
Chapter 1435 Mental and mental exhaustion, tricks behind the scenes!

Chapter 1435 Mental and mental exhaustion, tricks behind the scenes!
Tong Yan's brows were tightly furrowed, and he thought to himself: "If the mysterious person Gao Qian and Yitian mentioned is really my clone, then would Yu'er also be in Yingzhou Mountain? Is Yu'er okay now? No, I have to find him, I have to find Yu'er!"

Thinking of this, he immediately asked, "Where did the mysterious man go? Tell me quickly!"

Hearing this, Yitian shook his head to express his ignorance.Gao Qian also said helplessly: "He walked away secretly, and he must have used the ability of shifting shape. It is impossible for us to see the direction he is going."

Hearing this, Tong Yan didn't say anything, just sat cross-legged on the ground, and spread out his star power as much as possible.

The clone finally appeared, how could he just let it go?As long as he can find the avatar, he can ask about Tan Yu's whereabouts.Tan Yu had been in a deep sleep when she was taken away. After such a long time, I don't know if she woke up, let alone whether the story of the demon fate that Long Yangling said appeared on Tan Yu.The more he thought about it, the more impatient he became.

Originally, the avatar took Tan Yu away, but he was relieved, after all, the avatar was another self.But according to what Gao Qian and Yi Tian said, the avatar is now alone.Where is Tan Yu?Why not with him?Or, does this also mean that something happened to Tan Yu?

There is a saying, care will lead to chaos.When Tong Yan thought of Tan Yu's life and death being uncertain, his whole heart ached.He knew very well how important Tan Yu was to him. If Tan Yu hadn't been taken away suddenly by his avatar, how could he have endured the pain of lovesickness?
He closed his eyes and tried to disperse his star power as much as possible, but unfortunately, even though he tried his best, he still couldn't find the slightest trace of the avatar.

He was a little frustrated, a little lost, and more of a self-blame. He suddenly realized that he missed Tan Yu so much.Once the feeling of nostalgia arises, it is like a flood bursting its embankment, and it is out of control.Perhaps, everything is not important, the most important thing is being able to stay with the one you love for a lifetime.

"Yuer, where are you? Are you still alive? Yuer..."

Thinking about it like this, he only felt heartache, and then he fainted because of his exhaustion.

Maybe he is really too tired, all kinds of troubles are intertwined at once, and each one makes him feel tired, maybe he really can't bear it.But he knew in his heart that he had to hold on, because this was his life.

He really wants to live a stable life and stay with the one he loves. The simplest happiness seems to be so easy to obtain, but it is so far away from him.What kind of skywalker, what kind of demon star, how much he wants to get rid of these identities completely. He doesn't want to have a supreme cultivation level, let alone have an immortal body, but...he has no choice at all.If his cultivation base is too low, he will not be able to fight against the "killer" sent by the heavens, and if he does not gain immortality, he will have no way to seek justice from the heavens.

Everything seems to be logical, but everything is full of contradictions.Perhaps, man himself is a contradiction.If you want to get rid of troubles completely, even monks who see through the world may not be able to do it.

So Tong Yan can only continue to walk on the tip of the knife like this, so he can only continue to suffer from lovesickness and cannot be reunited, but how far can he go like this?
His coma this time lasted for most of the day.During this most of the day, Gao Qian and Xue'er were always by his side.Maybe it was because they were worried about disturbing Tong Yan, so even though Gao Qian and Xue'er were sitting opposite each other, they never said a single word to each other.

As for Li Jun, Yitian and the Big Palm Monster, the three of them just guarded the periphery. If there are monsters with no eyes that dare to approach, they can kill them directly from the periphery.

But fortunately, it was calm for most of the day, and I didn't even see a lost little demon.

But the more peaceful it is, the more disturbing it is, because there is usually tranquility on the eve of a storm.

Yitian and Li Jun are not as silent as Gao Qian and Xue'er. Although they don't know each other, after talking for half a day, they actually call each other brothers.

"Brother Li Jun, I really didn't expect that there are people like you in the Yaozu. I have handed over you as a big brother. If you need help in the future, just come to me."

Hearing this, Li Jun laughed and said, "Brother Yitian can see me as a tree demon. It's an honor. As for the word of helping, I probably don't need it. I don't like to owe others favors. Friends, I don’t want to trouble you. I think it’s still the same. If you encounter any difficulties, come to me. I’m happy to help friends.”

When Yi Tian heard this, he immediately laughed and said: "Brother Li Jun is really interesting, no wonder you can become friends with Brother Tong Yan. How do you say that? Oh, yes, those who are close to ink are black. Because we all follow Brother Tong Yan is friends, so we are all dyed black. Do you think this is the truth?"

Li Jun was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed loudly: "Brother Yitian, if we talk about the three of us, I think it's better to use the one who is close to Zhu Zhechi. The one who is close to ink is black, which often describes the collusion of bad people. I think None of the three of us seem like bad guys, what do you think?"

Hearing what Li Jun said, Yi Tian suddenly realized, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Brother Li Jun, I haven't read the book, so I heard the people who went up the mountain say that the man who is close to ink is black. After a long time of trouble, isn't this Nice words."

Looking at Yitian with a childlike heart, Li Jun really couldn't laugh or cry.

Just when the two of them were chatting happily, for some reason, a cloud of thick fog suddenly appeared in the forest, and then the cloud of thick fog "pounced" directly towards the crowd like a sandstorm.

Li Jun's perception ability is very strong, so at the moment when the thick fog rose from the ground, he noticed something was wrong, so he immediately said to Yitian: "It's not right, why is there fog in this forest? Could it be that someone did it on purpose Are you playing tricks?"

Hearing what Li Jun said, Yitian hurriedly looked around, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.They were surrounded by woods, but the thick fog only grew in the forest to the north of him. Isn't it too strange?
Unless the dense fog was not produced naturally, but someone cast a spell, if this is the case, then they should be more careful now.

"Brother Li Jun, this thick fog is strange, what do you think we should do now?"

Li Jun glanced back at Tong Yan who was still in a coma, and then said with a frown: "Brother Tong hasn't woken up yet, we shouldn't be entangled here. In my opinion, let's get out of here immediately. If the thick fog is still chasing If you don’t want to give up, let’s leave Yingzhou Mountain directly.”

Although Yitian really wanted to find out what the thick fog was about, but when he thought that Tong Yan was unconscious and Gao Qian and Nuwa's descendants had to protect him, he gave up this idea.

But the problem is, before they hurriedly retreated far, the dense fog had already engulfed the sky and covered them all.

What the hell is this thick fog?Who is behind the scenes?
(End of this chapter)

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