
Chapter 1449 Breaking the calm, is the dream chapter true or false?

Chapter 1449 Breaking the calm, is the dream talk true or false?
On this day, Tong Yan got up early as usual, and after a simple wash, he practiced boxing and kicking alone in the yard.After a while, Gao Qian walked into the courtyard with breakfast.

She looked at Tong Yan, who was covered in sweat, and said with a smile, "Why do you get up so early every day? You should rest more, and even if you want to exercise your body, you should have breakfast before moving. Come, eat!"

Hearing this, Tong Yan stopped his hands immediately, then walked towards Gao Qian, and said with a smile: "I have been sleeping for half a year, and my body will rust if I continue to sleep. Wow, it smells so good! You made it today What's delicious?"

Gao Qian handed the big bowl to Tong Yan with a full smile, and then said with a chuckle, "This is the hand-rolled noodle I just learned, and I don't know if it's good or not, but if it's delicious, you can eat more. If it doesn't taste good, you can eat it all, after all you can't waste it, right?" At this point, she stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Tong Yan reached out to take the big bowl in Gao Qian's hand, looked down, sniffed it with his nose, and then said with a smile: "Yeah! It still smells good, but can you tell me why you put it away?" Are there so many peppers? It’s okay to put peppers, but shouldn’t you cut them up?”

Upon hearing this, Gao Qian asked naively: "What? Do you still need to cut the chili? Auntie said that men like spicy food. The more chili you put in, the more you will eat, so I specially gave it to you. A lot of peppers were added. Does this pepper have to be cut to taste?"

Hearing this, Tong Yan couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him laughing so hard, Gao Qian straightened her face and said, "If you dare to make fun of me, then I won't make delicious food for you again. Hmph!"

As soon as Tong Yan heard it, she wanted to comfort Gao Qian.But at this moment, the elder of the Wu family hurried into the courtyard.

"Patriarch, something is wrong. Patriarch..."

Hearing this, Tong Yan hurriedly asked, "Grand Elder, what happened? Don't worry, speak slowly!"

The great elder swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then continued breathlessly: "The... that little brother who sent you back came back, but he... was seriously injured. Patriarch, hurry up... Come and take a look with me!"

Although Tong Yan wasn't sure who the elder brother was talking about, he guessed it should be one of them from the Kuafu tribe.

"Great Elder, where is he? Let's go there quickly!"

The Great Elder took a deep breath, turned around and walked out of the courtyard with Tong Yan.

Tong Yan took two steps, only then did he realize that he was still holding a bowl of hot noodles in his hand.He turned around and handed the big bowl of noodles to Gao Qian, and then said: "You take the noodles first, I'll eat later, I'll go with the elder to check the situation first."

Hearing this, Gao Qian hurriedly reached out to take back the big bowl of noodles, and then nodded slightly, but there was a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

Seeing Tong Yan and the Great Elder walking out of the yard quickly, she said a little lonely: "Are the peaceful days coming to an end? Tong Yan, do you know how much I want to take care of you like this for the rest of my life? Washing and cooking for you , to comb your hair and wipe your sweat. As long as I can be with you, I am willing to do anything. But you understand my intentions?"

Of course, Tong Yan did not hear her affectionate confession.

What Tong Yan is most concerned about at the moment is who is the one who returned from the injury, if it is one of the Kuafu tribe, maybe he can know what they have been doing during this time.

Following behind the Great Elder, the two of them ran for a full 5 minutes before entering the only pharmacy in the Wu family's old house.

In the pharmacy at the moment, the doctor was feeling the pulse of the patient lying on the hospital bed. When he heard the footsteps of Tong Yan and the elder, he stood up quickly, and then bowed respectfully: "I have met the patriarch! I have seen the elder." Elder!"

Tong Yan didn't respond, but looked eagerly at the "patient" on the hospital bed.Looking at it like this, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.It never occurred to him that this seriously injured "patient"... would be Yitian!
How strong Yitian is, he knows better than anyone else.But it was such a brave and skilled man who was covered in wounds and dying at this moment.

Tong Yan was stunned for a moment, and his mind was filled with all kinds of questions.Who was the person who injured Yitian?What are Yitian and the Kuafu clan going to do?Why has it been so long, and none of the Kuafu family members have come back?What is the reason for Yitian's sudden return?
These questions one after another disturbed his thoughts, but the most urgent thing is to rescue Yitian as soon as possible, otherwise, Yitian's life might be in danger.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked the doctor in the pharmacy: "Doctor, how is his injury? Is it life-threatening?"

Hearing this, the doctor quickly replied: "Don't worry, chief, most of his injuries are external injuries. You can see that he is covered in blood and scars. In fact, he can wake up after just sleeping. As for these external injuries, we I'll take care of it for him later, so you don't have to worry about it at all."

Hearing what the doctor said, Tong Yan breathed a sigh of relief.He approached Yitian, put his hand on Yitian's wrist, and felt Yitian's pulse quietly for a while, so he could feel completely at ease.Yitian's pulse was steady and very regular. If it was a seriously injured person who was about to die, his pulse would have been out of order.

It seems that the elder always saw Yitian's injuries, so he thought that Yitian was seriously injured, which invisibly caused Tong Yan a lot of worry.

Now that Yitian was only traumatized, he could only wait quietly.Wait for him to open his eyes, and then ask him again to clarify everything.

"Doctor, it's so hard for you. This is my brother, so don't worry about it."

When the doctor heard this, he immediately patted his chest and promised: "Patriarch, don't dare to say anything else, as long as this person enters my pharmacy, I will definitely cure him. Within half a day, I will tell him to open his eyes."

Hearing this, Tong Yan nodded with a smile, turned around and planned to leave first.

But just as he raised his leg, Yitian's voice suddenly rang out.

"Brother Tong Yan, why did you do this? Why did you murder us? We are all your friends!"

Upon hearing this, Tong Yan suddenly turned around.He thought Yitian had woken up, but in fact, Yitian still closed his eyes tightly at this moment, and all these words just now were his dreams.

It is not surprising that people can talk in their sleep.But Yitian's dream talk actually mentioned the words "Brother Tong Yan", which made Tong Yan have to pay attention to it.

For more than half a year, he has been in this old Wu family's house, and he has never left for half a step, so how could he murder his friend?Even if Yitian talks in his sleep, it's impossible to talk nonsense, right?

Could it be... Could this matter be related to his avatar?

(End of this chapter)

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