
Chapter 1432 The exit is blocked, who is setting up the formation?

Chapter 1432 The exit is blocked, who is setting up the formation?
Tong Yan and the others moved quickly, but after a while they arrived at the entrance of the cave.If you want to leave the cave, there is only one way to go, and that is the cave you came from.

Tong Yan looked up, and then said to Li Jun: "Brother Li, I have to trouble you to open the way ahead. I will take Xueer to follow you."

Hearing this, Li Jun nodded and said: "Okay, then I will leave now. If you encounter obstacles, you can retreat. I will resist!"

Tong Yan stretched out his hand and patted Li Jun's shoulder and said, "Brother, thank you very much!"

Li Jun smiled coquettishly, immediately flew up from the ground, and entered the cave first.

Through previous conversations, Tong Yan already knew that Xue'er had lost Nuwa's power.It is precisely because of this that she is at the mercy of those monsters and cannot escape.

"Xue'er, let me carry you! This way we can go up faster."

Xue'er smiled and nodded, she was not polite, walked directly behind Tong Yan, put her arms around Tong Yan's neck.

Xue'er is now more than 1.7 meters tall, and she should not grow any longer, after all, she is already an adult.Tong Yan's height is about 1.8 meters, as long as he leans slightly, Xue'er can lie on his back.

From Tong Yan's point of view, Xue'er was just his little sister, and it was nothing at all for his brother to carry his sister behind his back.

But Xue'er seemed to be thinking a little bit more complicated, just as she hugged Tong Yan's neck, her pretty face was already blushing, and then her whole face was buried in Tong Yan's back.

Tong Yan couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.Although he has always treated Xueer as a little girl, Xueer has grown up after all, he intends to put Xueer down and let the big palm monster fly up with Xueer, but after thinking about it, he still abandons this idea. Intend.If he deliberately kept a distance, he would actually be full of distracting thoughts, and if he ignored it, he would not add trouble to himself.

"Xue'er, I'll take you up right now, hold on tight!"

Xue'er gave a soft "um", and then stuck her whole body on Tong Yan's back.Tong Yan took a breath helplessly, then exerted strength with both feet, and flew upwards with Xue'er on his back.

Seeing this, the big palm monster hurriedly followed without delay.

The group of people all entered the cave like this, but they didn't know if there was anything waiting for them outside the cave.

With Li Jun playing the front line, Tong Yan is quite at ease.Li Jun is a peach tree demon with extremely powerful and keen sensory abilities. If there is danger lurking outside the underground palace, I believe he can detect it immediately and warn Tong Yan and the others.

This hole is very deep, and it is not possible to fly out in a few minutes.It took them more than ten minutes to land, but it will only take longer to fly up this time.

While Tong Yan and the others were flying upwards, Gao Qian and Yi Tian were a little impatient.

Gao Qian looked in the direction where Tong Yan left, and said worriedly: "Do you think Tong Yan will be okay? He has been gone for so long."

Hearing this, Yitian also said worriedly: "Brother Tong Yan is very powerful, but he has been away for so long and hasn't come back. Maybe he really encountered something. Sister, how about we go and see ?”

Gao Qian had planned this for a long time, and upon hearing what Yitian said, she immediately responded, "Okay! Let's go quickly!" She said, and she already ran forward.

Yitian was stunned for a moment, and Tong Yan's instructions suddenly came to mind, but he had already spoken, and now he couldn't take it back, so he could only run forward with Gao Qian.

Although the speed of the two was not too fast, after running for 10 minutes, they still found the hole that Tong Yan and the four monsters jumped into.

It's just that around the hole at this time, five wooden stakes were nailed by someone.And on the wooden posts, there are densely incomprehensible characters and strange lines engraved on them.

Naturally, Gao Qian didn't know that the hole was where Tong Yan jumped into, but felt that the five wooden stakes were strange, so she asked Yitian, "Brother Yitian, what is that? Is it a well?"

Yitian has been in Ying and Zhoushan for many years. Although he has been the gatekeeper of the second gate, he still has free time to wander around.He also felt strange when he saw the five wooden stakes and the dark hole. Now that Gao Qian asked, he could only answer truthfully: "I don't know what it is. I remember that there is no well here. Could it be someone else?" Did you dig it? I think so, let’s go and have a look.”

For Yitian, a half-grown child with a childlike heart, he had to go and have a look at such a strange thing.Curiosity has been born, but if you go and have a look, he may feel uncomfortable.

Gao Qian was obviously also very curious, so the two walked over like this.

But before they got close to the hole surrounded by the five wooden stakes, an invisible force suddenly appeared around the five wooden stakes, which not only made it difficult for them to continue approaching, but also knocked them back several meters away.

Fortunately, Yitian reacted in time, supported Gao Qian who was a little pale while retreating from the shock, and the two stabilized their figures.

"It's so powerful, could it be... Could this be a formation?"

Hearing what Yitian said, Gao Qian was full of doubts and said: "Formation? Who is setting up the formation here? What is it doing here? Is it because you don't want the things in the well to come out?"

Indeed, the hole is vertically downward, and surrounded by five wooden stakes, it really looks like a well.

Yi Tian was thoughtful, and thought for a while, and said: "It may be true, but the problem is that the creatures on our Ying and Zhou Mountains are all protected by the mountain god grandfather. Even if such a formation is laid, it is impossible to seal people's spirits." Unless...unless the thing in the well is not a creature of our Ying and Zhoushan?"

When Gao Qian heard this, her heart trembled, and then she said in surprise: "Could it be...Could Tong Yan be in this well, right? Because this formation sealed the exit, he was trapped for so long. Unable to join us. Brother Yitian, do you think this will happen?"

There is an idiom called "Correct strike is right", Gao Qian and Yitian guessed randomly here, but they really got it right.

At this time, Tong Yan was indeed under the so-called "well", but even Tong Yan and the others didn't know that someone had tampered with the entrance of the cave.

"No, we have to destroy this formation. Only by destroying this formation can we rescue Tong Yan."

Yitian nodded and said, "That's right, this formation is really hateful! Sister Gao Qian, I'll break the formation!"

Having said that, he directly took off the longbow on his back, and then stretched the bow to the full moon.As he drew his longbow in this way, a golden arrow immediately condensed on the longbow.

Yitian shouted loudly: "The golden arrow of the Five Elements Arrow! Break it for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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