
Chapter 1428 Confused, another killer!

Chapter 1428 Confused, another killer!
On the back of this corpse... there are many deep claw marks.Could this claw mark be the fatal wound of this strong man monster?

Before everyone could ask any questions, the young man surnamed Li said, "He can crush the inner alchemy of a thousand-year-old tiger monster with one claw. This murderer is really powerful. Judging from the claw marks, the first thing that can be ruled out is human beings."

So it turned out that this strong man monster was a thousand-year-old tiger spirit, because the murderer smashed the inner alchemy with one claw, so he died.Humans naturally have no claws, so the murderer can never be a human.If it's not a human being, what else could it be?

The Yaoyi woman thought for a while and said, "Could it be a powerful monster too? It might be some ferocious beast or elf who can make such claw marks."

This time it was Tong Yan who shook his head, and he denied it: "In my opinion, it shouldn't be a demon either. Just think about it, no matter how powerful a demon is, how can he be demonic after killing a tiger spirit who has been around for a thousand years?" But what if it's scattered? Besides, you are all monsters, as long as there is a trace of monster aura, I believe you will be able to detect it. So my analysis shows that the murderer who killed this tiger spirit was not a monster."

Hearing this, the old man with a cane said in puzzlement, "It's neither a human nor a demon, so there are only divine beasts or spiritual beasts left. Maybe it's a divine beast with a lot of background!"

The perception ability of the young man surnamed Li is far superior to others. He can judge that the murderer is not a human being without turning over the corpse. It is estimated that he should have a judgment on the murderer in his heart at this moment.

Tong Yan looked at the young man surnamed Li, and asked, "Li Daoyou, what do you think?"

The young man surnamed Li frowned slightly and said: "If it is my judgment, I think the murderer should be able to eliminate spirit beasts. Of course, spirit beasts also have powerful existences. However, spirit beasts are often easier to advance. When they are promoted to a certain level, they can become Divine beast. No matter how powerful a spirit beast is, if you want to kill a thousand-year-old tiger spirit with one blow, at least I have never encountered such a spirit beast. So I think it is very likely that the murderer is a divine beast, or even Immortal beasts are not impossible."

The pressure that the divine beast brought to everyone was okay, but when they heard the word fairy beast, the strange woman and the old man on crutches trembled unconsciously.

What is a fairy beast?Immortal beasts cannot be said to be superior to divine beasts, but they are representatives of powerful strength.There are many kinds of beasts, with strong and weak strengths.But as long as they are immortal beasts, they are all strong.

No matter how many years a monster has cultivated, if it is still a monster, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of a fairy beast.Because in a sense, the fairy beast itself is the peak that monsters and divine beasts can reach through unremitting efforts and enduring many catastrophes.

Because when the monster's strength reaches a certain level, it will enter the bottleneck period, and if it breaks through the bottleneck period, it will have to pass through the tribulation, and only after it succeeds can it hope to become a fairy beast.And if the tribulation fails, there is only one end, and that is the annihilation of body and soul.

There are not a few powerful monsters, but those who may reach the level of fairy beasts are rare.And to become a fairy beast, many of them will become the mounts of the gods and immortals in the heavens, and their status can only be regarded as the bottom in the heavens.But there are also powerful immortal beasts, and some become disciples of a certain great immortal or god, and their status can be greatly improved.

But in the final analysis, the fairy beast is the peak state of the monster and most of the beasts.Compared with fairy beasts, no monster can match.

It is also for this reason that the strange woman and the old man on crutches are so terrified at this moment.

"Li Daoyou, you... you are not alarmist, are you? The murderer who killed Brother Tiger could really be a fairy beast?"

The young man surnamed Li laughed and said: "Yes or no, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. How can I be sure? As I said, the above is just my personal judgment. As for whether you believe it or not, that is up to you thing."

The old man on crutches shrank his neck, and then stammered: "If... if it is really a fairy beast, then I... then I'd better get out of here. I can't just give up my old life for a little benefit. Pay it off?"

The strange woman echoed: "No, nothing is important, life is important. Old Zhuzi, why don't we go now!"

The old man on crutches nodded and said, "Okay, I'm planning to do that too. Li Daoyou, will you come with us?"

The young man surnamed Li just shook his head and didn't say much.

The old man on crutches sighed softly, and said helplessly: "In that case, let's take a step first." After saying that, he and the strange woman were about to leave the cave.

Seeing this, Tong Yan laughed and said, "I'm afraid it's okay if the two of you don't leave. If you really leave, I'm afraid there will be only a dead end!"

The old man on crutches was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly asked: "Master, why did you say that?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "This brother Tiger has already died here, which means that everyone who enters here is being targeted. Now we can only live and die if we hug each other. If we separate, we will only die." Being killed one by one. Of course, I am not afraid. Even if the tiger spirit is killed by a fairy beast, I don't care. But I really can't compliment the strength of the two of you. If you are not with us, you will die , what else?"

Seeing that the old man on crutches was shaken, the enchanting woman immediately snorted coldly: "Old Zhuzi, do you really believe him? You know, he came for the descendants of Nuwa. He doesn't want us to go, I think he wants to Let us be his backs. Staying here is a dead end. If you don't go, then I will go alone!"

The old man on crutches hesitated again and again, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Then let's take a gamble, girl, let's go!"

After saying that, the two ignored Tong Yan's persuasion, and immediately walked quickly towards the direction they came from.

Seeing their backs drifting away, Tong Yan sighed softly: "You are all monsters, why don't you persuade them?"

Hearing this, the young man surnamed Li sneered and said: "They have evil intentions and do many evil things. It is not a pity to die. Besides, they cannot escape death. If they stay, they will only live a little longer. Even if they are not killed by the mysterious murderer If you kill me, I will do it too."

The answer of the young man surnamed Li made Tong Yan a little surprised and puzzled, so he asked, "Do you have the intention to kill them? Why?"

The young man surnamed Li smiled slightly and said, "Just like you, it's all for the descendants of Nuwa!"

As soon as this remark came out, Tong Yan was even more surprised.

"You are also for the descendants of Nuwa? But don't you obey the leader of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance?"

The young man surnamed Li laughed and said, "If I don't do this, how can I protect the descendants of Nuwa? Nuwa's family is kind to me, so even if she dies, I will protect her."

Tong Yan said lightly, and then said: "Then you are not worried that I will persecute the descendants of Nuwa?"

The young man surnamed Li shook his head and smiled, "Of course you won't, because I know who you are. I also know what the descendants of Nuwa think of you!"

While the two were talking, two ear-piercing screams suddenly came from a distance.And this also means that the mysterious murderer has struck again...

(End of this chapter)

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