
Chapter 1438 Burning the demon king, who dares to underestimate it?

Chapter 1438 Burning the demon king, who dares to underestimate it?
The country of returning to the ruins is the lair of the sea-monster clan, and in this country of returning to the ruins, the most powerful person is naturally the mysterious and unpredictable demon emperor.Besides the Demon Emperor, there are also many priests and elders.Many people think that the top ten elders are the existences second only to the demon king in the sea monster clan, and they are collectively called the top ten sea monster clan.But in fact, under the Demon King, there are four powerful Sea-Monsters above the top ten sea-monsters, and these four powerful Sea-monsters are now the Four Great Demon Kings.

The reason why the four demon kings are unknown is that in a sense, they cannot be regarded as the direct subordinates of the demon king.The Four Great Demon Kings spend most of their time in subterranean cultivation, and they belong to the most secretive powerhouses in the Quartet of Returning Ruins.

If it weren't for the top ten sea clansmen and the high priests who were all defeated in the human world and the underworld, perhaps the demon emperor would not have summoned the four major demon kings and sent them to the fairy mountain Yingzhou on the sea.

Through the conversation of the four demon kings, the purpose of their trip should be for one person, and if this person is not Tong Yan, the enemy of the sea monster clan, then in all likelihood it is Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa.

But no matter whether their goal is Tong Yan or Xue'er, this battle is inevitable.

Seeing that all the four demon kings appeared, Yitian also showed a dignified expression on his face.He wanted to fight these ancient monsters, but he knew better that protecting Tong Yan and the descendants of Nuwa was the most important thing at this moment.

But relying on him and the big palm monster, how easy is it to protect everyone?

The demonic aura of these four demon kings is almost the same, and their strength should be between equals. It is difficult to deal with one alone, but four of them appearing at the same time are really enough to bully others.

Yitian turned to look at Li Jun, hoping he could give some advice.But Li Jun could hardly stand up now, so he knelt down on both knees and supported the ground with his hands.

Seeing Li Jun like this, Yitian shook his head helplessly, then gritted his teeth, and shouted to the four ancient giant monsters: "Bold and wicked, you dare to act wildly on Yingzhou Mountain, don't you want to live? Tell the truth You, I am the gatekeeper of the second gate of Yingzhou Mountain. If you are sensible, get out of here immediately, otherwise, I will not spare you."

In Yitian's mind, the word "fear" probably didn't exist at all.Even in the face of the encirclement of the Four Great Demon Kings, he can still show fearlessness and full of arrogance.

As soon as he said this, the four demon kings were taken aback for a moment, and then they all burst out laughing.

The red-haired demon king with the red belt is obviously the hottest one among the four demon kings. He looks about 50 years old, with an inch-long beard on his chin. Not only his hair and belt are red, but His beard is also red.He stared at Yitian, then smiled disdainfully and said, "Little brat, do you really think you are the gatekeeper of Yingzhou Mountain, so we will take you seriously? To tell you the truth, not only do we not care about you, a brat Brat, even if your mountain god master is here, what can you do to us? You say you can't spare us, so show us some skills. I don't believe that you, a little brat, can turn the world upside down No?"

Speaking of this, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, and his whole body was also wrapped in a red demonic aura, a pair of skinny hands turned into sharp claws, and his red hair rose up automatically without wind.

It looked like he was about to make a move.

But at this moment, another demon king spoke. "Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing? Didn't I say that? Let me deal with this boy with a bow and arrow. What's the matter, do you want to snatch my prey?"

The demon king who opened his mouth looked rather foolish, but his figure was extremely tall.Not only is he fat and his ears are big, but his belly is even more exaggerated. If he didn't have a pig nose and ears, he would be Zhu Bajie's brother.

Seeing that the fat demon king had objections, the red-haired demon king hesitated for a while, but finally let go. "Forget it, since you want to play with this brat, then I will grant you. But I have to remind you, this brat looks young, but there is a powerful divine power in his body. You'd better be careful A little bit, don't be played by him."

The fat demon king snorted coldly, and then said naively: "I need you to remind me? Do I think I have lived in vain for thousands of years? Isn't he just a little guy? I can crush him to death with one hand!"

Their conversation completely angered Yitian.Yitian didn't talk nonsense, he drew his long bow fully, and shot two arrows "swish".Of these two arrows, one was aimed at the hateful red-haired demon king, while the other was aimed at the fat demon king who took him as prey.

But what he didn't expect was that just after he shot the two arrows, there were two broken sounds of "bang bang".

He hastened to take a closer look, and suddenly found that the two arrows he shot were shattered into light spots in front of the two ancient monsters.He knew better than anyone else how powerful those two arrows were, but even so, the two arrows were easily crushed by these two ancient monsters.

He froze for a moment, then couldn't help but grinned.

For a warlike person, the stronger the enemy's strength, the more powerful his desire to fight will be aroused.And his grinning smile is the best expression, he is already a little excited and can't help himself.

Looking at the grinning Yi Tian, ​​the Fat Demon King was a little confused.He reached out and touched his big head, and then said puzzled: "Why is this kid smirking? Could it be that we scared him silly?"

The red-haired demon king said angrily: "You don't care if he's mentally ill or not, just get rid of him immediately. Otherwise, I'll take the initiative first."

Hearing this, the fat demon king hurriedly said: "Don't, don't, I'll come, leave it to me, leave it to me!" As he said, he shook his fat body, then smiled at Yitian and said, "Little guy!" , come on, uncle will play with you. Hehe..."

The smile on Yitian's face remained undiminished, and he immediately raised his legs and walked towards the fat demon king.And when he was less than three meters away from the fat demon king, he suddenly opened his mouth wide and sprayed forward vigorously.

This spray was incredible, a ball of white flame immediately rushed towards the fat demon king ferociously.

Because the distance between him and the fat demon king was too close, and the white flames spewed out extremely suddenly, even though the fat demon king was extremely powerful, he still couldn't dodge the white flames coming at him for a while, so he could only use Resist with both arms.

Although the white flame was small in size, its temperature was extremely high. Although it was blocked by the arms of the fat demon king, the pain caused the fat demon king to scream.

The other three demon kings were all surprised by this, because in their opinion, even if Yitian was a bit difficult to deal with, but with the strong strength of the fat demon king, victory was definitely within their grasp.It was precisely because of this that they let the fat demon king deal with Yitian alone.

But how did they expect that this boy Yitian could breathe fire, and the flame he spewed was still such pure Sanwei real fire!
Now, no one dared to underestimate Yitian anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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