
Chapter 1436 Lionhead monster fish, a real threat!

Chapter 1436 Lionhead monster fish, a real threat!
Li Jun had already guessed the strangeness of the thick fog, but unfortunately, everyone still couldn't completely retreat.Fortunately, it was directly covered by thick fog.

Seeing the situation, Li Jun could only say to Yitian and the big palm monster: "Brother Yitian, brother big palm monster, follow me to guard the surroundings of brother Tong and the two girls, and never let the bad guys get close to them."

Hearing this, Yi Tian immediately said yes, and the big palm monster showed his support with actions.

The three of them had just settled down here when a pungent stench wafted through the thick fog.

Yi Tian sniffed it with his nose, and said annoyedly: "This damn thing, does it want to suffocate us to death? Brother Li Jun, what should we do? Just keep it like this?"

Li Jun said with a serious face: "This smell is very fishy. If I guessed correctly, the guy who made these thick fog should be a monster from the sea. Brother Yitian, you must not underestimate the enemy , Brother Tong and their safety depend on us."

Yitian nodded, and a firm look appeared in his eyes.

After about a minute like this, the pungent stench became stronger, and Yitian and Li Jun also felt several powerful auras getting closer and closer to them.

The longbow in Yitian's hand was held tighter and tighter by him, and the bow string was stretched to the full moon.He never skimped on his powerful arrows whenever something came into view.

Finally, what should come has come.Several large blood-red lanterns suddenly emerged from the thick fog, adding some heaviness to the already tense atmosphere.Of course, are the so-called red lanterns real lanterns?I believe whether it is Li Jun or Yitian, they all know that the big red lantern is the big eyes of the monster.

But the eyes of the monsters are so big, so wouldn't the monsters be bigger?

Yitian, who had already stretched his bow to the full moon, finally stopped hesitating, and with a "swoosh" sound of piercing through the sky, he immediately shot out a fiery red arrow.

This fiery red arrow is exactly a rocket, and because of the dense fog, everything around it is not only dim, but even more blurry.At this moment, Yitian chose to attack the approaching monster with the arrow of fire in the Five Elements Arrow. It was definitely not on a whim, but after careful consideration.Firstly, the rocket can disperse the surrounding darkness. Secondly, Li Jun said that these monsters should come from the sea. Since they are from the sea, they must be afraid of fire, so he chose to use this rocket to attack the monsters from the sea. It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

No, he shot out a rocket, hitting a "red lantern" not far in front of him, and immediately after that, the screams of "Aww" sounded.And as the rocket shot up sparks on the monster, everyone was able to see the true face of the monster.It turned out that what he shot was a big fish with a lion's head. This big fish has a lion's head and a fish body with emerald green scales. There are two slightly shorter claws on the belly of the fish, and two claws on the tail. It has a long and thick big claw.

It was the support of these three claws that allowed the lion-headed fish to land on land and climb here.

The lion-headed fish originally had two eyes, but now one of them was blinded by Yitian's rocket, so there was only one left.But in the remaining eyes, there is a deep hatred at this moment, and these hatreds are all born of Yitian.

No need to guess, there should be such a lion-headed fish behind other "big red lanterns".Based on the fact that the two red lanterns were a lion-headed strange fish, there were four of them surrounding Yitian and the others.

If it was just these four lion-headed monster fish, they would not pose any threat to Yitian and the others.Because after Yitian hit it with one blow, the second rocket also shot out, and it hit the other eye of the previous stone monster fish with great precision.

The lion-head monster fish was really unlucky, before it could launch a fierce attack, it was blinded by Yitian's two arrows first. In this way, even if it can still live, it has no eyes, and the threat it can bring to others It is also much smaller.

Li Jun watched Yitian show off his majesty with his own eyes, and immediately said with admiration: "Brother Yitian is really a god of archery. His archery skills are so superb, it really opened my eyes. Brother Yitian, don't let go of the eyes of other strange fish." Well, it's all up to you!"

Yitian was praised by Li Jun, and immediately said with full of fighting spirit: "Brother Li Jun, don't worry, I will not let any of these monsters go."

Said, "嗖嗖嗖" a few more arrows, just for a while, none of the four lion-headed monster fish survived, and they were all shot blind by Yitian.

Yitian shot blind the strange fish's eyes, while Li Jun was ready to shoot at any time.But what surprised him was that the four blinded lion-head fishes didn't move forward, but just turned around and ran away.

He was very puzzled by this. Although the eyes of the strange fish were shot blind, they obviously still had the power to fight.Even if he no longer has plans for Nuwa's descendants, at least he should take revenge on Yitian.But most of the monsters will take revenge, not to mention the revenge of shooting blind?Unless... Unless there is someone behind these lion-headed monster fish, it is that person who manipulates these monster fish and makes them retreat.If this were the case, the matter would be much easier to understand.After all, the strength of these lion-headed monster fish is not strong, and they can't even transform into a human form. Their arrival is more like a temptation, or a planned feint.And the purpose of doing this is to allow the master behind to launch a more targeted general attack.

He was still thinking on his side, while Yitian cheered on his side.

"Haha! Brother Li Jun, take a quick look, those big fish have been beaten away by me. With this little ability, you dare to play our tricks. It's really beyond your control. You can rest, I'm here , those monsters can't get over the thunder pond!"

Although Li Jun didn't want to pour cold water on Yitian, he still said truthfully: "Brother Yitian, we may have been deceived. These lion-headed monster fish are not considered any serious enemies at all. I think the guys behind them are our real opponents." .So you must not take it lightly, or you will really fall into that guy's trick."

Yitian was taken aback when he heard this, and said in a puzzled way: "No way? Although those lion-headed monsters don't seem to have a high level of cultivation, they are definitely beasts that are good at fighting. Besides, you can see that the thick fog has lightened a lot , where is there any threat? Are you too cautious? Or are you a little tired and your nerves are too tense?"

Hearing this, Li Jun said expressionlessly: "You see, the dense fog seems to have lightened, but the unpleasant stench has not diminished by half. What does this mean? It means that the guy who really poses a threat to us is still there. In our vicinity, the receding of the lion-head monster fish and the thinning of the dense fog are just illusions deliberately created. There is only one purpose, and that is to let us relax our vigilance. Brother Yitian, whether you believe it or not, but The real danger has just arrived at this moment!"

(End of this chapter)

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