
Chapter 1431 Nuwa's grace, what is the way of life?

Chapter 1431 Nuwa's grace, what is the way of life?
Li Jun said lightly, but it made Tong Yan feel very novel.He asked himself that he had read countless books, but he had never heard of or seen that a living person could be turned into a tree with just two peachwood branches.

However, Li Jun didn't seem to have the need to lie, and guessed that this was really a real thing.

Tong Yan thought for a while, and then asked: "The one inserted into the soles of your feet shouldn't be an ordinary peach tree branch?"

Li Jun nodded and replied: "That's right, those two peachwood branches are freshly cut, and they still contain vitality. Before the master inserted these two peachwood branches into the soles of my feet, he performed a solemn ceremony. Specifically I don't know what kind of ceremony it is, but when the peach tree branch was inserted into the sole of my foot, I didn't feel the slightest pain, on the contrary, it made me refreshed. In the next few days, the master gave me a few more bowls of decoction .After that, he took me away from the village where my parents lived, and sent me all the way to Mount Zhonghuang.”

Hearing the three words "Zhonghuangshan", Tong Yan already understood why Li Jun said that the Nuwa clan was kind to him.

Presumably the reason why he was able to survive and become a big tree and a dryad should be the blessing of the Nuwa clan.The Buddhist master just stopped his death for him, and the reason why he survived in the end was the huge regeneration power possessed by the Nuwa clan.Every plant and tree on Zhonghuang Mountain is nourished by Nuwa's power, and it is very possible to be reborn.

Tong Yan has already guessed what happened after Li Jun arrived at Zhonghuang Mountain, so there is no need to ask further.But he was very interested in that Buddhist master.Just imagine, if you can think of using peach wood branches to bring life back to the dying person, and bring it all the way to Zhonghuang Mountain, so that it can take root with the help of the huge Nuwa on Zhonghuang Mountain, this master may still be an ordinary person. monk?
"Brother Li, the master who saved you, do you know where he is now?"

Li Jun shook his head and said: "After the master sent me to Zhonghuang Mountain, he left directly. He just told me to practice well, and don't let down the good fortune of being reborn."

Hearing this, Tong Yan asked again: "Didn't that master also mention where he practiced?"

Li Jun shook his head again and said: "No, I also wanted to repay the master for saving his life. But I searched for many years, but still couldn't find him. Brother Tong, you seem to be quite interested in this master. Why? Could it be You also know this master?"

Tong Yan shook his head and said with a smile, "How did I know each other? If so, why would I need to ask you? I just think this master is very capable, and he must be a high-spirited monk. If I can get to know each other, I will be considered lucky."

Li Jun smiled and said: "That's natural, but it's a pity that the more expert you are, the more you can't see the end. It's a great chance to see you once. If you want to see each other again, it's really a blessing. "

Tong Yan nodded and smiled, and didn't ask any more questions.

Xue'er saw that Tong Yan and Li Jun were no longer talking, so she smiled and asked Tong Yan, "Big Brother, where have you been all these years? Why didn't you come to Zhonghuang Mountain to find me?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan sighed softly and said, "Over the years, I have traveled to many places and met many people. I did not return to the human world until some time ago. After that, I planned to visit you at Zhonghuang Mountain, but on the way I was caught by some people. The matter was delayed. After I arrived at Zhonghuang Mountain, I learned that you were kidnapped by the people of the Ten Thousand Immortals League. I asked around for news about the Ten Thousand Immortals League. Fortunately, I learned from a painting demon The League of Ten Thousand Immortals was coming to Yingzhou Mountain for a meeting, so I came all the way to Yingzhou Mountain. Fortunately, Emperor Tian paid off, and I finally found you here."

Hearing this, Xue'er was greatly moved and said: "Big brother, I have really troubled you. You are kind to Xue'er, and Xue'er will never forget it forever. To meet you this time, I have decided not to I won't be separated from you, but I will always follow you."

Tong Yan laughed and said, "How can I rest assured that you are alone until I am not sure that you are completely safe? Rest assured, with me here, no one can hurt you again. Unless I die!"

Tong Yan's words are not casual, in his heart, Xue'er is like the daughter he watched grow up.He still remembers the first time he met Cher, when Cher was a child.After that, he took care of Xueer and grew up with Xueer.Of course, Xueer also gave him a lot of help, helping him heal his poison and his injuries.The relationship between the two is very deep. Now that Xue'er is in danger, Tong Yan can completely sacrifice his life for her.But it must be explained that Tong Yan's feelings for Xue'er are completely family affection, the purest affection between brother and sister, father and daughter.But it seems that Xue'er's heart seems to have other feelings, from the way she looks at Tong Yan, from what she said, it seems to contain another meaning.

But Tong Yan didn't take it seriously, and didn't even think about it.

In this way, Tong Yan recovered his luck while chatting with Xueer and Li Jun.Time passed bit by bit, about two hours.

Tong Yan has fully recovered, not only his body, but also no weakness at all.

After all, Yingzhou Mountain is not a place to stay for a long time. As long as Xueer stays here for a day, she will be in danger for a day, and she may be killed every second here.Therefore, only by taking Xue'er away from Yingzhou Mountain earlier can she be truly safe.

Tong Yan cheered up, and then said to Xue'er and Li Jun: "We should go, this place is not safe. Since we can come here along the hole, others must be able to. Leave the cave, and then leave Yingzhou Mountain. Only in this way can we truly get rid of those villains who want to harm Xueer."

Tong Yan originally wanted to say evil, but Li Jun is also a monster after all, so he changed his name to villain.

Hearing this, Li Jun nodded and said: "Brother Tong is very true, it is really not suitable to stay here for a long time. Then I will go to open the way, and everyone can follow behind me."

Tong Yan agreed, and immediately took Xue'er and walked to the entrance where Li Jun was behind.

The big palm monster stared at the backs of the three of them, and there was a feeling of grievance in his eyes.

As Tong Yan was walking, he just remembered that big palm monster.Since it is willing to protect Xue'er, taking it on the road with it at this time will definitely benefit and cause no harm.

Thinking of this, he immediately turned back to the big palm monster and said, "Brother big palm monster, don't you want to go with us? What are you still doing?"

When the big palm monster heard this, he happily followed up.

In fact, Tong Yan had many questions about this big palm monster, such as what kind of monster is this big palm monster?For example, how did it obtain its extraordinary strength?Also, why did it protect Xue'er?What is the relationship between it and Xue'er, or even with the Nuwa clan?
Of course, doubts are doubts, at least from the current point of view, this big palm monster is definitely a friend rather than an enemy.As for the future, who can say for sure?

But Tong Yan and his group can really leave Yingzhou Mountain smoothly?Why did the god king descend to earth?Why is the mountain god angry?These will be told one by one!

(End of this chapter)

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