
Chapter 1446 Fighting in the body, strong appearance!

Chapter 1446 Fighting in the body, the top ten show up!
Facing life and death at the same time, it was obvious that the white-faced demon king was more sensible and quick-moving. Almost when he was enduring Tong Yan's lore, he had already realized that he was likely to die here.Although he still has a chance to turn defeat into victory, the price he can pay is unbearable.He didn't want to die with Tong Yan. To him, death was simply a terrible nightmare.Instead of this, what are you still doing here?Therefore, the moment Tong Yan cast the Jue De Jue, he abandoned his body that was about to burn, and used the demon pill to escape from here.

The difference is that the red-haired demon king also thought that his life might be in danger, and he also thought of escaping from this place.But he was unwilling to give up his physical body that had accompanied him for thousands of years like the white-faced demon king, and planned to drag his seriously injured body to retreat safely.

But the question is, how could Tong Yan give him such a chance?Jue Ming Dao Jue has been cast, it is still unknown whether his demon core can escape, let alone his physical body.

Then, he heard a roar of "嗤", and the giant red blade transformed by Taishan Blade mercilessly cut through the bodies of him and the white-faced demon king, directly cutting their huge bodies into two sections.

The white-faced demon king has already given up his body, and the demon core has escaped to a distance through escapism at this moment, so what is left of him is just an empty shell.But the red-haired demon king is different, his demon core is still in the body, the body was cut in half, and his demon core was forced out of his body only under helplessness.

And the moment his demon pill appeared, it was directly incinerated by the "long-awaited" flame, and melted at a speed visible to the naked eye until it turned into ashes.

Tong Yan knew that the white-faced demon king had already escaped, but the white-faced demon king who had lost his body no longer posed the slightest threat to him.As for the red-haired demon king, he couldn't die any more. Not only was his body cut in two, but his demon core was swallowed by flames, and he ended up dying.From this moment on, there will no longer be a red-haired demon king in the country of returning to the ruins.In this fight of one against two, he won the final victory.

He took a deep breath, and planned to go to support Yitian who was fighting hard.But what I didn't expect was that just as he took a step forward, his throat was sweet, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, he won this battle very easily. After all, the two demon kings only had to be beaten, and they had no power to fight back.But is this really the case?Perhaps no one knows better than him how much power of the stars and demon power he has spent in this battle.He had won the final victory, but this victory also cost him a lot.

After spitting out this mouthful of blood, his whole body was like a grass in a violent storm, shaking his body weakly, and he didn't know when he would fall down.Finally, although he tried his best to support it, he still fell to the ground.

He obviously won, but how could it turn out like this?

As the saying goes, there must be an effect if there is a cause, and everything does not change out of thin air, just like the "world" in Tong Yan's body at this moment.

Long before he crossed the catastrophe last time, the "hidden danger" had actually been planted.At that time, with the help of Kuafu's family members, his cultivation was improved smoothly, and he reached the realm of immortals in one fell swoop.

It seemed that he didn't have any discomfort at that time, and his whole body was refreshed and his strength increased greatly.And from then on, his body began to be in an extremely delicate situation.

Why do you say subtle?That is precisely from the three forces in his body.One must know that there is not only the power of immortals in his body, but also the power of stars, and even the power of heavenly demons.

The Kuafu family members helped him break through the bottleneck in one fell swoop and successfully promoted to the realm of immortality, but the three forces did not truly tolerate each other.

At that time, he also thought that the Kuafu tribe would help him transform all the power of the heavenly demon into immortal power or golden pills, but it turned out that the Kuafu tribe only helped him transform part of it.And as a result, among the three forces, there appeared a situation that seemed peaceful but actually was full of crises.

At that time, he also deliberately mobilized the three forces, lest the three forces would suddenly become irritable and fight each other.But because the power of the stars can live in peace with the power of the immortal, the only variable is the power of the demon.And the power of the demon in his body is just the weakest, and he always plays the role of the one who shrinks and retreats. If the power of the demon does not collide with the power of the fairy, there will be a superficial peace naturally and peacefully.

But it is precisely because of this that indirectly caused the rampant and domineering celestial power. Wherever the celestial power is running, the power of the heavenly demon will run away as quickly as a mouse seeing a cat.But as the immortal power in his body grew larger and the power of the demon became weaker, the balance slowly began to tilt.

But just now, in order to perform Jue Ming Dao Jue, he forgot to retain the power of the demon in his body, which made the power of the demon weaker and weaker, and the power of the demon exploded at this moment, trying to expel the last remaining power of the demon in one fell swoop.

In a sense, the power of the demon belongs to his original power, because the power of the star of the demon star has largely created the power of the demon.When the power of the heavenly demon encounters a catastrophe, not only the power of the heavenly demon itself will rise up to resist, even the power of the stars in his body will also participate in this war.

The power of the star source is also the power of the Omen Star. It not only contains the power of the stars, but also contains powerful magic power.The magic power was transformed into the power of the sky demon, so the power of the stars and the power of the sky demon became brothers born from the same mother.

Seeing that his brother was in trouble, the power of the stars would naturally not stand idly by, and in this way, the balance of the three forces was completely broken, and a fight between forces broke out in his body.

It is an extremely terrifying situation where the forces in the body fight each other.As the saying goes, there is no balance between good and evil.The power of celestial beings and the power of heavenly demons are even more incompatible, incompatible existences.

Throughout the ages, almost none of those who practiced magic and magic had a good end.But Tong Yan is such a person, and it seems that he can't change it at all.

He was reluctant to part with the power of Heavenly Demon, likewise the power of immortals, let alone the power of stars.The power of the heavenly demon and the power of the stars are both his original power.Only the existence of Xianli can keep him sane.

Among the three, he thought about giving up Xianli.But everything seems to be arranged in the dark, and his immortal power has become so powerful.

Now, the fight between the three forces has begun, and perhaps all he can do is bear it silently.

The original victory has changed dramatically in a short time.Although one of the two demon kings has died, the other escaped.But there are still two big demon kings of the Sea Monster Clan here.

And just at this moment, a group of ten people suddenly appeared in the forest and flew over slowly.

"We are among the top ten sea clansmen, ordered by His Majesty the Demon Emperor, to come here to respectfully invite the descendants of Nuwa. Please do me a favor!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan felt his heart tremble, and then, couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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