
Chapter 1429 The murderer shows up and gets distracted!

Chapter 1429 The murderer shows up and gets distracted!
Hearing these two screams, Tong Yan and the young man surnamed Li hurried to go.Only this time, they still didn't see the murderer.

Seeing the old man on crutches and the strange woman die tragically on the spot, Tong Yan couldn't help but sigh softly.

Seeing this, the young man surnamed Li chuckled lightly and said, "They deserve what they deserved, why should you sigh for their death?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said, "I'm not lamenting their deaths, but I'm lamenting that the murderer still refuses to give up. His next target should be you and me."

The young man surnamed Li smiled slightly and said, "Your ability is stronger than mine. Even if we are still in danger, my danger is much greater than yours. Don't worry, I am not these two trash, even I may die , but I will definitely find out that murderer!"

Tong Yan smiled wryly and said, "You and I are together, how can we say who is more dangerous? I am just worried about Nuwa's descendants. If such a powerful murderer attacks her, how can she resist?"

Hearing what Tong Yan said, the young man surnamed Li also showed worry on his face. "Yeah, I just hope she's safe and sound!"

Tong Yan nodded, and then said: "Let's go, let's keep looking. Even if we can't find the murderer, at least we can find the descendants of Nuwa."

The two ignored the others, and immediately continued to search carefully.Only this time, the two did not separate, but went together.

Although this cave is huge, if you want to find someone, as long as you work hard enough, you will eventually find it.

No, after more than half an hour of careful searching, they finally found something.

In a corner deep in the cave, they found an extremely hidden stone door.This stone gate is not big, its width is no more than half a meter, and its height is only about 1.5 meters.People smeared stone mud on the gap of the stone gate, if it wasn't for the young man surnamed Li's insight ability is strong enough, it would have been impossible to find it.

Standing in front of the stone gate, Tong Yan said seriously, "I don't know what's behind this gate, I hope the descendants of Nuwa are inside."

The young man surnamed Li smiled slightly and said, "I think the possibility is very high. If you think about it, the soil on the crack of the door was obviously put on later. It is definitely impossible to do it from the inside, so I think it is very likely that the murderer did it. He hid the descendants of Nuwa in the stone room behind the gate, and he blocked all those who entered the cave from outside. His purpose was only one, that is, to prevent others from discovering the stone gate, and then rescue the descendants of Nuwa inside. In my opinion , let's quickly open the stone gate. Maybe the hidden murderer is near us."

Tong Yan nodded, and directly pushed towards Shimen.It obviously took a lot of effort to open the stone door, because there was no handle on it, and even the gaps were sealed by mud.Instead of trying to open the door, it is better to shatter the stone door directly with strength.

But when he saw that his palm was about to stick to the stone gate, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.Immediately afterwards, severe pain spread from the back all over the body.

Not daring to continue to open the door, he turned around abruptly, and then his eyes were like lightning, and he said viciously: "Sinister, how dare you sneak up on me. Show me quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he drew out the Blue Soul Sword with one hand, and slashed fiercely at the empty space in front of him.

When the sword was slashed out, there was only a sound like a metal collision, and the murderer who killed three monsters in a row finally revealed his true colors.

What surprised Tong Yan was that the murderer who killed three monsters in a row turned out to be like this.

The air in front of him slowly twisted, and the guy who attacked him was slowly revealed.But what exactly is this thing?

I saw that this thing was shaped like a palm, several times larger than a normal person's palm, with a green body and extremely sharp nails, like the claws of a wild beast.There is a layer of down on it, and there is a blood-red eye in the "palm", staring at Tong Yan so coldly at this moment.

This thing has no mouth or ears, and I don't know if it can hear human language, let alone make a sound.

Tong Yan stared at it for a while, then said coldly: "What the hell is this? Brother Li, do you recognize it?"

The young man surnamed Li shook his head and said: "I have never heard of it, I have never seen it. But I guess, it should be the murderer who killed the three old demons. Brother Tong, how is your injury? Is it important?"

Tong Yan smiled slightly and said, "Although this thing is vicious, it can't kill me. As long as I have one breath left, it's enough to tear it into pieces!"

Having said that, he directly pointed the tip of his sword at the palm-shaped monster.

The monster stared at Tong Yan for a while, and suddenly he was like lightning, and attacked Tong Yan again.

But this time, Tong Yan will never give it any chance.

With a shift, Tong Yan's body has disappeared without a trace. Although the palm monster is fast, it is not as fast as Tong Yan's shift.So this hard claw can only catch in the empty space.

But before it re-locked on Tong Yan, Tong Yan had already slashed down with a fierce sword, and the blade of the sword slashed heavily on the palm monster.Although Tong Yan had used [-]% of his strength, this palm monster was too hard.

Hearing the sound of "Dang", the Blue Soul Sword failed to hurt the monster at all.

The palm monster was hit by a sword, and fierce light shot out from the palm's eyes, and rushed towards Tong Yan again.

Tong Yan saw it, and hurriedly resorted to shifting shape again.

For a while, the sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" was heard endlessly, Tong Yan and the palm monster fought inextricably, but neither of them could do anything to win the other.

The young man surnamed Li knew that there would be no winner in this battle in a short period of time, so when Tong Yan and the palm monster couldn't get away, he smashed the stone gate with his palm.

As soon as the stone gate was broken, the situation behind the gate immediately caught everyone's eyes.

Sure enough, the descendant of Nuwa was lying in the narrow stone room behind the small door, with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The young man surnamed Li saw that the descendant of Nuwa was here, and hurriedly jumped into the stone chamber.

But when the palm monster who was fighting with Tong Yan saw it, he rushed into the stone room regardless.

Seeing this, Tong Yan immediately yelled, "Nie Zhan, where are you going?" Before he finished speaking, he had already used his shape shifting.

Fortunately, he happened to block the palm monster that was about to rush into the stone room, and knocked it back with a sword.

"Nie Zhan, as long as I am here, you will never get close to Nuwa's descendants. If you are sensible, get out of here immediately. Otherwise, I will never forgive you."

I don't know if the palm monster heard it, but this guy launched another attack, as if he went crazy.

Standing in front of the door, Tong Yan continued to strike out swords, using all his strength with each sword, and every time the sword struck the palm monster, sparks scattered everywhere.

I thought that this battle would end without knowing when, but I didn't expect that a few minutes later, an extremely familiar voice sounded behind Tong Yan.

"Big brother, is it really you? Are you here to save Xue'er?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan's heart trembled.And at this moment, the palm monster just seized the opportunity, and its sharp teeth pierced into his chest in an instant...


(End of this chapter)

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