
Chapter 1448 Unable to protect, fell into a deep sleep!

Chapter 1448 Unable to protect, fell into a deep sleep!
She turned to look at Tong Yan, and then showed a sweet smile. "Big brother, Xueer really misses you. But Xueer doesn't want you to be in danger for me. You have done enough for Xueer. Xueer will never be able to repay you in this life. Xueer doesn't want to be in danger for me. I'm dragging you down, and I don't want you to waste your energy for me. I have already decided that I will go with them. Only in this way is the best result. Big brother, I am leaving, don't come to me. If Xueer is lucky When I come back, I will definitely find you. Goodbye, big brother. You must live well, live well, and love someone well. Although... although I know that the person you love is not me, but I... but I I fell in love with you quietly a long time ago. Goodbye, big brother, you must live a good life."

Speaking of this, tears could not stop flowing from the corners of Xue'er's eyes.

She turned around suddenly, raised her legs and walked directly towards the top ten sea clan.

Tong Yan really didn't expect that Xue'er would have such thoughts for him, let alone that Xue'er would make such a decision.He really wanted to stop Xue'er, he really wanted to kill this hateful top ten sea clan.But... But he just said "no", and couldn't help but spit out blood again.

His consciousness became more and more fuzzy, and he wanted to tell Xue'er that even if he died, he still wanted to protect her well, take care of her and protect her like a younger sister or a daughter.

But unfortunately, he finally couldn't bear the upheaval in his body, and completely passed out.

"Xue'er, why are you so stupid? The sea monsters are ambitious, you went to the country of returning to the ruins with them, do you know what the result will be? They want to use you, they want to use you as a tool to help them rule the Three Realms , you go, where is the return date? Silly girl, do you know how much my heart hurts?"

This is what Tong Yan wanted to tell Xue'er, but he couldn't say it until Xue'er was taken away by the top ten sea clan.

In a blink of an eye, it was already half a year later.

Tong Yan was in a coma for half a year, and finally opened his eyes on this day.

"Tong Yan, are you awake? Tong Yan, you finally woke up! Why did you sleep for so long, do you know how worried I am about you? God bless you, you finally woke up. How do you feel now? Are you going to sleep?" Don't drink water? You..."

Listening to Gao Qian's concerned words beside him, Tong Yan knew that he had finally come back to life.

But he was still thinking about Xue'er, and his mind was still full of Xue'er's teary eyes when he left.

"Xue'er...where is she?"

Hearing Tong Yan's first sentence was to ask Xue'er, Gao Qian felt somewhat lost, but she still answered Tong Yan's questions.

"Xue'er left with members of the Siren Clan half a year ago, and she should have gone to the Country of Return."

"The Kingdom of Return? Did she really go? You...why didn't you stop her?"

Gao Qian sighed softly: "She has made up her mind to go, and you fell into a coma at that time. Even if we stop it, what can we change? Even if we are all dead, I'm afraid we can't stop the Sea Monster Clan from leading the way." Let her go!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help but fell silent.What Gao Qian said was actually quite right. Under such circumstances, even if they fought to the death with the top ten of the Sea Clan, they would not be able to change the outcome at all, at most they would lose a few lives.

But even so, Tong Yan's heart was full of guilt and self-blame.If he could be more cautious when confronting the two big monster kings, maybe the balance of the three forces in his body would not be broken, and he would be able to defeat the top ten sea clan with absolute strength and protect Xue'er.But unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world, and there are no assumptions.

All he can do is to get better quickly, and then find a way to go to the country of returning to the ruins to rescue Xue'er in the country of returning to the ruins.

But I don't know why, how could he be so weak at this time?He didn't even have the strength to sit up, could it be... Could it be that there was something wrong with his meridians?

Thinking of this, he immediately tried to look inside the body, but he suddenly discovered that he couldn't even look inside the meridians in the body.

What is going on here?What happened to him?
"Gao Qian, I...why do I have no strength at all?"

Seeing Tong Yan's serious face, Gao Qian hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, your cultivation is only temporarily blocked. The braggadocio brother said that you were killed because of the three forces in your body. Seriously injured. In order to allow you to cultivate properly, he sealed your cultivation base, and after you recover from your injuries, he will undo the restriction on you."

Hearing Gao Qian's words, Tong Yan felt relieved.At this time, he couldn't bear the blow of losing his cultivation base. Fortunately, his cultivation base was only sealed. When the Kuafu tribe came to unblock him, his cultivation base could be restored instantly.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked again: "Where is this place? You said that Xue'er was taken away by the sea monsters half a year ago. Could it be that I have been in a coma for half a year?"

Gao Qian nodded and replied: "That's right, you have been in a coma for half a year. In order to let you recover from your injuries, we sent you back to the old house of the Wu family. This is your home, and it is the most suitable place for you to recover from your injuries." .”

Hearing this, Tong Yan let out a soft sound, and wanted to ask more, but he suddenly felt sleepy, so he just fell asleep like this.

Half a year of coma caused great damage to his spirit. Although his body was fine, the mental damage was even more serious.

It took him nearly a week before he returned to the level of a normal person.And after a week of exercise, he can also walk normally.

The Wu family's old house is still the same, except for the sparse population, it seems that nothing has changed.

During these seven days, Tong Yan met many acquaintances of the Wu family, several elders, and several brothers from the patrol team.Tong Yan chatted with them a lot, but most of them were for the sake of the Wu family's succession.

As for Li Jun and Yitian, he didn't even see the Kuafu tribe, Qiangliang, Heimeiren and others.

According to Gao Qian, they are going to do something important, and they should be back in a few days.But as for what this important matter is, Gao Qian has no idea.

Too anxious to eat hot tofu, Tong Yan was not in a hurry to restore his cultivation, but often practiced boxing and kicking alone.This is not to make myself better at fighting, but to let my body, which has been sleeping for half a year, get into a normal rhythm as soon as possible.

In this way, another half a month passed in a blink of an eye.Tong Yan became a little impatient. After waiting for so long, the Kuafu clansmen haven't come back yet.

He can wait, but Xueer's life and death in the country of returning to the ruins is uncertain, how can he not worry?In case something happened to Xueer, how could he forgive himself?
But he couldn't help it, his cultivation base was blocked by the Kuafu clan, he couldn't go anywhere, so he could only continue to wait.

Finally, one month after he woke up, Yitian came back first.

But what people didn't expect was that Yitian came back with scars.

How could this be?In the end what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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