noticing, and kill the descendant of Nuwa?" Take him away, this person's strength is definitely not weak. No, I think we should go down quickly and take a look, even if someone takes away the descendants of Nuwa, they will definitely leave clues."

Having said this, he was about to start and jump into the hole.

But at this moment, the eccentric woman suddenly smiled and said: "Li Daoyou, it is important to find the descendants of Nuwa, but how do we deal with this person?" The eccentric woman looked at Tong Yan while talking. .

As soon as this remark came out, except for the young man, the eyes of the other three monsters revealed a fierce light.

Seeing this, Tong Yan smiled disdainfully and said, "You and I are all for the descendants of Nuwa. Now that the descendants of Nuwa are missing, you are not in a hurry to find them. Could it be that you want to trouble me? Of course, even if you want trouble , do you think you can control me? On the contrary, if you accidentally die in my hands, wouldn’t the loss outweigh the gain?”

Although what Tong Yan said was reasonable, it was also sharp, obviously he didn't pay attention to the four monsters in front of him.

When the strong man and monster heard this, he was furious and said, "What an arrogant tone, the Sajia wants to see how capable you are!"

With that said, he was about to make a move.However, at this moment, Tong Yan's body flashed suddenly, and immediately after, a huge blue sword was placed on the neck of the strong man and monster.

"It doesn't matter how capable I am, what matters is that I want to kill you, it's easy!"

The other three monsters couldn't help showing surprise when they saw it.Tong Yan's speed was too fast, and it was too late for the four monsters to react.If he had cut across with his sword just now, the strong man's monster would have already lost his head to the ground.

Feeling the icy breath emanating from the Blue Soul Sword, the strong man was already breaking out in cold sweat.The gap in strength was already very obvious, if he troubled Tong Yan again at this time, it would be just asking for humiliation, or even asking for death.

"Gao... Gaoren calm down! Sajia... I was joking just now, you must not take it to heart. The most urgent thing now is to find the descendants of Nuwa. After we find it, we will discuss... discuss it again. What do you think?"

The higher the level of cultivation, the more the monsters cherish their lives. The reason is very simple. They know how many years of hard work they have achieved. If they die in vain, they will really have nothing.

Tong Yan didn't want to kill at all at this moment, he just wanted to find Nuwa's descendants quickly, and if he wanted to find Nuwa's descendants, one more person would be more help.But in order to subdue other monsters, he snorted coldly and said: "You are very sensible, but other people may not think so. If I let you go, they might swarm up. If so , I might as well destroy one first, and one less opponent, right?"

He obviously said this to the other three monsters. These monsters with thousands of years of practice are so smart, so they naturally heard what he meant.

Hearing this, the old man with a cane hurriedly said with a smile: "The expert is joking, you are so strong, even if we attack in groups, I am afraid that we will not be your opponent. Why should we seek our own death? Don't you want to kill yourself?" Are you looking for the descendants of Nuwa? I think we should hurry up, the villain who abducted the descendants of Nuwa should not have gone far at this moment, but if it is a little later, they might really go far."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded in satisfaction, and then jumped into the cave with the four monsters, and chased along the cave.

It's just that they didn't know that to be able to take away the descendants of Nuwa under the eyes of the four monsters, the strength of this villain is already against the sky.It's fine if they don't chase after her, but if they do, they are doomed to escape death!
(End of this chapter)

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