
Chapter 1433 Transformation? 5 Finger Excalibur?

Chapter 1433 Transformation?Five Finger Excalibur?
As soon as the word "broken" came out, Yitian immediately let go of the finger that was pulling the string, and then heard a "swoosh", and the so-called golden arrow immediately shot towards the wooden stake in front of it.

It has to be said that Yitian's supernatural power is really amazing, and it can be formed by condensing divine power without arrows.And obviously, the arrows he shot imply the power of the five elements.

But I don't know if this "golden arrow" can break the wooden pile. If it can, everyone will be happy.But if it can't be smashed, this formation is bound to bring huge troubles to Tong Yan and the others.

With the sound of "bang", the golden arrow shot by Yitian really lived up to expectations. It not only penetrated the strong resistance of the formation, but also smashed the frontmost wooden stake in one fell swoop.

Gao Qian saw that the wooden pillar was completely broken, and immediately cheered: "Brother Yitian, you are really amazing. Hurry up, smash the remaining four wooden pillars."

Yitian smiled embarrassedly and said, "I'm not that good, just mediocre. Sister Gao Qian, which one do you think will be the next arrow?"

Gao Qian pointed to the one on the right and said, "Just shoot this one and see if you can hit it."

Yitian straightened his chest and said, "Put it on me, wherever you point, I'll shoot!"

As he spoke, he drew the bow and shot the arrow again.The result was also very gratifying, and the second stake shattered.

Gao Qian pointed out another arrow, and Yitian fired again.In just a moment, all five wooden stakes were broken.

Seeing the last wooden stake being shattered by Yitian's golden arrow, Gao Qian immediately raised her hands and cheered.

Yi Tian smiled triumphantly, and then said: "Sister Gao Qian, let's go to the well and have a look now. If Brother Tong Yan is inside, I can still help him."

Gao Qian hurriedly said, "Okay, let's go!"

But before the two of them approached the cave, a cold voice suddenly sounded from the forest on their left.

"It's really courageous. How dare you destroy the five-element formation that I worked so hard to set up. Have you eaten the courage of the bear's heart and leopard?"

Hearing the sound, Yi Tian immediately stood in front of Gao Qian and looked in the direction of the sound.

Gao Qian also looked towards the forest from Yitian's side, and soon a person in a gray cloak floated out of the forest.

That's right, it just floated out.The man's feet flew into the air, half a meter above the ground.But because the cloak on him was too big and the brim of the hat was too long, not only his figure could not be seen clearly, even his face could not be seen clearly.

Yitian stared at this person floating slowly, and snorted coldly: "What are you? How dare you set up a formation at will on my Yingzhou Mountain. Do you really think this is your home?"

Hearing this, the mysterious man who floated out laughed lightly and said, "I thought it was someone so courageous. It turned out to be the gatekeeper of the second gate of Yingzhou Mountain. But as a gatekeeper, you don't do well to guard the gate. What are you doing here?"

Yitian raised his head high and said arrogantly: "Since you know that I am the gatekeeper of the second gate, then don't talk so much nonsense. If you don't want to die, get out immediately. Otherwise, I will kill you!"

When the mysterious person who floated out heard this, he burst out laughing. "My life? Is it up to you? Don't think that you are the gatekeeper, others have to look up to you. To tell you the truth, what others really care about is the mountain god, not you, the watchdog. Sensible, don't Mind your own business. Otherwise, you'd be the one to die."

Yitian has a bad temper. He has always been the bully, but now he was bullied.How could he swallow this breath?

"Damn bastard, how dare you provoke me? I can't spare you!" As soon as he finished speaking, he had already drawn the longbow in his hand, and there was an arrow in his hand.

Although this arrow was shot hastily, its power is definitely not small.

But what people didn't expect was that the arrow was so close to the mysterious man, but at this moment, the mysterious man...disappeared under the watchful eyes of Yi Tian and Gao Qian!

Yi Tian stared wide-eyed, thinking for a while that he had misread.But when he rubbed his eyes, he realized it was true.

Can Yitian be helpless because of this?After seeing him reacting, he quickly plucked his bowstring immediately.And as he quickly plucked the bowstring, layers of ripples immediately appeared, and rippled towards his body in all directions.

This move is the supernatural power he used in the previous contest with Tong Yan. Although the current opponent is not Tong Yan, it is obvious that this guy is also proficient in the ability of transfiguration similar to Tong Yan.And Yitian's supernatural power cannot be said to be the nemesis of transposition, but it can effectively prevent him from being attacked suddenly.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough. The moment he quickly plucked the bowstring, a figure appeared on his side.

After discovering this figure, he yelled loudly, and then saw those ripples quickly winding towards that figure.

And the reaction of that figure was also extremely fast. Seeing that he was exposed, he immediately disappeared again, already retreating from the range covered by the ripples.

Soon the mysterious man reappeared, and said with a sneer, "It's really amazing! I couldn't even get close to you with my shapeshifting. I really underestimated you."

Shift?The supernatural power used by this mysterious person is also transposition?But this transposition supernatural power was clearly created by one of the top ten Skywalkers in the Yin Cao of Mount Tai, and it was only passed on to Tong Yan.Then how could this mysterious person do it?

Yitian naturally didn't know that Tong Yan's magical power was teleportation, so he didn't pay too much attention to the person in front of him when he said teleportation, he just thought it was a teleportation-like ability.

Staring at the mysterious man, Yitian quietly clenched the longbow in his hand, and planned to strike again.

Although his movements were very subtle, they did not escape the eyes of the mysterious man.

The mysterious man chuckled and said, "What? You still have to compete with me? Do you think you still have this chance?"

Yitian snorted coldly and said, "Hmph! As long as you're still here, how can I have no chance? Unless you get away!"

The mysterious man laughed loudly and said, "Go away a little bit? You're so shameless! If it weren't for the beauty beside you, do you think you would still be alive now? I just couldn't bear the pain to make the jade go away, so I didn't take the pain." Killer. Otherwise, you are dead!"

Yitian said disdainfully: "You are really thick-skinned. If you have the ability to kill me, you will wait until now? You still can't bear to make up for it. I think you are just making excuses for yourself. You Not only thick-skinned, but also a coward. If you have the guts, come and fight with me for a hundred rounds, and I'll see how you can kill me!"

When the mysterious man heard this, he was obviously really angry. He slowly raised his right hand, and five qi swords immediately appeared on his five fingertips.

When Gao Qian saw the five-handed Qi sword, her face turned pale with shock, and she said in shock, "Five-finger Excalibur? do you know Five-finger Excalibur?"

(End of this chapter)

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