
Chapter 1427 Underground Karst Cave, One Hit Kills!

Chapter 1427 Underground Karst Cave, One Hit Kills!

This burrow is vertically downward, and it is pitch black from the top down, and it is impossible to see the bottom.Coupled with the narrowness of the cave, it is only enough for two people to pass close together. It is really difficult to catch up quickly.And precisely because of this, Tong Yan and the four monsters chose to go down the cave back and forth.

In order to prevent the four monsters from attacking halfway, Tong Yan did not choose to be the first to jump in, but chose to jump in last.

In this way, no matter what the four monsters wanted to do, they couldn't escape his eyes.Another reason is that if something happens suddenly in front of him, with these four monsters blocking him, he can also minimize the danger, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In order to find Nuwa's descendants quickly, the four monsters that jumped into the cave almost all increased their speed to the extreme.Tong Yan naturally didn't want to be left behind by them, so he also increased his speed.

It went straight down like this, and after more than ten minutes, everyone gradually approached the bottom of this "bottomless pit".

What is quite surprising is that the bottom of this "bottomless pit" turned out to be a huge cave.

The four monsters fell one after another, and Tong Yan was the last to enter the cave.

Looking around, it is simply beautiful.In this cave, there are not only strange small creatures like jellyfish emitting various lights, but also stalactites hanging on the top of the cave are even more strange, some are like bells, some are like elephant trunks, and some are like waterfalls flying down. Some underground stalagmites resemble pumpkins and spring bamboo shoots, some resemble longan and lychees; stalactites and stalagmites join together to form huge stone pillars. Tao's monkeys, some are like coiled dragons, some are like tigers and lions, and some are like warriors fighting.

This is a wonderful workmanship of nature, and it is like this wonderful underground fairyland.

The four monsters and Tong Yan were all attracted by this beautiful scene, and couldn't help but look around.

But although this place is beautiful, it is also too huge. If someone hides here, it is really not an easy task to find it.

Tong Yan admired it for a while, and then planned to spread his star power to see if he could find any traces of Nuwa's descendants.

But somewhat beyond his expectation, here, his star power was unable to move even an inch, as if imprisoned by some mysterious force, at most, it could not spread out any more than one meter away.

Like Tong Yan, these four monsters also planned to use the unique abilities of monsters to explore the surroundings, but the result was also disappointing.

The young man surnamed Li glanced around, and then said, "It's not easy here. You'd better be careful later. If my guess is right, the descendants of Nuwa should be here."

What he said made Tong Yan a little confused, and he asked him immediately: "My friend, how do you know that the descendants of Nuwa must be here?"

Before the young man surnamed Li could speak, the eccentric woman said with a smile: "Li Daoyou is a tree demon with more than 2000 years of Taoism. It's normal to feel a trace of breath. Li Daoyou, I don't know if what I said is right?"

The young man surnamed Li obviously didn't like this strange woman very much, so he just nodded slightly, not saying anything.

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a sigh, and then said: "Since it is certain that the descendants of Nuwa are in this huge cave, the five of us might as well just disperse, and whoever discovers it will notify others as soon as possible. In this way For one thing, it shouldn’t be too difficult to search the entire cave.”

The man surnamed Li nodded and said: "That's exactly what I mean, so let's separate here. Let's look for each other! Remember, if you find anything, you'd better inform others as soon as possible. Otherwise, your life may be in danger."

The strong man and monster said in confusion: "What is life in danger? Li Daoyou, are you joking?"

Tong Yan laughed and said: "This is not a joke, but the truth. Just imagine, since that villain can take away the descendants of Nuwa under your noses and make you undetectable, the strength of this villain is definitely far above you If the descendants of Nuwa are here, the villain is likely to be here too. Therefore, if you find the descendants of Nuwa and inform others in time, you will not face the super powerful villain alone, and you can save your life. Of course, if you are confident, you can deal with it alone There is no need to inform others about that villain. The premise is that you have to be prepared to die here in advance."

After hearing Tong Yan's explanation, everyone nodded.

Without further hesitation, the five of them immediately divided into five groups, and each went to look for the descendants of Nuwa.

Of course, Tong Yan hoped that he could find it first, so that he could leave here with Nuwa's descendant Xue'er.

But what was a little frustrating was that, after searching forward for a long time, he still couldn't find the descendants of Nuwa, not even a trace of someone walking by.

Keep looking forward, maybe there is no hope, so he decided to go to the place where the other four monsters searched.

And at this moment, a scream suddenly sounded from his right.

Hearing this sound, he hastily resorted to shifting shape and quickly rushed over.

But when he rushed to the place where the voice came from, he still didn't see the descendant of Nuwa, but the corpse of the strong man and monster lay straight on the ground.

For a monster with thousands of years of morality to be exterminated in such a short period of time, the strength of this murderer is simply unfathomable.Not only that, Tong Yan carefully looked at the surrounding ground and stones, but there was no trace.what does that mean?This meant that the strong man monster had no time to react, and was killed with one blow.

Although Tong Yan can do this, he has to rely on teleportation.But shape-shifting is a secret skill, and very few people know it.In addition, even if he could kill this strong monster with one blow, there would still be some traces left behind.And this also shows that the strength of that villain is even higher than him, even stronger than him.

Now all he could do was look at the wounds on the monster's strong man, maybe he could find some clues through the wounds.

And just as he was about to do this, the young man surnamed Li and the other two monsters rushed over.

When they saw the dead monster strong man on the ground, their faces were solemn, even mixed with fear.

The strange woman glanced at the dead strong man, and suddenly asked Tong Yan: "It's you! It must be you! You...why did you kill him? Are you going to kill us too?"

As soon as Tong Yan was about to defend himself, the young man surnamed Li said first: "The murderer is absolutely impossible to be him. First, he has no motive for killing; second, the murderer is absolutely impossible to be a human being."

The Yaoyi woman was taken aback when she heard this, and then said in puzzlement: "The murderer is not a human? What is that? It can't be a demon, right?"

The young man surnamed Li did not answer, but turned the corpse of the strong man and monster over.Everyone looked carefully, and suddenly found that on the back of the corpse...

(End of this chapter)

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