
Chapter 1440 Domineering, I will deal with it!

Chapter 1440 Domineering, I will deal with it!
Yi Tian wanted to fight four with one, but his Sanwei Zhenhuo could not be used in a short period of time, and without the Sanwei Zhenhuo, he could only deal with one demon king at most, as for the other demon kings, he was really useless.

Of course, in addition to Yi Tian, ​​there is also the big palm monster with the same strength.But even though the big palm monsters are strong, they can't block three of them with one.

No, the demon king wearing the yellow belt swooped in and directly fought the big palm monster, and depending on the situation, it would be a close duel.

The power of the big palm monster lies in its unpredictable surprise attack and sharp claws, but this yellow-belt demon king is actually the master with a strong body.Although he was attacked several times by the big palm monster, he was able to stay invincible with his strong physical body.

Yitian was going to deal with the fat demon king, and the big palm monster was entangled by the yellow belt demon king again, which made the remaining two demon kings face Nuwa's descendants Xue'er and Gao Qian directly.

Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa, lost Nuwa's power and was no different from ordinary people's weak girls. There is also Gao Qian, it is still difficult to deal with ordinary monsters, let alone this ancient monster with more than 5000 years in front of him?

But even if their strength is weak, Gao Qian and Xue'er at this time are extremely brave.

They stood in front of the unconscious Tong Yan, staring firmly at the two demon kings who were slowly approaching.They knew in their hearts that they couldn't possibly be the opponents of these two demon kings, but even so, they still didn't retreat the slightest bit.For Tong Yan's sake, even if they were to die, perhaps they would never hesitate at all.

"Get out! Get out! We are not afraid of you, if we dare to step forward, I will fight with you!"

Gao Qian shouted coquettishly, and the five-finger sword had already appeared on her fingertips.And even Yitian's five-element arrow can't compete with these demon kings, what role can her five-finger sword play?

The white-faced demon king stared at them, then said with a chuckle: "They are really two beauties, but heroes have been saving beauties since ancient times. Don't you want beauties to save heroes today? But it's just the two of you , who can be saved?"

Gao Qian heard this, and said coldly: "If you haven't tried it, how will you know? Anyway, if you dare to take another half step forward, I will fight with you!"

The white-faced demon king laughed loudly and said, "Still a strong girl, fight with us? Do you know what the purpose of our trip is? We are for her, not the comatose man behind you."

This she refers to Xueer, the descendant of Nuwa.Gao Qian looked at the white-faced demon king's finger pointing at Xue'er, her body trembled slightly, and after hesitating for a while, she finally chose to remain silent.For Tong Yan, of course she could give up her life.But for Xue'er, she has no such determination.The reason is very simple, because she has long regarded Xue'er as a rival in love. Isn't it a good thing for her to be taken away by these demon kings?

And after Xue'er heard that these demon kings were coming for her, a look of relief appeared on her face.

"For me? Are you all here for me?" Xue'er asked, and at the same time she had a decision in her heart.

The white-faced demon king nodded and smiled, "That's right, our Four Great Demon Kings are here for you."

Xue'er let out a sigh, and then smiled slightly: "I never thought that you would go through so much trouble for me, a useless weak woman. Don't you just want to take me away? Okay, I'll go with you. But You must promise me one condition!"

Before the white-faced demon king could speak, the red-haired demon king sneered directly: "Conditions? Do you think you are qualified to negotiate with us? Whether you agree or not, today, you must go with us."

There was a trace of disdain on Xue'er's face, and then she said fiercely: "I don't know if you want to take away a living person, or a statue? I have lost the power of Nuwa, but if I want to die, don't you? Can it be stopped again?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the two demon kings changed.The white-faced demon king took the lead and said with a smile on his face: "Don't! There is something to discuss, why be so extreme?" Since he said so, it seems that the demon king of the country of returning to the ruins has explained that he must deal with this matter. The descendants of Nuwa took them back safely.Otherwise, how could such an invincible demon king like them really be willing to compromise with others?
Xue'er snorted coldly and said, "Are you willing to discuss with me now?"

The white-faced demon king nodded and smiled: "That's natural. How can I do such a tricky thing? Come on, talk about your conditions. If it's not too much, we will agree to you."

Xue'er had already made a decision, and seeing the white-faced demon king compromise, she immediately said: "My condition is very simple, that is, you stop immediately and let my friend go. I will go with you myself!"

The white-faced demon king said with a satisfied smile: "Okay, okay, this condition is not too much. Brother Hong, what do you think?"

The title of Brother Hong was addressed to the red-haired demon king beside him, and the latter just nodded slightly upon hearing this.

Seeing this, the white-faced demon king immediately smiled at Xueer: "Okay, we agree to this condition. Now I will tell them to stop, how about you leave here with us immediately?"

Of course Xue'er didn't want to leave, she finally saw Tong Yan again, how could she be willing to part like this?But she knew better, if she didn't agree, these powerful demon kings might kill everyone.And then, she would never forgive herself.

She took a deep breath, then smiled bitterly: "You can tell them to stop, I'll go with you now!"

The white-faced demon king laughed, and turned around to speak to the two demon kings who were fighting fiercely.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded, and the situation changed dramatically at this moment.

"Wait! Who agrees with you to take her away? Is the hand of your sea monster clan stretched too far? If you want to take her away, let your demon emperor come in person, just relying on you little fish and shrimp, you can Do you dare to yell here? Where did you come from, immediately go back to where I am. Otherwise, leave the body behind!"

Although the cold voice was not loud, it reached the ears of everyone present.And as this voice sounded, some people showed smiles on their faces, while others showed great anger.

Gao Qian and Xueer were the first two people to follow the sound. When they saw that the owner of the sound was their most important person, all the haze before was swept away, replaced by warmth and peace of mind .

"Big brother, you're awake! Are you all right?"

That's right, it was Tong Yan who woke up, and he was also the one who said such domineering words.

When everyone needed him the most, he lived up to everyone's expectations and protected Gao Qian and Xue'er with his solid arms.

"Xue'er, don't worry, with big brother here, no one can hurt you anymore. Leave these two little fish and shrimp to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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