
Chapter 1447 Amid Adversity, Pain Decides!

Chapter 1447 Amid Adversity, Pain Decides!
This is really a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman benefits.Tong Yan fought with the two demon kings and lost both sides. Before he could catch his breath, the top ten sea clan came here just at this time.If there was no previous battle, what would a one against ten mean to him?Although the top ten of the Sea Clan has a good reputation, compared with these demon kings, there is still a big gap. He is confident that he can easily defeat them.

But it can't work now, a frantic fight is going on in his body.Not to mention dealing with the top ten sea clan, even getting up from the ground is extremely difficult for him.

In just a short while, Gao Qian and Nuwa's descendant Xue'er, who had already retreated to the distance, came running over.

As soon as they saw Tong Yan who was lying on the ground, their faces paled, and then they rushed forward without hesitation.

"Tong Yan, what's wrong with you? Are you injured? Are you seriously injured? Tong Yan, don't scare me, you must be fine! Woooo..."

Before Gao Qian finished speaking, she couldn't help crying.It can be seen that she is really worried about Tong Yan, and she also feels sorry for Tong Yan from the bottom of her heart.

In comparison, Xue'er was a little calm at the moment, but tears were already rolling in her eyes.Of course, she also wanted to take good care of Tong Yan, and wished that Tong Yan's pain could be transferred to her, but she knew in her heart that it was all her fault that Tong Yan hurt so badly.If she could go with the demon king of the country of returning to the ruins earlier, Tong Yan might not have to take such a big risk to fight to the death with the two demon kings, and she would not have suffered such serious injuries.In her opinion, all of this is her fault, and she is the one who dragged Tong Yan down.She is so self-blaming, but also so painful.She felt sorry for Tong Yan, and felt even more ashamed of Tong Yan.But what could she do?Gao Qian had already flung herself on Tong Yan's body, she could only stand there blankly, watching foolishly, silently sad.

The duel between Yitian and the Fatty Demon King has reached a fever pitch. At this time, anyone who wants to stop can't stop. It can't be stopped without fighting to the death.

The big palm monster and the yellow-belt demon king were also fighting inextricably. The yellow-belt demon king had already revealed its real body. It was a huge double-headed shark demon, wrapped in yellow scales all over its body, and it was obvious that it had already exhausted itself. full strength.

And this means that neither Yitian nor the big palm monster can come back to help Tong Yan, and there is only one Li Jun left who may still have the strength to fight.

Seeing the top ten of the Hai clan coming together, Li Jun gritted his teeth and rushed over.The red-haired demon king and the white-faced demon king fled once and for all, and the suppression of demon power on him has been relieved a lot, but it will take a little time to recover.But he knew that he had to stand up at this time, because Tong Yan might not have the power to fight anymore.

The top ten of the Hai Clan floated slowly, getting closer and closer to Tong Yan and the others.

Li Jun stepped forward and stood in front of Tong Yan and the others, staring coldly at the ten strong men of the Siren Clan.

The eyes of the top ten sea clansmen have locked on Xueer, Xueer is the purpose of their trip, as long as they take Xueer away, they can successfully complete the task.

But they didn't act rashly, because the corpses of the two great demon kings were right in front of them, how could they act recklessly if they were even incapable of defeating the powerful demon kings?
Finally, the Great Elder of the top ten Sea Clan spoke.This Great Elder was the one who was defeated by Xuan Mo and fled back to the Country of Ruins, and was also the previous owner of Tong Yan's Blue Soul Sword.

In just a few years, this guy's strength has obviously improved a bit.However, his appearance didn't change much. He was still wearing a red robe, his skin was still a little pale, and he was still so thin. His protruding cheekbones and sunken eye sockets looked like a terminally ill patient who would soon die.

Different from the arrogant one before, this time he obviously lowered his identity.

"Skywalker, I haven't seen you for many years. I didn't expect you to be so strong that even the two great demon kings of our Kingdom of Return to the Ruins have been defeated by you. Awesome, really amazing! But if I guessed correctly , now you should be powerless to fight anymore, right? Why don’t you sell me a favor and let us take away the descendants of Nuwa?”

Hearing this, Tong Yan struggled to get up.Before he got up and opened his mouth, Li Jun said first: "If you want to take away the descendants of Nuwa, pass me first! As long as I am alive, I will never let you succeed!"

Hearing this, the Great Elder of the Sea Monster Clan laughed lightly and said, "My fellow Taoist, although you are a bit of a Taoist, but you want to fight ten against one, do you know what the consequences will be? The reason why we didn't do anything is because I don’t want to kill. But if you want to fight, we will naturally not refuse. But you and I have achieved today’s achievements through hard work. Wouldn’t it be a pity to give up in vain? So I advise Your Excellency, It’s better to hand over the descendants of Nuwa, and the mantis’ arm to block the car is just asking for a dead end.”

Li Jun snorted coldly and said: "It's just a fool's dream! The Nuwa clan has recreated me, and my life was given by the Nuwa clan. I have no complaints or regrets to die for the descendants of Nuwa! But you Don't worry, even if I die, I will definitely drag one or two backs. But I don't know, which one of you will die with me!"

Li Jun's response was very tough, and he was ready to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

With Gao Qian's support, Tong Yan finally sat up, his body was still turbulent, but his eyes were extremely cold, as if he could shoot a knife.

He couldn't speak because whenever he did, he would spurt blood again.All he could do was stare coldly, using his eyes to intimidate the top ten sea clansmen in front of him.

The eyes of the Great Elder of the Sea Monster Clan collided with Tong Yan's eyes, he immediately admitted his cowardice, turned to Li Jun quickly, and then persuaded again: "Why do you say you are doing this? Do you have to fight to the death before you give up? We One demon king has already died, and one was seriously injured. The price we paid is not small. But what about you? Skywalker was also seriously injured, and the price is not small, right? In my opinion, you still Hand over the descendants of Nuwa to us. His Majesty the Demon Emperor said that the descendants of Nuwa must be treated kindly. Of course we dare not disobey, so we want to invite the descendants of Nuwa to our country of returning to the ruins. When we get there, she is not only My honored guests, maybe with the help of His Majesty the Demon Emperor, you can restore the power of Nuwa in one fell swoop? Why do you not agree to such a warm invitation? What do you think, the descendants of Nuwa? Have you lost your life? The Nuwa family protects the world, you will not be willing to let them die for you, will you?"

The words of the Great Elder of the Sea-Monster Clan seemed to be well-meaning, but they went straight to the heart of Xueer, a descendant of Nuwa.She couldn't help trembling all over, and the idea that had been born long ago finally became firm at this moment.

She made a decision, a decision that made Tong Yan extremely painful!
(End of this chapter)

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