
Chapter 1439 All-out battle, open your eyes in time!

Chapter 1439 All-out battle, open your eyes in time!
Seeing the fat demon king screaming again and again, the smile on Yitian's face became even wider.There is a saying that a lion fights a rabbit with all his strength.Yitian is not a rabbit, the fat demon king has stumbled this time.

But it has to be said that this seemingly naive fat demon king behaved extremely wisely at this time.Sanwei Zhenhuo is different from ordinary fire, as long as it is contaminated with a little, it can burn all over the body.If there is no way to extinguish the fire, if you want to save your life, there is only one way, and that is to cut off the Sanwei Zhenhuo wherever it burns.So after seeing the fat demon king screaming a few times, he suddenly retreated quickly, and then shouted loudly, a pair of arms that were burned by the three flavors of the real fire were broken by him abruptly.

Even though he was an ancient giant monster, the pain from the severed arms still made him miserable.But what made him more painful than the pain of the broken arm was that he was defeated by a young boy.

Although Yitian was proud at the moment, he did not forget himself.His Sanwei Zhenhuo is really powerful, but he doesn't just spit it out whenever he wants, or spit it out whenever he wants.With his current cultivation base, within an hour, at most, he could only spit out a mouthful of fire.So, after he spewed out this three-flavored real fire, within an hour, he couldn't spit out any more flames.

But it was such a fire that still calmed down the four demon kings present.Sirens, after all, come from the sea.But how many sea monsters are not afraid of fire?Even the four high-ranking demon kings, as long as they are sea monsters, have an innate fear of flames, let alone such a powerful Sanwei Zhenhuo?

Seeing these ancient giant monsters not dare to move rashly, Yi Tian deliberately puffed up his chest, and then warned: "I have already said, if you don't want to die, get the hell out of here immediately. See? This is the end of overreaching." Regardless of how many of you there are, I am not afraid at all. Whoever dares to step forward, I will kill him with a single blow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the demon king wearing a white belt suddenly laughed.

This demon king not only wears a white belt around his waist, but also has an extremely pale face. His hair is tied up high and fastened with jade hairpins and green ribbons. His hands are hidden in the wide sleeves. There was a strange smile on his pale face, and his blood-red tongue stuck out to lick his lips from time to time. It was unknown whether it was because of thirst or this strange habit.

The white-faced demon king giggled for a while, and finally said: "It is said that people should not be judged by appearances. Today this little brother really opened our eyes. He is so young, yet he can spit out such pure three-flavored real fire. It's really amazing!"

The guy with feelings is the man who was neither male nor female in the conversation between the four great demon kings.Looking at him like this, there is indeed a hint of femininity.

Yitian snorted coldly and said, "Don't flatter me, I've always been soft and tough. If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately. Otherwise, I'll kill you now!"

As he spoke, his eyes glared angrily, and the longbow in his hand was directly drawn to full length by him.

Seeing this, the white-faced demon king laughed even harder, and while laughing, his body trembled.

"Oh! This little brother has such a big temper. They say that enemies should be resolved rather than knotted, and we haven't done anything to you. Why are you so tense with us? Besides, we didn't come here this time for Against you. We just want to bring someone to our country of returning to the ruins as a guest, that's all. Why are you so nervous?"

Upon hearing this, Yitian responded loudly: "Nervous? Who is nervous? I think you should be the ones who should be nervous! You know how powerful my Sanwei Zhenhuo is. If it weren't for God's virtue of being good at life, I would have died a long time ago. Burn you all to death with the real fire of three flavors!"

It's fine if he didn't say that, but it made the big demon kings feel confident.

The white-faced demon king chuckled and said: "Little brother, of course we know that your three flavors are really hot. But you really can't bear to burn us to death? Could it be that your three flavors can't keep spraying?"

As soon as these words came out, Yitian's heart trembled.Of course, he couldn't spray his Sanwei Zhenhuo all the time. If he could, would he still wait until now?
Seeing that he didn't respond in time, these demon kings, who were smarter than monkeys, immediately looked at each other.They were already certain that the reason why the boy Yitian in front of him didn't breathe out fire again was because he couldn't breathe out fire again in a short time.As for why God has the virtue of being good at life, this is not shit at all for a person who is good at fighting and loves fighting.

The fat demon king who broke his arms was still very afraid of Yitian's Sanweizhenhuo, but now that Yitian can't breathe out the Sanweizhenhuo, how can he not avenge the burning?
The fat demon king without arms flew over, like a fat and injured penguin, not only shocking, but also extremely funny.

Yitian was not in the mood to see this damn fat man come to seek revenge, and immediately "swish" two arrows.It's a pity that, except for his three-flavored real fire, which is quite a threat to these four demon kings, his other magical powers can't hurt these demon kings at all.

Seeing that the fat demon king was getting closer and the other three demon kings were ready to wait for the opportunity, Yitian finally became a little nervous.And this tension is not because of himself, but because of Tong Yan and the others.He is not afraid of death, warlike people have long put life and death aside, but he is afraid that Tong Yan and the others will be in danger.Compared with his own life, he cared more about his friend's life.

"Get out of here immediately, get out of here! Don't force me to breathe fire again, be careful I'll burn you to death!"

The fat demon king walked forward and said viciously: "Come on, burn me to death! I want to see how much fire you can spit out. You made me lose both arms. This revenge, I must Report. I will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!"

Hearing this, Yitian responded equally viciously: "Fatty, you lost your arms just now, this time I want you to die! The rocket of the five-element arrow, let me die!"

What he shot this time was a rocket. Although it wasn't Sanwei Zhenhuo, the power of the rocket was not weak.

The fat demon king had already suffered a big loss. Seeing the rockets coming, he didn't dare to make a big deal, and immediately dodged to the side.

And Yitian has been completely provoked to fight, so he is not willing to let it go, another rocket is fired in the blink of an eye.

Although there is no friendship between the four demon kings, and sometimes they insult each other, they all came for the same goal after all.

Now that the fat demon king is entangled with Yitian, the only thing that can cause resistance to them is the big palm monster.If they split up another person to deal with the big palm monster, the remaining two are enough for them to complete the task of this trip.

But they still miscalculated one thing, that is, they ignored a more skilled person.And this person, just at this time, opened his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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